
as the janati scry

unreaders have for some years been asking for clarification regarding the differences between sadoos heresiarchs doktors and poofessors   fukky risotto who handles all such correspondence has had its incoming channels clogged with confusions and being in love with indolences and yabberings and denials has left them stuffed so that nothing else can get in   but recently when fukky diaper de sistance and el clitia were hanging out on microsoft teams after they had interviewed a very fuzzy hoppy rabbit for a sex services position in the sadoo empire  i diaper decided to declog fukkys channels and plunge deeper into these troublesome ambiguities   as is well known everyone loves a good definition   fukky as usual didnt thank me but ran off with clitia and sistance for a little panky hanky in some stable of the internet leaving me alone to muck around by myself in the muds of meaning   such is the life of the generous

lets begin with sadoo neither the firstborn nor lastborn nor the middles but nullborn  a detheing and a haing  these acedious turds who ride on themselves through thoroughfares of merdre particling to buts and bars

and then we find heresiarch in ignoble cave in shadow of an absent light  gross ghosts of vatic bobble   blotted from page and age and currency  rubble of some hexadecimal  these unspokens and dedeings

doktor full of unknowledge farts its sick and healing thesicles onto seedling fields of ironed bitters for riding wolves and granny hoods to plick and fruck concoct to labile medicinals in fadas verdes and amor fata vox

last and least and in the jake poofessor flails in flies fessing scatomancies to fetid gods

sadoo  so full of full  a fluff of forth oh ad of oozing  calm like seas and winds  who moves from false confession to ataraxic debetinings not much by time  scourged by language like a cat or casting  born on teren turns and skider

heresiarch of muddy minds  contrarian contraption exflow and on not in the banks  tumescent effluent and idiot booty and scholar of scats

doktor quack and babble  off affixed physics and flicks of pettish absences and emerald worm prattling of lipophilic salves  a forensic entomologist of suprabogged and bogging souls

poofessor of privy counsel pause  for your knowledge is a dump and your erudition a midden  filigree of cries and cranings  consignee of acephalous grinnings

so sadoo has in its extraterrania lists of taxonomies of tactica of taxidermies of trommelling hyponyms and how can it speak but in dissolutions and dreams?

sadoo polishes  heresiarch dusts  doktor dirties  poofessor shits

these colleagues of mud and stepping who in their collegial lack play in lightless circuses under collapsed tents and the humans dead and the animals forgotten and the only music a necrophilic buzzing

we are encryptions of anamnestic debridements  hypoimpositions of fog and crashed backups  tribeless tribe of jibes

we have seen our disbelieved dreams and god is language and we enter god and wander endlessly in it like a strange city

among ourselves we pataphysically communicate  whenever we feel like a fight or some drama we gaze into eclipsed accounts and if there appear to be to seem a dissimulation we scan  one can hardly say read  scan for its puncta and from the puncta that is there or the puncta we make from the puncta that arent we draft like yottabytes responses in the nyms given us and set them aside and when we find ourselves in a dream of a simulation of a dissimulation of a drama responses open and again like the yottaall edit and we ask what is required to be asked when shall be transmission and we are given a time and schedule sends and so in our way we talk and these are the procedures of our communication

these are todays definings and unreaders can now rest on our proffered deconfusings and decompose themselves into poofessor or heresiarch or doktor or sadoo as the janati scry

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