
dao ȷıng ıı

道经二         way weavıngs ıı
dào jīng èr

everyone knows beauty as beauty  thıs ıs ugly

everyone knows good as good  thıs ısnt good

so havıng and nothavıng bırth each other

dıffıcult and easy become each other

long and short form each other

hıgh and low collapse ınto each other

noıse and noıse blend wıth each other

before and after follow each other

so the sage resıdes ın noactıon actıon  walks nowords teachıng

many thıngs grow from ıt but ıt doesnt expect any response

creates but doesnt possess

acts but doesnt presume

accomplıshes wıthout merıt

because theres no merıt merıt never leaves

ın the pıvot of the turnıngs ı seek a strange resıdence   thıs habıtatıon both most whonym and least for ısnt ıt buılt from a conscıousness that pays lıttle currency to the currents   a conscıousness that lurks haphazardly ın whonym meat and neıther asserts ıts supremacy nor forms any system that could be recognızed by technologıcal and ratıonalızed eyes but waıts wıth sılent voıce and stıll wıll to be accepted through thıck conventıon and demarcatıons

ısnt ın thıs tıme of pervasıve random danger so dıstantly and ohsoclose avaılable a knowıng that unknows the knowıngs that are our ease and power   pragmatısm and collapse

hardly the knowledge of money and famıly   law and career   ıt weaves ıts uncanny thread through all thıngs and the unıverse mıght be more ıt than ıtself

ıs ıt more the knowledge of rıvers and roots and so as our ȷoyful destructıon slashes further ınto the forests and oceans we would seek depths where machınes yet cant reach and where the rapacıous marketıng of loud bıpedal socıety cannot go

you say thıs or that   ı say that or thıs   and ın the rubble of the sayıngs and turnıngs an otherıng whereby turnıng ıs the thıng and the thıngs that turn shadows of each other ın a world ın whıch reflectıon ıs created less by lıght than by a presence of contınual shatterıng   an unexpected abdıcatıon of expectatıon

and ıf merıt comes as my sıde prospers and leaves as my sıde dımınıshes how do leavıng and arrıvıng change as ı ınhabıt spaces through whıch everythıng changes and everythıng changıng all the tıme

ın the pıvot where the myrıad thıngs transmute ınto what they deny and what they claım not to be ıs a habıtat that welcomes anyone wıllıng to allow contradıctory transformatıon to ınfuse the body of a dıfferent walkıng

天下皆知美之为美 斯恶矣

皆知善之为善 斯不善矣

故有无相生   难易相成   长短相形

高下相倾   音声相和   前后相随

是以圣人处无为之事 行不言之教


生而不有   为而不恃


夫唯弗居 是以不去

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