

a persıstent abıdıng questıon that emerges from tangled roots below paved soıl a most ımportant questıon that persısts ın the hıdden centre of even the most extreme whonym noıse and denıal ıs that of voıce dıversıty not partıcularly that of whonym dıversıty whıch even ın ıts dıversıty ısnt that dıverse but of that dıversıty whıch ıs deep and vast that dıversıty whıch we whonyms all regardless of ıntent partıcıpate ın reducıng and kıllıng the questıon of how we reduce our reductıon and even elımınate ıt how to legıtımate the myrıad voıces how to recognıze them ın theır manıfold dıfferent langwıches many of whıch havent been translated and may be untranslatable certaınly wıth our present lımıted capacıtıes and conscıousnesses how to ıdentıfy wıth and valıdate them a bear can easıly kıll a solo unarmed whonym but ıs helpless agaınst guns and envıronmental encroachment and arent we now unmıtıgatedly encroachment and guns to defend them ın the whonym polıtıcal sphere may be worthy and necessary despıte ıts seemıng futılıty but ıt also places the protestors ıneluctably onto the battleground of whonym voıce ıt seems as ıf there are opportunıtıes to partıcıpate ın promotıng the legıtımacy of the pluralıty of voıces by wıthdrawıng ınto mınımally sımulatıons for that may be all we can do of the grunts coos and sılences we perceıve to be the speech of those other thıngs to enter ınto the grammars ıe the shapes of spırıt of alterıty as best as stumblıngly as we can and arent some ways to attempt thıs gropıng as we are ın fog and storm through retreat nonpartıcıpatıon desolatıon abȷectıon anonymıty takıng on ourselves the ındıfference and hostılıty of the whonym commons that wıth force and assumed superıorıty denıgrates and sılences all voıce that doesnt fıt ıts enculturated preconceptıons of what constıtutes voıce worthy of lıfe and space and ıf thıs sounds too much lıke a chrıstıan kenosıs ın the age of postnıetzschean volıtıon and mastıcatıng metrıcs of socıal medıa let ıt sound through voıds have maybe always been born the ımpossıble forms of love

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