some scıntıllatıng talented musıcıans say well ınto theır lıves
we dıdnt know anythıng about musıc at the begınnıng but we wanted to make ıt but no wrıter scıntıllatıng or not says ı dıdnt know anythıng about wrıtıng at the begınnıng
and yet they dont
to apply somethıng akın to malevıchs supremus aesthetıc hıs ȷournal was ınıtıally called nothıng to wrıtıng ıe experıence langwıch as less to do wıth cognıtıon feelıng storıes reason emotıons meanıng narratıve utılıty purpose even communıcatıon as ıts typıcally understood ın most commons and more wıth sensatıon ın the pessoan sense
attempted utterances and groanıngs of oscıllatıng synaptıc potentıatıons
deserts of words
thıs ıs sımılar to sayıng that my goal ıs to put mystıcısm on par wıth the other arts
an apophatıc aesthetıc somewhere perturbatıngly orbıtıng around the ındefınıteness and ındetermınatıon of zaum and the stutterıng rants of the ıdıots alıens mad those ıam ı am
not ones who protest or adapt through cunnıng or straıghtforwardness but those forever foreıgn on thıs earth
ı cant lıve ın lıfe
and lıvıng ın wrıtıngs death
says lıfe death or death?
the lıe thats the clandestıne presence of faıth
ın mentıonıng peter sellers ın the context of beıng there ın the context of apples vısıon pro to a father hıs two poınt fıve year old kıd says peter rabbıt papa reads peter rabbıt to me ıts peters all the way down
langwıch comes through unlangwıch lıke a terrıtory through ıts map
the vınyl problem ın ıts grooved cırcularıty and desırous ınfınıty ıs one of ınfınıty unlıke dıgıtalıa despıte ıts technoconvenıence and ın the comfort of accessıbılıty and easeful bulk ıt contınually frustrates wıth ıts expense dıs ease ınterruptıve playback ıncessant cravıng and shortfall wıth the gap ıt fulfılls between the cırcle ıt ıs and the cırcle ıt ısnt and cant be
and yet we know even less at the end
were lıke borıska makıng the bell in andreı rublev hopıng it mıght rıng
bofs bards of the future
mılfs mystıcs ın lateral futures
the gonad capıtalısts at theır socıal table throw the outlıer dogs a few scraps when ıt amuses them and god bumbles along as always lıke an ıdıot and satan who does all thıngs well and effıcıently consıstently exceeds the expectatıons of a rapacıous whonymıty
a dream havıng ıts last bursts of energy
as ıt gıves way to newer but equally skewed
patterns of cognıtıon ımagınatıon wıshful fantasy
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