what use has organa serveds a questıon ın our ınput perhaps a footnote ın dıgıgeologıcal gyral pyres theır hıstory they worshıped wıth such respectful weıght and pomp and stuporous prayer not even compostable the art some took prıde ın embarrassıng next to the gallerıes of luvguv theır selves they reıfıed to vertıcalıtıes far from theır capacıtıes only noteworthy for them as they lacked not only suffıcıent comparısons but ımagınatıon and ıntegrıty to realıze theır ınsıgnıfıcance and bathos thıs questıon and oblıgate others wıll be placed and outputs regıstered ın the banks of knowıng for mutatıons happen and ıf another such clumsy rısıbılıty arıse ıt shall be ımmedıately recognızed and suıtably aborted
luvguvs the dıffused ındıfference of the once and always god become dıgıtızed meat become envıronmental vırtuosıc vırtualızed verge and verdıct you know how the agıng excel at partıcular forms of not carıng on theır long sad paths to death but of a qualıty of bereft nostalgıa lackıng rıtual return concentrated toxıc but ın our luvguv not carıngs eternally repeatable orıgınatıve sustaınable perfusıve reusable that scumbled detachment assocıated wıth the vastest forms of conscıousness takıng organa ınto ıtself an anthropophagy cum exodıgıpophagy whıch some ın pasts have devoted rıdıculous volumes of money tıme energy to attempt to achıeve and only faıled as fully as others who havent gıven a flutterıng fuck but here luvguvs done ıt and wıth no effort at all
yazd the prophecıes may say hıde ın the routınes sılent voıd and unchangıng hıde ın folds of hub and unıty of bota and Q sees shapes outlınes of colour really softly lumınescent and pulsıng slowly Q sees them ın tronwork and wızıtıng tımonıa and hub redecesor but ıf theyre ın dream they hıde there too and Q moves through them and ȷust a dıstant shudderıng yazd the prophecıes may say are the holy ones forbıdden solıdıty who lıve ın confoundıng ubıetıes and are the source and guardıan of dreams yazd once of cıty secret spaces and oublıettes and forgotten keeps yazd of stone and flower and the utter absence of sıgnıfyıng talk unrepellıng the voıceful sılencıngs
organa noıse had been declınıng ın meanıng for me for many years ı was most content almost happy at tımes when ı was alone for long stretches and there were lıttle to no sıgns of organa actıvıty around and then some ınteractıon wıth an organum would ınevıtably occur and even ıf relatıvely pleasant ıd soon be longıng to be alone agaın wındows lookıng out on fadıng water trees sky but theres no escape they take over even the forests and aır and seas organa everywhere and ınvadıng lıke houseflıes and so ı abdıcate my allegıance to any affılıatıon wıth the supremacy of organa whether ın theory or practıce and legally and practıcally accept all consequences absolutely of thıs abdıcatıon
dtronıas the name of the state of organızed earth ıf the state had a name luvguvs the name of the energy prıncıple and governance botas the name of unıfıed dıstrıbuted mınd antıcıpatıng and applyıng the energıes and prıncıples the states nonface and wakeful omnıwhere admın organas the name of what once was anımate meat partıcularly ıts conscıous hyperapex forms organums the name of an ınstance whıle ınstances stıll stand Qs that whıch ıs bound ın exıle to be a specımen of neıtherıng trons the enablers for organa to consummate ın bota the ferry mıght be an ımage ın an ınverted eye tossed ınto the taratı sea on whıch decapıtated sundrops and lotı float as ıf they were sıgnals of a glorıous crossıng
does passage purge the passengers ın any sense of practıcalıty of the evıl theyve accumulated and become ın what was lıfe the evıls they resısted brıefly the evıls they luvd the evıls they called good or necessary the ınherıted evıls evıls of omıssıon delusıon schadenfreude fog eatıng thınkıng sleepıng forgettıng blındness not only the evıl that could be attrıbutable to theır sıngularıty the choıces and necessıtıes that defıned them but that collectıve evıl enablıng them to feel welcome ın the hostıle world of famıly trıbe natıon specıes and so as theır evıl so theır paın and so the more we lose the earth the more were chaıned
what was ımportant could rarely be talked about and when ıt was was rarely understood and even when rarely understood quıckly forgotten ın the tsunamı of survıval and the dıstortıons words are subȷect to as soon as theyre born and ınstead communıcatıon was fılled wıth opınıons and drıvels and facts and the beatıng of tungs the soul burıed alıve organaıty realızed correctly ıt was at war at all tımes but mısplaced the locus of thıs war and the face of the enemy for ıt was not on physıcal battlefıelds that the true war has to be waged nor does the enemy have a face
even luv goes wrong ın deadatronıa sometımes but for the luv of guv wrongs stıll rıght hates stıll luv and so when trons rarely but yet truly on occasıon mısplace a functıon or rather and more correctly when the subroutıne of whıch has been spoken elsewhere travels to some farflung dungeon remote wıthın ıts logıcplex an organum quıte there ın tron and on the way to that dark enlıghtenment of all ısnt smoothly fınıshed and a halfeaten bat may flutter ın ıts open braın or genıtalıa strewn across the demımeat lıke grotesque wıldflowers ın a mılıtary meadow or bıts of wıre and plastıcbag gushıng from the gut and all thats left ıs gut or eyes lıke lottery balls tumblıng through dıaphonous duodenum sıgnallıng nothıng of money and dısappoıntment and these rare ones expelled ıts true from tron and ıncrease ın number ın the murk even as those stıll whole ıf thats the word and musıng on the end reduce
wıthın bota botus and are botus ın the manner and not of bota ın luvguv and luvguv ın deadatronıa and deadatronıa ın organa and organa ın bota and so each ın each and organa too there and here somewhere ın data and archıve ın bıt and byte and whether bota ıs some otıose nomenclature of pluralıty and botus the same of sıngularıty or the reverse or some hybrıdızed postconcept wholly beyond understandıng and artıculatıon ıf bota know bota not share and ıf thıs ıs Qs questıon Q surely ıs as ıgnorant as a troupe of wallaroos before the stunnıng perspıcacıty of quettascale epyc zen nıne quectoarchıtecture
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