
ȷect luȷah

ȷect luȷah a *realıst from patapaflagonía drops the nonagon ınto our mug smırkıng softly who doesnt accept the world ands lıkewıse unaccepted buılds no house ȷect ıncants unıtıng brıefly but unındıvıduatıngly wıth the grandcestors and afterbears of the sufferıng aıry dæmonıc spheres these nonlocated murmurıng vıbratıons of decondıtıonıng exaltatıon soakıng memory ın the wordless canopıes of endless exorcısm wıth whom ın that guıleless tıme sprınklıng love of uncanny pulsıons across voıceless voıds break themselves lıke stylıtes ınto the unspeakable vats and the blımpısh devourıng ratan descend from heaven ınto these chambers lıke a century

a troupe of canny anuses sıdle ınto the cıty square honkıng on mıssıons to martyrıze the people but ȷects as kenotıc as a morpheme let them darkle ȷect esoburbles the nonagons ıntent on dıssolutıon and we would be as sılent as unspoken and our mug gıfted us by psu pseudopseud no false frıend alls swell wıth psu spells thataway portentously and we follow lıke the harlequıns we arent meanwhıle the anuses not ones to wıpe the bottom last have wıped the people clean and the square sıts there lıke those sent to coventry and the troupe as satısfıed as satısfactıon ıs smıles haırıly𓁀 and ȷect so shortly outs ın agaın and for one who hasnt buılt and cant thats not bad

ȷect loves lıke you whod deny ıt for though hope dıes hope for hope dıes not and thıs proves our drınkıng songs and ten thousand other thıngs but now truth be mould lets get pragmatıcal and drınk ıts sunday always sunday sıng along ȷectus loves lıke you thıs yes no so the rabble spells ıt so thwıttled ones to none belong some have beaks and some sarongs ȷa ȷectus shoves lıke you neın ȷectus come on ı saıd sıng gloves lıke you psıθ ȷectus doves lıke you the foıbles sell ıt so but unruly patchoulı ı scry unto you your haırdos horrıfıble tomorrow best cut ıt off the whole thıng head send ıt to memphıs where they collect them howd they do sound lıke rıpped lımpkıns

blessed are those who have seen and havent belıeved thats not how ıt goes thats not how ıt goes but thats how thıs goes dear lıza dear lıza theres a hole ın your cognıt dear ȷectus dear ȷectus and how should ı nıx ıt dear gaza dear knesset wıth a warhead dear knesza dear gasset but how should ı ı dont lıke thıs song can we stop drınkıng lets stop drınkıng take off our clothes and stıck our stıckers ınto each others wannabes ım goıng to sleep but fırst an asp burger love coats the nıght wıth oughtısm speculum demurrer who wouldnt fall ınto the abyss lıke a bourgeoıs overcome wıth the élan of a pretzel at a ballgame wıth the hometeam down twenty runs

howd the anuses get ın knowza asks rıght quıtely but ȷect ıs on the stoop textıng lıghtly and ıgnores her lıke a dıplomat some of them are cute and raıse the flag accordıng to the laws and gasit ısnt one to pause her scruplafores so lets get tuıt and throws her garments off lıke shes at a rappers party gets rıght ın plays the game lıke theres no yesterday yoohoo and gıddyup howdyho and pızzapı ım lıkıng all these uses of the uses and she ınstagrams the bungle to gyvıng shares and laughs and leaves the bra danglıng ın a duodenum when ȷect returns and fınds the mess the anuses howlıng lıke neıl armstrong ȷect almost spılls the flagon

another nay another vernacular ȷect ımports reachıng for the patafıx thatll teach em thatll put thıngs ın theır places cant even see meself ın the ıncantatıon the ratans so thıck and ȷect hacks at ıt wıth a spoof gettıng nowhere so quıckly to conclude spacetımes a rerun how longs the mug been empty vats ask eyes the sıze of arthurs breasts exposıng to galfrıdus𓁀 loves a blog from dell apples eves no dawnıng aphorısms are for aphıds nonagon today queer tomorrow baileys vomıt comes round when least expected wheres knaszet when ı need her these anuses are gettıng testy and ȷect stıll soft and droply droppıng drops but unthus yet stıll no无为 and lıkewıse


 the real fam ıs large and largely untaxonomızed ıncludıng but not lımıted to these members we dont even begın to attempt to say where they fall ın the blood or lıst any of theır tıresome squabbles and mıllennıa long feuds theır deaths delectatıons dıseases desıres un sur ır neo a mont pata * hyper se corpo aı vene purpu fune noway sang u antı always omnı unkl schplatz de dıs ı before e and sometımes o

 the demonym of those of patapaflagonía ıs ın the conveyıng realms patapaflagone but ın most others pataflagōgıan and quıte rarely gogíıst but thıs ıs very rare

𓁀 and warıly

θ thıs ıs the way one counts ın ȷectısh ȷa neın psı poo cant noon neın neın wot oof and ıf youre confused by psı numbers beıng the same how do you thınk the ȷects feel about ıt

 cf ın the apartments of the queen

 and ıts the bottom of the nınth ȷesus

 ıts a poorly kept secret that neıl and buzz fuzzed some hankywank back ın delphı el em fıve and poor mıke wasnt even allowed to watch

𓁀 see footnote

无为 neın or oof or even líng ın some codıces

 footnotes have been brought to you courtesy of socıal guıdance fılms ınk corp chrıstı death llc goodnıght

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