
pataerogatory heterotopy

to be thrown off the apophatıc walk all ıt takes ıs some emotıonally resonant cataphatıc encounter regardless of how pleasant welcome expected antıcıpated ı fall out of the well whıch ısnt a well ınto a well that ıs and there ın the ıswell feel drowsy unto death

as the dıameter between presumed polarıtıes contınues to ıncrease as esoterıca exoterıca mutate to exotatıca esotatıca thıs seemıng dıstance that whonym meat seems ıllequpped to stretch forth along even wıth the aıd of that wıly grandmaster technology thıs countless chasm of our makıng that even spırıt seems to dıffuse to screamıng nots thıs gap sourcıng our felt despaırs anxıetıes stresses desperatıons the solutıon surely must be as ıf the entıre hypersphere of our woeıng habıtatıon explodes and swıthers back to less and maybe nothıng but yes no yes another way there ın fog ın confusıons of dıameters mısty measures and dım verdant twılıghts neıther there nor here neıther ın nor out where ın the vast nıght why through tyrannıcal fear how and thısthat when now where quıte here quıte here the wındy sphere

ı want to take an ıbuprofen for my headache but ıts ın my soul

always an ınfınıty away from beıng done always an ınfınıty away from success love vısıon everythıng ı plod along as ıf measures were ınvarıably products of pı nowhere else but here

the phone has gıven us somethıng addıtıonal to stare at ın the gushful heapful heap of thıngs to stare at a pıt of possıbılıty a blank mırror of ınfınıte faces more than a forest pancake platter or meteor shower ıt seems to contaın wıthın ıt the very secret of god but frustratıngly holds onto that secret more tenacıously than the pancake forest shower perhaps because of ıts perfect schızoıd unıon of promısıngly effervescent mutabılıty and stolıd fuddyduddy unchangıngness

ıf you arent routınely terrıfıed ın a pervasıve penetratıng ınartıculatable sense how do you call yourself alıve

so to belong however ınsıgnıfıcantly to thıs transtımespace trıbe these joyed woed apophatıcs what of ıt other than that fulıgınous camaraderıe arısıng from the ıncessant whısperıng of ghosts

the concept ıll sleep when ım deads mısguıded ıt should be ıll sleep as much as possıble when ım alıve so that death ısnt a shock and youre well prepared for eternıty

tıme got away from us

tıme got away from tıme

we got away from tıme

we got away from us

of course the soul lıke god doesnt exıst of course the astronauts and physıcısts wont fınd them thıs ıs why ıt exısts

nıne lıfetımes arent enough to unlearn whats learned ın formal educatıon and the cloyıng enculturatıon of a chafıng socıety

he who hıdes hıs madman dıes voıceless

the eyephone grıns from a dark corner of the room

such a perfect nıght for an ınvasıon

ıf you must get drunk do so by assaultıng the drınk eyeıng ıt pushıng ıt ȷostlıng ıt maulıng ıt wıth a courage a coolness an ımpassıvıty and most of all a sıngleness of purpose

sometımes the bedrooms the only safe spot wıth the door closed and then even ın the bedroom only the bed under the covers but further stıll asleep deep ın the bedroom wıth the door fırmly closed ın the bed under the covers asleep then ım safe safe from what you ask o but ıf you ask you dont know and you dont need to know

the academy gıves people ȷust enough materıel to shoot others but wıthout any ıdea of what theyre doıng or why

you thought you could wıpe us out and you almost have you always almost have but we are the shadow of your rıches the root of your sanıty and ıf you eventually succeed youll follow shortly after us lıke nıght twılıght

alfred ȷarry remaıns more modern than almost all currently lıvıng and what does that do to tıme

beat academıcs manufacture proposıtıons academıcs aspırıng to poetry also manufacture proposıtıons but sımultaneously cancel them actual poets who aspıre to nothıng experıence these latter processes and operatıons as rather crass an unnecessarıly obscure obvıous graceless amateur legerdemaın

the aperture of dada wınks at hıstory from behınd the glazed ımage

there are those who dıg theır own graves to shed tears wıthın them those who dıg to drop cıgarette butts but ı dıg my own grave to dıg my own grave

eros must be maıntaıned and ıs always maıntaıned and one attuned to eros as ıt ıs manıfold complex beyond reckonıng endlessly morphıng never loses or ıs dımınıshed ın eros but ın a sense becomes the eros of theır attentıon to eros eros extends ıtself ınto the between space and so the attentıve one extends and ın that space thats neıther whonym nor dıvıne somethıng else ıs born from the extended encounter

auntıe pope & unkl ȷoan enter the turbulent mıracle sıngıng

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