Showing posts with label 2000€. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2000€. Show all posts


how to travel lıke a pılgrım

dizemoslhe ou dizemosnos ou ambos weve long advocated for europe as a consolidated entireology to be declared a single museum one entry fee charged upon arrival €2000 say which gives you access to everything but food and accommodation access not just to the interminably nauseating museums galleries churches historicsites warmemorials statues concerthalls ruins castles palaces dungeons fairs carvings bridges mosques caves prisons temples gardens waterfalls volcanoes synagogues parks amusementcomplexes mountains but all the locals homes bedrooms clubs brothels workplaces hideaways smokingjoints secretsocieties violation sure but from the ubiquitous touristgohome fuckairbnb fucktourists the locals are obviously violated anyway lets consummate it of course thisll restrict access to the obnoxious middle class and whoever the rich are yet whats different about that but this isnt a tip and its a tip we want to gift you today blessed damned one

weve also elsewhere already commanded you that when you travel dont do it like the vulgarized termitic heap like a tourist to use that disgusting word those maggots of money those roaches of prostheticized nocost eyes but do it in the manner of gods like a pilgrim unobtrusive lost abject silent simulating nonexistence as well you can devoting your daily energies exclusively to this simulation so clearly no tours pics entitlements laughter selfies no flocking to the shrines of lists of the hideous internet no herding to the maxstars venues no clucking with the congested ducks of gawk when you move as you must look for the forsaken the derelict the stuttering statusless those whose names have already sunk into the séptico of history

as an example and model for you most dearest unreader today look how much i do for you i take a ferry there are four to choose from the municipality itself proudly extols the many virtues of three of these destinations the journeys scenic many scintillating photogenic places to smile voyeur smiling bevoyeurized smiled on the other side tasty restaurants sexy bars historic cafes continuous camera ops certifiedly certified significant sites worldclass views 

but the fourth well no need to go we truly recommend you dont in fact hardly any need to mention really its for commuters only workers ugh slaves its nondescript the journeys boring nothings there absolutely no one goes

i get my ticket immediately

deserted rocky beaches giant jumbling crumbling public housing projects abandoned lots my first truly excellent coffee boarded storefronts uneven cracked illegal sidewalks shifty glances sunlight thieving through the clouds for the first time in days no restaurants fashion colour signs its windy here the tourists export the intolerable ocean gusts i can finally breathe undisguised voiceless youdontbelongs graffitied empty broken concrete spaces unkempt needled pathways desolate ugly statueless squares

nothings here but the nothing that is

and if i or you or someone un or not says but how do you reconcile your recommendation for a €2000 entry fee and your command to travel only like a pilgrim

idiot i dont

people dont like going places that dont go anywhere but places that dont go anywhere are now the places to be

petra going

my gaolmate & fartthrob

next or soon

how to travel like a pilgrim dao

the fartorial arts