Showing posts with label Proper of Saints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proper of Saints. Show all posts


Addendum to the Proper of Saints by Someone Who Claims to be the Author

The Proper of Saints was written about seven years ago, primarily in Toronto and Paris, after the author discovered, while staying in a Jesuit hermitage, the Catholic Proper of Saints and experienced a secular epiphany about the nature of purity and its transmigration from religion to art.

While this Proper’s introduction (the proper Proper) claims list finality (that is, the 81 saints whose lives are told in the Proper are the only real and true saints), this is obviously a ridiculous claim.  (The author is known to have been, historically, somewhat addicted to ridiculous claims.)

In the years since, he would add the following nine saints, entailing the addition of eight propers.  All nine of these saints had produced their most significant work prior to the proper Proper being written, but the author, being less perfectly aesthetically trained at the time than he wishes now he had been, was unaware of their works.

In literature, Edmund Jabes would be added to the biography of Meister Eckhart and Simone Weil.  Fernando Pessoa would receive full sainthood and his own biography.

In cinema, Jodorowsky, Teshigahara, Svankmajer, Tarr, Buñuel, and Tarkovsky would be added.

In music, Can would be added.

Numerous others, particularly in music, would become Blessed, Venerable, or the Barely Venerable.  These include but are not limited to Kurosawa (particularly for Ran), Bruno Schulz, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, This Heat, Carla Bozulich, John Cage, Laurie Spiegel, Daphne Oram, Arvo Pärt, The Velvet Underground ...