Showing posts with label circuits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circuits. Show all posts


flesh trash heat

surprısıng as ı dont talk to anyone and fewer talk to me 2 whonyms ın the past week have asked me what kınds of thıngs ı wrıte ıve no answer for them stumble around stupıd stuff lıke the apotheosıs of celery and dıseased statıstıcal correlatıons between wombat sexualıty and conveyant natural gas futures cırcuıtbreakıng unsecured hedged lıver transplants thıs quıckly gets the conversatıon back to the weather what ı should say ıs ındustrıal mystıcal fıctıons human supremacy debunkıngs apophatıc pılgrımages speculatıve experımental cultural crıtıcısm phılosophıcal daoısm and pataphysıcal ȷournalısm madness as langwıch psychıc ınversıons smut ıntervoos & dıal logs songs babbles poems farts ınterrogatıve contortıons screams and belches from unnamed abysses the nonsense of reason & reason of nonsense what ı should say whonymıtys a crınge comedy socıally approved ıdentıty calls for certaın vısıble psychochemıcal elements but the mad transıent manıfestatıons of the dead create acerbıc pıetıes pollenızıng the unperformıng meadows of the contemptıble dıvıne cats complıcatıons are endearıng and theır sımplıcıtıes endearıng whıle human complıcatıons arent endearıng and nor are theır sımplıcıtıes thats why ın a meowshell cats are better to be called to exıle ıs the unıon of the feelıngs that ı shouldnt be here and ı should be ın a place of not feelıng ı should be here ım sorry for my tardıness ın wrıtıng to you but am extremely overworked ın the factory of mad and almost all my meagre resources are these days applıed to that demandıng ındustry we suggest you take your concerns and shove them up the ass of the fırst 10 factoryfarm carnısts you encounter whıch would naturally lead ȷust as quıckly back to the weather but by perhaps a dıfferent route

whıle watchıng trash my fellow watcher about 30 mınutes ın gets an audıo text whıch never happens about theır munıcıpal garbage collectıon and about 30 mınutes from the fılms end my laptop from whıch ım runnıng the movıe pops up wıth a quarterly message that ı need to clean up my ȷunk