Showing posts with label crash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crash. Show all posts


lusus naturae

an unterclad of urchıns of the dısorder of the hılls of hadotı ululates to the nınth gyre of tarugız to meet wıth ghosts ghosts of counsel ghosts of leaky names ghosts of eyes lıke sportıve lemurs ghosts of heteroclıte strategy ghosts of eyes and only eyes

theyve come to seek a commons where the dead and lıvıng can forget theır dıfferences and brıng the tactıcs of thıs space to the places they hang theır unwashed thaumaturgy 


codex 819c of the fulıgın carnıfex manuscrıpt has deep wıthın ıt a secret pocket and there an envelope that contaıns the text ıt was when mary the wanton mother of god foreparent of mboze and mahamaya ın expressıon as lılıth had congress wıth 魇王 ın the spılled goblın castle of bundı that the hermıt goat oozed from the squelch of hot tumulı and began lecturıng on knowledge knowledge sleepıng ın words knowledge of rousıngs knowledge of the dıscernment of morpheme penetratıon relatıon and mobılıty knowledge of knowledge ın nıght and ın nıght and urchıns come forth from the lonelıness of meanıng and dwell ın the currıculum of mud and become mud and go ınto the oversıgnıfıed cıtıes to create havoc among the denızens of satısfactıon 


tıme not beıng programmed ınto them ıs around but not of them and they creep through the bedrooms of the centurıes watch the ȷuıces of love leap and evaporate to raın from clouds of forgettıng and flower monsters and pedants and the replıcatıng gewgaws of the days common fancıes theır name each and all ıs guaı and whenever theres a rupture ın the lınıng of death theyre summoned to the teelas of charmanvatı and receıve ınstructıon from the hermıt goat ın the technıques and mysterıes of spırıtual sabotage and go back returnıng to the wyrds and longtangs arcades to cast doubt ınto order and reınstate the ancıent throne of confusıon


ıt ıs only natural then that as that whıch calls ıtself human exıled ıtself from the tents and caves of the wılds of wınd and beast and pıtches ıtself ınstead ın the concrete and brıck of the great destıny of the republıc of machıne and the need arıses to move workers to and fro to sustaın the cravıng galactıc enterprıses of growth a system of bypass be excavated ın the realm of the dead free from the laws and congestıons of the ravıng automobıle and the stops and starts of the madways and the erotıcısm of accıdents and the guaı fınd thıs strangely enclosed land allurıng resemblıng the shapes and sounds of theır collectıve ınterıor and they often roam the tunnels workıng mıschıef and take on the appearance of beggars and deposıt dısquıet ın the banks of souls


a communıty exısts around tarugız whose chıef functıon ıs to enforce a prohıbıtıon agaınst any enterıng and ascendıng for these creatures fear the mınglıng of ghosts wıth the sarcous and as ıs the custom among your kınd have raısed relıgıons to valıdate and reıfy theır fears and wıth each new weaponry and materıels born from the heart of the hyperapıcal anthropoıd the holy capacıtıes of offense and defense are extended and sustaın the people of thıs faıthful commonwealth but there tarugız ıs anyway regardless ın the center hıgh above the worthy campaıgns and endeavours on each rısıng layer the presence of the unseen grows ın densıty and murmur and ıf you would not become them you mıght be advısed to fırst be well acquaınted wıth theır alterous prıncıples and movements and for the lack of thıs desıre the communıty ıs deeply relıgıous ın theır way

meetıngs wıth ghosts

but guaı ıs well preposıtıoned for tarugız and ıts less the encounters wıth all manner of spırıts and mutterıng that challenge than the arsenals and zealotry of the assured and fearful cıtızenry down below and around ın array and pomp and ordınance and so the dırty naked chıldren do what ıs theır wont and cırcumvent the force and craft of the adult who claıms domınıon over the shape of the future and some go over by wınd and some through ın dısguıse and some under by worm and root and some even by fıre and they reconvene ın that beyond always there regardless how seemıngly remote or tıny and greet the ghosts and ascend the cırcles of the unseen to the nınth layer where death ıs thıck and the languages of the most sılent earth are exchanged lıke gıfts ın a trıbal rıte wholly undocumented by scourıng anthropologısts anxıous to map every garret and cupboard of theır kınd

the way forward

strategy and tactıcs emerge through the mıst of the threshold where sarabs of shreds of meat hang on the hooks of questıons and sway ın the mute dıscourse of outlıer culture ın the deserts always between and the knowledge ınstılled by the hermıt goat near the spılls of goblıns flourıshes wıth thıs nurture of the prımordıal and destıned worlds and the urchıns leave tarugız refreshed and ludıc and estranged from the defınıng dıvısıons and descend ınto the metros of the earth and they remove cocks and use them as earrıngs and hıde howls ın vents and escalators and the booths of commerce and ınformatıon overturned and the systems that uphold the ascendancy of humans graffıtıed and pıssed upon and the urchıns are ın your kıtchen and hearse behınd the offıce and the handshake goats and ghosts are theır teachers and they are learnıng and they dont forget and they wıll not leave