Showing posts with label dooline·mamoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dooline·mamoo. Show all posts


are words numbers now?

avavaQa & dooline·mamoo plan to detonate the government aedificia of ıᵹñıł•ḥıł and as they sit on the planes of astrolabe faham avavaQa says


in reconstituted regimes of communication  more now consumption than ecstasy  whonyms obtrude numbers into tidal pods of indifferent nodes to thicken laden atmospheres of infection


words are numbers now and those who would seek roots forage for them in margined forests   silent seeds in soils of dreams


word as number has clambered to its place on a dais so far from water and earth  tottering visibly  trying to compensate for its ungemahlen through torrents of distraction and a riesig überspanntheit crammed insufferably into die gestalt des whonym


and languages trümmer? not in action name form hope but the mad  in forlorn stutterings and drunken stammerings alienized lips reveal the wreckage of the day


and dooline˚mamoo ponders avavaQas utterance as a black moon tarries in electric resignation on heavens predelle painted with the viscera of the yeasty & unredeemed and as the infinitely variable transmission of camaraderie slips dooline˙mamoo says


when we count we do not see numbers but rather sense their shape which is never quite revealed to us and in this sensing might be a tranquility of word


it is good to mow ones deck  it is good to rake bread until the plops phone home  it is good to say it is good


words now in their usurpation of air might assume regulatory functions they may not have have been trained for but what is that governance in a geometry without end


a lethargy sets in  establishes itself in the astral pith of language  a quintessence perhaps tangential to the question of a life as it snicks in remarkable vibrations


and the two once friends have detonated them

selves with compressed plenitude of dealings and

the aedificia of ıᵹñıł•ḥıł yet
