Showing posts with label doubtings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doubtings. Show all posts


deserts of forbidden arts

to doubt human supremacy isn’t simply an unpopular act – it’s an absent act. all the human energies and eyes are on assertions within assumptions of human supremacy (the present media dominations of covid and amerikan protests and rioting – regardless of various obvious legitimacies of horror and concern – are only two current examples of a relentlessly teeming plethora of incidents and themes)

if one attaches this doubt to an identifiable human concern – veganism for example – the doubting becomes visible. it becomes visible primarily due to the inherent ecological troubles (for humans to survive and thrive the earth must be sustainable and present human practices in relation to earth-keeping/destroying and carnism are unsustainable) rather than any integral doubt about the superior worth of humans

 to question someone’s human supremacy assumptions – regardless of their positions on sex race gender religion age class etc – is mostly to meet with incomprehension and dismissal. even if dialogue ensues, effective practical implementation of doubt is nearly or fully impossible … even for the doubter. the faith in our raised place in the hierarchies of being is so ecosystemically entrenched that to attempt to remove oneself from these systems (except through suiciding) isn’t an option. one requires capital to potentially do so (certain kinds of homesteading for example) but capital has already bought into the faith (capital from certain angles is the faith)

so we can (theoretically, abstractly) critique human supremacy. but we can’t even imagine (let alone practice) implementable ways of living without it except through death. and it’s this extreme juxtaposition – between what seems like a radical affirmation of life (the intercontextual network of all living things and a human placement of care and stewardship within this network ... of one intelligence and consciousness among many diverse intelligences) and a pathway of death – that places the doubter in spaces of negation (dewill decreation demind disquiet : orientations that hapless sundry humans have well articulated, despite differences in temperaments and philosophic-aesthetic modes) … an apophaticism without god community hope language, a mysticism without ecstasy truth experience transformation light

we're all in this together
but the this disturbs
and the all excludes almost all the all
we want to be in another in