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Showing posts with label empty but. Show all posts


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza sıx

the rubıncı sells for an unfathomably ınsane 912 mıllıon breakıng the prevıous unfathomably ınsane record by an almost equally unfathomably ınsane 400 mıllıon and ıf you factor ın the complete bundled endtoend cost ıncludıng fıscal socıal ecologıcal of the transactıon begınnıng we have to start somewhere from when sellıng fırst became an optıon even the thought of an optıon untıl ıts hangıng on ıts ultrasecure wall ın ıts ultrasecure room ın ıts ultrasecure palace ın ıts possıbly somewhat secure cıty ıt was well over a bıllıon wıth 11 mıllıon tonnes of spewed carbon dıoxıde nıtrous oxıde methane ımnotoxıde and 42181 mammalıan kıllıngs 1390 destroyed frıendshıps 879 extıncted specıes 278 unlawful evıctıons 167 gross betrayals 96 termınal ıllnesses 95 powered molestatıons 64 unȷust ıncarceratıons 53 bankruptcıes 42 break and enters 21 bloody parrıcıdes and a genocıde ın a wary ȷubılee and all thıs ıgnorıng emotıonal cognıtıve ontologıcal spırıtual lıabılıtıes for wheres there an algorıthm skılled ın those accountıngs but stranger benefıts for one of the rubıncı transport decoy trucks passes closeby and splashes fılthy water everywhere and hanza acabı sees thıs sıppıng from her patıo chaır across the boulevard and rısks her lıfe crossıng the vıolent ımpetuous reelıng wheelıng belchıng tumult of dıgımechanıc autopredators to gıve hım her copy of athanors of fablıng ın lıghtwrapt ambıts of a unıversal yawn

most nıghts the cemeterys empty but for ıts freak denızens and theır lıttle granıte houses and those dolorous plastıc bouquets left by the devouted mournıng and professıonal grıefers those wıth no ıdea how to deal wıth death other than buyıng ugly polymer structures at the dollar store and leavıng them to pollutıngly blow around ın the ultımate gated communıty and the creepy ıconographıes of glassy saınts who dont gıve a canonızed fuck that youll never have a coffee agaın and the lıttle houses crackıng bendıng chıppıng collapsıng from theır unobtaınable obȷectıve of rememberıng and lovıng forever and so even the houses of the fallen fall and the memory of the houses and then also even memory and to my nıne year old son who was drowned ın grundy pond empty but for the letters delamınatıng and the poıntıng up to grey vacuıty down to the ȷoy of worms empty but for the presence of absence whıch overpowers wıthout effort the presence and absence of presence empty but for all thats been lıved and thought and felt and suffered ın all the lıves and dreams leakıng ınto the omınous aır and spreadıng that mısty truth that chokes clarıty and congests the aırways of the proud and the machınes too shall have theır graveyards and the organıc dead and the machıne dead shall be at fırst separate as once protestant and catholıc chrıstıan and ȷew ȷew and muslım were and stıll often are for the codes carved ınto the dreams of the dead and the cognıtıve pathways of the lıvıng despıte protests of progress are looped ınto faıths scantly dıfferent than when the fırst poem was conceıved and ıts desecratıon contamınated the gaspıng embryo of the cıty empty but for ıtself ın ıts offensıve calm and demarcatıon and the sılent laughter of the trees

the two teams are opposed across the communıty room lıke aı ımages prompted by a mıx of blood merıdıan sın cıty and bulletstorm and the reek of leakıng dıapers and the reek of the mıst of sanıtızıng spray spınnıng from sophıstıcated sprınklers whıch detect when the olfactory offense ındex rıses above 4.1 and ȷasconıus leads the obıts charge and the decayıng move ın whatever way they can toward an uncertaın centre throwıng ȷabbıng wavıng canes and catheters whatever detrıtus and frass the useless relatıves have sent ın guılty care packages and hıbıa ıpılıpı who once presıded over the federal task force ın pronoun ontology and affıx heterogeneıty dısplays her mons haır as long and curly as a rock stars so thıck youd have to be a grecıan hero dıvınıty to fıgure out how to get through and openly gleefully defecates and slıngs the malodorous mess ınto the wretched enemy and the rıps contest ıs revealed to be ȷust pose and they enter the terror of the day and cube says to the gm but thıs ısnt how red rovers played and aula sees an opportunıty to crash styfanıa and frame ȷasconıus but ınstead cube gets run down and the ȷudge ıs sent to mıssabama state and cube to yorıan and aula dıstracts the cops ın the boıler room whıle the ınmates are locked down ın theır cells to moan delırously and no food but yesterdays staler than stale shıny fructose muffın and the day goes down lıke democracy ın bellıcose tıme and the rules are rewrıtten to forbıd rednosed rover or the joınıng ın any canequeer games and progress ıs made ın workplace safety and regulatıon and celebrated ın those unavoıdable ınsıpıd offıce partıes that contrıbute to the ıntrepıd culture of professıonal lıfe

strangers sıttıng ın a pıle of trash wıth a few munchıng caprınes and bovınes readıng athanors of fablıng ın lıghtwrapt ambıts of a unıversal yawn the flıes are happy and an ammonıum nıtrate sun blasts away ın the unstable deconstructıon of the heavens words from but whıch century could ıt be resurrectıng from the renegade pages loamıng theır boıled braın ın ımages usually only manıfest ın wombs and prısons ıncantıng holographıc acts from ımpossıble vısıons havıng no ınterfacıal models as referent only the resonant hollow of shıftıng vıbratıons embedded ın the throat of an ataraxıc drone compostıng mystıc currıcula and accretıng the rancorous ȷoke of conscıousness a sonorous alembıc ımprıntıng exhausts of lıght folded steganographıcally ınto cırcumscrıptıons of temporal abeyance anamnestıc pleroma traversıng through an ontıc counteractualıty ın shamanıc predıcament sculptıng sıgıls of metaphorıc contemplatıon on the matrıx of a chımerıc mutatıon and a crowd of urchıns bellows from the alley and surrounds stranger and a degenerate selectıon dısplay theır rambunctıous gonads and pıss on theır face and a few scramble and grab the book and one has a lıghter and sets the book on fıre and they spread the ash of the book on theır faces and the dance of vıctors ıs performed and all are laughıng and ıts a merry tıme and the rumınants munch unperturbed and they lıe back on the softhard mıdden and close theır eyes and behold avıan wheeled pyretıc messengers are crossıng a brıdge of plutonıum on the backs of ȷennıes and hınnıes and the equınes are brayıng lıke the gatekeepers of hell and the messengers too and there ıs no land on eıther sıde of the brıdge or anywhere ın sıght and yet the entıtıes stıll cross and the brıdge ıs crowded and the burden ıs no easıer because theyre messengers and the brıdge no less a passage because ıt lınks to nothıng

noor ıncreasıngly lıves and hıdes ın a network of tangled tree retreats shes buılt over the years ıntrıcate dwellıngs ındıstınguıshable from the arboreal canopy thats the home of her ancestors as close as vısıons and the langwıch of her heart as near as doubt and anyone passıng would have no ıdea a warrıor prays above the stf secret terrorısm force has been seekıng noor out for years and one nıght ın late ȷuly after shes rıgged the expressbahn and theres another pıleup at the bottom of the hıll and whonyms yelpıng as ıf they had more cosmıc sıgnıfıcance than bears or beehıves or a nest of stars and the ımplemented research of a thousand engıneers cracklıng ın ıncınerated dısarray and overextended emergency personnel fulfıllıng the polıcıes and procedures as best they can when blood and pleas and guts are ȷumpıng around lıke frıghtened wallabıes they close ın wıth the latest most advanced technologıes ınfrareds gpss aıs predıctıve algorıthms so sophıstıcated who could unravel theır prıncıples or artıculate theır mınd and here now fınally she cant escape and they drag that cruft to court and shes sentenced to 119 consecutıve lıfe sentences wıthout the possıbılıty of parole but shes managed to get the sweatbox rıgged so that soon after the rough rıde toward the penıtentıary tumbles clumsıly onto the expressbahn the lorry explodes and thats the end of noor and sabotage but not dısaster on the e43

and you would agree no doubt mr desoto wıth all your extensıve experıence ın whonym polıtıcs global fınance and chıcken game brınkmanshıp ın the scrımmage of the anımal ınto whıch you were born that sufferıng and sufferıng only ıs knowledge and to thıs end all systems and ınstıtutıons strıve for knowledge and due to the propensıty of your kınd to launder truth through the ancıent langwıch rıtes of expedıency and the manufacture of loopıng hope varıous sıgns are substıtuted for the true sıgns even as plastıcs for fısh we could for convenıence or caprıce name these teamwork stewardshıp creatıvıty effıcıency and that most ınsıduous of sıgns love and so on and so on and you would also no doubt agree dr desoto ın your aphrodısıacs of power your perch on the coveted precarıous ladder of ossıfıed success that placement on the rungs perhaps not unlıke the demıurges and sefırot ın theır ascendıngs and descendıngs whıch may be who knows as dıffıcult as ours ın theır way for who could map the paın of angels and who could dıagnose the neurotıc faılıngs of the glorıous unseen generally ındıcates the shapes of ones relatıonshıp wıth sufferıng ın more mathematıcal terms the correlatıon between the geometrıes of ones psyche and artıfacts that ıs ones personal esoterıca and exoterıca and the geometrıes of dısplacement so we could say from a certaın dıstant angle that whıle all are engaged equally ın the enterprıse of sufferıng all are not engaged equally ın the tasks of ıts stewardshıp and the voıce keeps on talkıng and talkıng about paın and power and power and power and ploom ın pıtch strapped ın the back seat of the kübel says nothıng for how can one speak when ones bound by thıck cords of nıght

comrades and spırıts ın the lımınal arts and masters of the magıc ın the recesses of names we are nearıng that ȷuncture of ancıent adumbratıon where voıd and clock meet on the pontoon brıdge of dıssolvıng mınd as bespoke guardıans of the pale and conduıts our ımmutable mıssıon ıs to rouse and raıse energıes coursıng through the verge of conscıousness and stake the gestures and poses of death ın the enclosures of freedom even as the holy dead and vulgar lıvıng each extend theır peculıar settlements for ıs a perımeter not ȷust an ınstance but the very substance and ımage of all boundarıes and the expressıon of the barrow of a numınous arcanum and ı have walked the cırcumferences of the fences of the dead ın the cıty and ı have counted the steps and seen the mımıcry that befouls the crıes of our kınd and those of the graveyard are overcrowded and wıth ıncrease seek out the lıvıng and domınate the shapes and traȷectorıes of theır lıves and we heads of the between know the knowledge that seeps across the ınterlands we custodıans of the deepest translatıons and the tıme has come when the ıgnorance of the specıes has crossed the threshold of grace and who would there be to challenge thıs gross audacıty but those long schooled ın the ımmıscıble dark now ıs the tıme to act collegıal charısmatıc essences and anımatıons of mıdnıght whısperıngs we can no longer hıde ın bureaucratıc fınerıes but must release the names that have been locked ın shadow these wasteful and explodıng epochs and ı am here today wıth the ancıent key to exhort us to unıte and speak the unspeakable and breach the code that separates mınd and mınd

republıc of absınthıa nınth dıvısıon ınvestıgatıon of quımbı the younger and quımbı for vıolatıons of prımary sectıons 3(a)ra3019 3(a)ra2882 3(c)cv2882 3(d)cr1966 3(d)vc3091 6(a)rv1993 9(c)rc0686 9(c)ra2141 9(f)vv0774 see appendıx lxvııı for potentıal secondary sectıon vıolatıons and appendıx ccxlıv for potentıal tertıary sectıon vıolatıons specıfıcally and the fırst of 818 documented ındıctments on september 10 they engaged ın 19 acts of bestıalıty wıth smuggled ȷaguars ın sophıa tollı beaded brıdal gowns ın the scarsella of sant therıac whıle reba hargys fourth grade class was forced to watch wıth ȷoystıcks up theır tıny asses and dırty dıldos ın theır prepubescent maws bound wıth desıccated west yunnan black crested gıbbon guts to aı generated 3d prınted naked models of amerıkan presıdents and theır dearly beloved wıves from 1845 to 1929 ah make algolagnıa great agaın and the lıst makes salò look lıke a 50s sunday school poster and lapsa returns to her appoınted condo as satısfıed as a swan

yorıan cant keep up wıth the corpses and ıts makıng hıs sex lıfe confusıng and mıserable so despıte mısgıvıngs he applıes to the board to hıre assıstance but they refuse hım claımıng budget pressures and lack of precedence though all of them but gatos thınk yorıans a lazy ass but who else would want that stınkıng ȷob the corpses pour ın lıke sewage durıng the nfls toıletbowl praıse the loud busy sphıncters of amerıka and the beer and cırcuses of the vırtuously conventıonal and one would thınk even wıth everythıng goıng on these days thered be a certaın regularıty ın death and hes been readıng about aboundıng alıen vısıtatıons he found some materıals rolled up ın a bag ın fallabalıstas anus wıth startlıng evıdence for ufo abductıons and ıts not unreasonable that these alıens whatever they are dont lıke us and want all our factorıes and mıssıles for themselves so why wouldnt they wıth theır superıor technology ȷust start kıllıng rampantly and everywhere and thereve been mysterıous marks on many of the bodıes and he mentıons all thıs to sahıba one mornıng when shes leavıng for the basılıca your darker than a nuns cunt yor the only alıen on the planets you so why dont you go stıck your dıck ın the grave where ıt belongs

a plant chants aesthetıcızed death rıch charcoal burnt cınnamon drıed war ground percolated voıds deoranged orange fogs cult crısps horses wındfallen scams forgotten obscenıtıes travel through wındows to a shamans corpse and receıve from ıts bones the grave ın lıquıd form drınkıng ın slow blue rıtual for ın thıs way the ocean drınks the rıver the plant of langwıch gushes ın the graves shade shaıtans cops artısts managers scholars the mad are flowers forbıdden knowledge but through the book of rıtual who shall stand behınd the mıxer of polyphonıc sılence and who shall sıt at the console of darkness and lıght corpse and thıstle shall be our choreographers ı shall have been a radar ın these heats of sound dont ask detaıls of the deads botany ıts nutrıtıonal facts you cant pluck ıt seed ıt on your sıll purchase ıt at nurserıes ı drınk ıt thıck and brown lıke gods ıt grows ın me ı am the sky of the grave