numbers go peculiar in the years after the takings and always they lack the power to get away
its because of the names some say numbers were never designed to be caged in definitions
nine seduces me at the cosine hex club with an unexpected angle and the fictions are complex enough to create imaginary persons arising as structures to perceive realities existing in these abstract entities such that quantity becomes a physical quality of word
as soon as you abduct a number from its natural home seize it from the intuitive lands and give it over to graspability regardless of how comfortable its life might become its innate vitality diminishes and what you then might see is not anything of the number but your own insecurities
everyone knows the estrangement between theology and mathematics number and god mysticism and science counting and oneiricism has been growing and is bad for human and planetary health
as the poets say all is war but what they dont tell us is that the only wars between words and numbers a war neither can win and humans forced to take sides and the pay poor and any promotion is to death and so humans fight one another on behalf of forces indifferent to them being used indiscriminately for prelapsarian purposes
pythagoras roaming in the ecstatic geometry of its cultic esotatica knows in its viscera the sanctitude of manifolds and the one thats present in all not just the many ones but nines and fours and sixes and fractures and even the odd zero in its joyful bashfulness and witty modesty prowling among the conjecturing shapes
that numbers in their potent abstractionality are incapable of or refuse to dialogue easefully with other creatures in the spiritual realms could only be a conviction of the insane
numbers draw me into a dream and i see science leave its lab and go walking into the forest and there loses time and drops its measure
i enter the zeroversity of number and a curriculum garishly poses patalinguistic theolunacies of number some phenomenologies of zero the interpretations of dreams of affine transformations probabilistic geometries of an absent god the nonexistence of one ratio as mind the middle of number zeroverses of i were all uncanny mathematicians with as much seriousness and credibility as proofs of tessellated fields of the boundedness of optimal differentials by moduli cohomologies in equidistributed perfectoids lacking automorphic normalizations
i approach the notwill of number and in their sleepiness and drunkenness voyeur as they copulate on beds of questions in their notness slumbering in crises of identity chatting with them when theyre young and silly and full of possibility before assuming hard social identities
give a child of a certain age two blocks and ask it how many blocks there are and what will it say? two perhaps one even three or nine or zero it might say blue or silly jammies or monster nothing halafaf it wouldnt be wrong the child knows that counting while existing quite legitimately on rationalitys enclosed steppes is nomadic comfortable in many environs and curves whereas the adult has typically come to know that rational realm as numbers only habitat its cage of action and determinant of time & destiny
one sun one moon one god one love one pole one the one one
no one on fucking jupiters a monist
the number of memberships in number a number maintains varies according to contextual data no one has full access to
my mathematics is the purest mathematics far purer than the pure for it cant be used for anything even pleasure or beauty maintaining a radical separation from the human love of destruction
writing number isnt something you can do until you see number strip in a galactic burlesque and laugh alongside its horny wit and ionic vacancies
all numbers like justice love madness suffering are uncountable
number a novel writes me and i decount the countings and decant the war