sadoo diaper collegially and anarealistically shares minds of other sadoos outside and surrounding this and other worlds, whether these minds be housed in flesh, metal, or mind, whether the sadoo calls itself sadoo or something else, whether the mind be Mocktor, Doktor, Proctor, Octopus, Worship, or Steamship. naturally this sharing occurs so omnipresently that it can hardly be said anything written is of diaper and all this sadoo does is ingest other minds then dream the dreamings of these minds and this a record of the dreams of these dreamings
but let method be method or not, for it confuses us
all this to say we advise excitedly our audience of bountiful infections of dr jude peer's very recent addition to the anuses of scholarship with its post to the virtual academy of esotatic
esotatic's abstract -
also, since ōvid19's spawning many transformations in relation to unminded minds minding relations that hadn't been minded in their mindings, we also advise of the nyt article on 13.04.20 exploring the relationship between ōvid19 and carnism. this article was minded to us by a medium article - have you ever wondered why you haven't wondered?: carnism, racism, nationalism, and the many deeply problematic -isms of covid-19
while these styles of carnist-exploring mind aren't that sadooic, we note them due to our pleasure of increased attention to the effects of the rampant global reified human mistreatment (abuse, genocide) of our colleagues in life
we are pervasively sad and angry, however, as humanity's still vastly distant from beginning in any actualized way to question our systems of false supremacy and become a species worthy of admiration, worthy of our capacities ... worthy of ... mind
but let method be method or not, for it confuses us
all this to say we advise excitedly our audience of bountiful infections of dr jude peer's very recent addition to the anuses of scholarship with its post to the virtual academy of esotatic
esotatic's abstract -
the academy has defined esotericism - despite innate problems of definition - as a legitimate sphere of research. esoteric etymologically derives from eso- and teros (more within); this paper attempts to place esotericism in contexts of esotaticism (eso- and tatos : most within), exoterocism (more without), and exotaticism (most without), continuing to use the innovative modes and methods of mkt peer - of disciplined polymathic research from the insides out of subject matter rather than from outsides in
also, since ōvid19's spawning many transformations in relation to unminded minds minding relations that hadn't been minded in their mindings, we also advise of the nyt article on 13.04.20 exploring the relationship between ōvid19 and carnism. this article was minded to us by a medium article - have you ever wondered why you haven't wondered?: carnism, racism, nationalism, and the many deeply problematic -isms of covid-19
while these styles of carnist-exploring mind aren't that sadooic, we note them due to our pleasure of increased attention to the effects of the rampant global reified human mistreatment (abuse, genocide) of our colleagues in life
we are pervasively sad and angry, however, as humanity's still vastly distant from beginning in any actualized way to question our systems of false supremacy and become a species worthy of admiration, worthy of our capacities ... worthy of ... mind