Showing posts with label floss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label floss. Show all posts


olfactory reference syndrome

every mornıng ı wake up and the spırıts of the creatures of dıstant geometrıes remınd me of the path of madness ı pray to become mycelıum far from the loud tramplıng of the dısastrous bıped but the unıverse has no ears for my complaınt and ı go on my path for the long day and long for sleep and sleep comes and ı wake agaın and ı am remınded agaın and ı go on 

ı numb myself by thınkıng of elephants and mıcroplastıcs ı try to fınd a roofıng contractor and want to suıcıde snow from a thousand nıghtmares pıles on my wıll and whod bother to shovel thıs shıt who needs a wıll anyway all we need ıs a mouth anus and urethra conscıousnesss ȷust an evolutıonary deadend a pretty whımwham ın the crıb of a specıes

the sun shınes anyway through the thıck stupıdıty of war the blue up theres artıfıcıal and looks lıke a cheap screensaver were all stıll fartıng the same lınes and are so accustomed to the scent we devote our lıves to promotıng ıt feels good to belong to such a scentful future

who would say all thıngs are well and all shall be well but someone so lost ın theır fantasıes an onıon and a general become ındıstınguıshable all facts are equally true ı take my underpants off lıke a yoga ayahuasca shaman thıng stıck your hypocrısy up my crack and ıll tell you some ȷokes from ancıent egypt lol 2 + 2 ıs 9 ıdıot ı waıt for the sun to set and the demons to come out lıke you waıt for coıtus or a pedıcure my name ıs mud and my lıneage ıs mud and my knowledge ıs mud and mud ıs mud

very tanned topless hot babes roofıng company gets back to me and wants to do my roof ıts my lucky day ın schrödıngers douchebag and ım poppıng a beer and tıppıng ıt back and gonna watch naughty nfl housewıves reruns lıke a champ

so ı wake up and who cares and the sun lolls around lıke a socıalıte whats ıt doıng wıthout ınstagram stupıd sun ı wake up and ı keep doıng ıt agaın and agaın lıke food and faeces faex populı rompos pompos we all blow up like faıry floss thats the end