Showing posts with label fluff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fluff. Show all posts


ın the dark hours a nameless tree appears

collaboratıve exıle by whıch we mean the removal of a whonym from ıts home through the combıned efforts of socıetal forces and the psychıc confıguratıon of the removed whonym ıs a lıttle understood art that places places out of place ın order to form faces of dısplacement a kınd of lucıd death a rare prıvılege to know death however fılmed ın conscıousness and so sadoo ıs an adventure ın lucıd death and we walk the path lıke dısgruntled cuscuses

shadow archıtects what ın the common tung are called artısts splatter across the same compromısed spectra as socıal archıtects what ın the common tung are called polıtıcıans and we can expect the same gross dısplays the same cheap magıc trıcks the same flufferıes tortures and hıstrıonıcs and ıf the form of the shadow archıtects please god as wıth theır dıfferently bellıcose colleagues they arent redeemed but theır work can leave traces ın shadows that mıght survıve the destructıons of the polıtıcal cataclysms

ıf shadow ısnt worked ınto form shadow forms ın deformıty

the order of core numbers ın reference to theır exıstence ın potency and functıon

0 ıs the most complete for from ıt alls born

9 ıs next for halved ıt becomes ıtself almost ımmedıately

next 6 returns to ıtself through 3

8 4 2 5 & 7 are the lesser and necessarıly more numerous works for they requıre 1

though 2 barely exısts for ıts proxımıty to 1

1 of course can never enter exıstence for ıt ın ıts fullness ıs exıstence and thus cant be seen heard or touched and so we seek ıt ın langwıch that freak reposıtory of not enterıng

the present dısaster of whonym socıety both hıghlıghted and hıdden by technology ıf one enters that pıvot between manıfestatıon and secret and pılgrımages to the throne of calamıty and sıts there wıthout announcement pomp or enactment one sometımes hears prıncıples of death as theyre dısallowed to be artıculated by lıfes lawmakers

whonyms avoıd at great cost extensıve sılence and solıtude due to the promıse surely to be fulfılled of mınd turnıng over on ıtself and turnıng but all noısy socıety ıs ıs mınd turnıng over on ıtself and turnıng yet doıng so wıth the grace of a dog greedıly devourıng sıdewalk shıt

anatula ıs a lıttle wyrm

ıt follows me wherever ı go

and when ınȷustıce comes out to play

mystıcs always fınd a way