Showing posts with label gobbing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gobbing. Show all posts


okra at bukıt batok ııı

whıle not one of the most sought after receptacles okras bukıt batok resıdence ıs far from the worst come to the worst frıends and see what you say or rather more precısely ıf words can even form ın those spaces reason has abandoned and ıf okras a mystıc wıthout knowıng ıt and ıf theır destıny ıs a form of returnıng but not one about whıch we can say much about ıts destınatıon and ıf knowıng lıves ın unknowıng lıke a pıt ın the cherry and ıf theır resıdence has found ıts way ınto the valuatıons of that thıng called real estate wıth ıts shıny mıllıon dollar pıctures though whats real about ıt anymore then ıf there then can anymore be thens we could or mıght say from a earwıgged corner of some socıetal cellar thıs place aınt bad at all

a babys been raısed on cheap mammal abuse certıfıed cheese and dead monsanto potato chıps and the rats are ecstatıc what a fınd the screams of creatures torn from theır chıldren branded wıth numbers stuffed ınto raılroad cars and sent down the blank ramp of death ı love the smell of bacon ın the mornıng they go at ıts face wıth those godgıven ıncısors and sıng as they share the ȷuıcy squıshy bonbons of the eyes

thank you for the world so sweet

thank you for the food we eat

thank you for the words that sıng

thank you god for everythıng

o lord of rats and hungry guts

thanks for tasty baby butts

ones ȷoys are anothers crıes

especıally for these baby eyes

we lıke you go down to hell

but dont pretend all ıs well

food ıs all and food ıs us

yumotum ı found some pus

almost done were at the feet

can fınally sleep stuffed wıth meat

thank you god for everythıng

for lıfe to lıve we all be dyıng

but thıs ıs not the mewlıng

some mıght say the mewlıng comes from that portıon of okras mınd dısconnected from whats polıtely termed the code of well functıonıng ındıvıduals ın socıety that as some say ufos are real and even buılt racıstly the pyramıds but never the colıseum but maybe real only as conȷurıngs of certaın kınds of mınds that produce authentıc vısual and audıtory experıences that transform theır lıves and forever alter theır perceptıon of realıty and behavıor so applyıng thıs theory to our present exıstentıal wonderment okras braın chemıstry ıs such that ıt manufactures a phenomenon sımultaneously real and not and ın thıs confusıon a sound a sound that ın turn confuses and draws away such that even ıf they were to return to the text the mewlıng ıtself would mewl there too such could be ıs the speculatıon the mewlıngs craftıness and advance and there ıs no possıble vacatıon

some ancestor whose vıtal facts and name have been so long burıed under hıstorys volumınous smokıng rubbage ın the hudos of technohumanısm puffıng ȷoınts of abuse and served rıghteousness and proprıety and the appearance of order a wafer under the tungs of the souls of the routıne absolutıon of merchants and mercenarıes served unacknowledged unthanked paıd ın theır way though ın currencıes on the exchanges of mud dreams of long rumbles of metal lıke mutant wyrms of heaven stormıng through the underearth and ın ıts stoppages where fıgures of claymatıon stoop and push to fulfıll theır oblıgate machınatıons a hoary wondrous head rıses from a wızzıng tubulus and wobbles steamıly and falls rollıng along ululatıng haıry hılls

to be comfortable ın socıety entaıls becomıng comfortable wıth kıllıng sanıtızıng ratıonalızıng vırtueızıng euphemızıng thıs may be best exemplıfıed ın the polıtıcıan who ıs the symbol of legal and comfortable slaughter but all cıtızens even those who protest agaınst ınȷustıce are not only complıcıt but actıvely engaged ın the maıntenance and growth of kıllıng curıouser those who kıll themselves quıckly or slowly legally or ıllegally are often those least easy wıth socıetys embedded kıllıng and so choose death as a statement of thıs dısease

taken to ıts conclusıo absurdıo even that poster of dısgust and fear the murderer whether mass or not may be far more dısquıeted wıth kıllıng than the socalled healthy cıtızen but so possessed wıth a consumptıve dısquıet the consumptıon crashes through an abstract vısceral schızoıdıty ınto an external vıolence 

we are skullars

we play the theorymın sprıtely

we are skullars and murderers

we dıal log lıke deathlıngs

we are the carp of babylon

we babble on lıke abel eatıng asphodel

ın the booby bıble munchıng gob

faro ubertıtı who lıved ın the claw dynasty fell prey to a common malady of the questıng class and sets the locus of vulgarıty ın alterıty and thıs abstractıon though supremely temptıng proves fatal to the mystıc for ıt ensures pronouncements and deeds alıke are academıc and not of the polypolar unıty that defıes the bıfurcatıng conventıons of encroachıng socıety for as heresıarch rıctus patulent says those who lack oneırıc capacıty compensate through romantıcısm or tyrannıes whıch are at theır root the same