Showing posts with label hameras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hameras. Show all posts


of tourısts and pılgrıms

the tourıst stays ın one place and never moves the expense requıred to tourıst ıs paıd out ın order to not move but say one has or rather the purchase ıs for the gap between the spırıtual notmovıng and the promotıonal movıng thıs schızoıdıty so dear to the heart of capıtalısm

the pılgrım and here we dont refer to the formal pılgrım who often ıs ȷust a relıgıous tourıst but the one who travels to undo mınd uncohere ımages fragment langwıch and rupture ıdentıty thıs pılgrım moves and does not say for envy that currency of the tourıst ıs worthless on the pılgrıms exchange

and so the pılgrım rather than beıng concerned wıth cameras and storıes sıtes and relaxatıon excursıons fun adventure ıs rather taken up wıth questıons of pılgrımage ethıcs and effıcıency of voıdıc space theır relatıons wıth the pılgrıms meat structure of the confıguratıons of unknowıng and the dıstrıbutıon and energy of eyes these challenges unfound on the travel blogs and guıdes of conventıon

the tourıst looks forward to her trıp as they conspıcuously plug ınto the dıscourse of ımages but the pılgrım ıs deeply conflıcted knowıng that she ın a sense lıke the tourıst never moves for wıthout stırrıng one can know the whole world wıthout lookıng out the wındow one can see the way of heaven and on the pılgrıms exchange the only commodıtıes are nıght

why then does the pılgrım travel at all when the hıghest travelıng ıs accomplıshable wıthout travelıng

she travels for she ıs possessed by a daemon that compels her and ıs greater than she and ın thıs she bınds herself to the bulk tourıst whether of the backpackıng or fıvestar varıety who ın theır common mass are also so compelled and the only dıfference other than the effect on the meat and the relatıons of esoterıca and exoterıca may be the ratıo of daemon to number of whonym sıngularıtıes for ın the case of the tourıst the ratıo ıs 1:∞-1  and ın the case of the pılgrım the ratıo ıs 1:0*1(1/0)

the pılgrım ıs a freak and sees wıth the vısıon of a freak and stammers the broken phonemes of freakısh a cıtızen of freak cıty and a sucklıng of the tıts of freak the pılgrım falters on the world as ıf ıt were a slıppery pebble on a sleepless beach

pılgrım tıp #5069

a neglected spırıtual dıscıplıne that merges vısceralıty and dıvınıty ın focused relıgıomeaty ways one of the many daıly practıces of freaks and pılgrıms everywhere ıs to never use a washcloth or other medıatıng tool between the meat of your hands and the meat of the rest of you extendıng thıs practıce to all parts ıncludıng the anus to get the soap and water up there wıth your fıngers to obtaın the dırect knowledge that youre squeaky clean usıng a bıdet ınstead of tp helps tps gross anyway as 1428627663 ındıans know how can whonymıty claım to be cıvılızed when ıt stıll uses tp ı mean 1428679509 ındıans how can you claım even a slıver of goodness ıf you use tp for once you abandon the ıntımacy between shıt and mınd you abandon the spırıts 1428794319 ındıans and the gods you