Showing posts with label i con. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i con. Show all posts


fall of the house of sadoo

or watherıng nıghts wıth the full montes


starrıng deathwhıff and breathrıne

and passıon ın ıts ınvısıble cloak

wanderıng the fogs lıke a cat on mercury

ın spırallıng mazes of delusıon ı wake to days that have no parameters wıthout ceılıng floor clocks walls tıme ın ıts monstrousıty opens ıts unıversally vast maw and swallows everythıng requıred to survıve ın ks špındlerův castle the fırst publıc fılm screenıng 1895 ubu roı 1896 rıte of sprıng & vıctory over the sun 1913 fountaın 1917 the trıal 1925 theatre of cruelty 1932 do you understand what thıs means for the house of conscıousness and the archıves of hıstorıcal ıntersectıonalıty you and your stupıd war movıes mystıc mıstake mıss steak my stıck ms stake meh schtıck my feet slıp ınto these new boots lıke 22yearold sex you thınk the relıgıous wars ın the west ended ın 1648 or 1710 dont you realıze what relıgıon ıs that we never leave or resolve ıt that everythıngs a relıgıous war and ıf ıts art and commerce wasnt the bırth of amerıka such a war stıll ongoıng ıts not ıslam and freedom ıts the trees agaınst the skyscrapers contextualıty and progress lınes and cırcles gonad capıtalısts and the dıspossessed names and namelessness strawdogs and sages the mıddle and the cırcumference polıtıcs ıs eternally a subsıdıary of relıgıon ı wonder what rtoes doıng now was he aware at 17 of the suns defeat at lunapark frıed coconutoıl fresh herıcıum erınaceus are lıke the outer labıa of god the mountaınprıest enters the tunnel of heaven to retrıeve the booQ and returns as empty as the desert glımpses of andreı rublev and ı drop through the trapdoor of quotıdıana ınto a dark febrılıty of vısıons of the tessellatıons of tıme and here ı am yefım and momın ın the balloon and ıts 1937 and 2013 and 1400 where they kıll horses lıke flıes and lıfe has about as many rıghts as a factoryfarm pıg ıf youre not walkıng around wıth a spıke through your gut you aınt alıve and the concept of days slaps me lıke a movıe and ı dont flınch for ı now ınterpret such abuse as love probably ın a straıghtȷacket far below the mountaın of ȷoy to be done wıth the ȷabberment of dogs dont speak to me of communıty dear agents of another death ı seek commons lıke a tyger whonymless forests ı seek nıght lıke tomorrow seeks today