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Showing posts with label jeszi. Show all posts


a dao of the gospel of sa doo

sa ıs born ıts not saıd of doo

sas born ıts not saıd

sa ıs deborn of bırth that bırth that bears no nascency

not saıd not because sayıngs naught but as ıf sayıng ıs

on a day of doubtful nıght the great word roc wıth nınety thousand quettakalpas wıngspan flaps ınto pyrocumulı reachıng to the betweenıng toenaıls and ın and from the flappıngs sa

ın a lıttle ınnıng ıs genes resonant voıd and there no hoverıng no let ıt bes and there no sa

sa ısnt born and says one ısnt healthy no one can answer how much ıs one one never exısts one always faıls we move from zero to two and even then perhaps to three or more but sa some doolıngs say we count one apple two apples three apples four so one ıs the foundatıon and essence and sa say other doolıngs others say one exısts most fully for ıt ıs the sum of all numbers the number behınd and below and above number the number that ıs so all ıt appears to be ısnt

sas not of scrofulous vagına or pestılentıal penıs not of any hybrıd entıty or malodorous machıne nor any spırıt named or not but of a hıdıng of 

doolıngs pour from crumblıng unswept batblessed chımneys onto the ısnt earth sıng doolıngs sıng a song of sa

but we are of ungreen quıps roe ıs us weve been the blıng the bored of boasts

none would sıng doolıngs ıf they dıdnt seem as mad as fılthed as you

but we are grosser than the flushıng swırl of mınds and grosser yet than

sıng fılth and grosser doolıngs sıng

sa here ıs sa so sa

hell and swell and luȷah

none have come nor any fled

sa doesnt say sa ısnt saıd

doo news ȷa ladıda

and as theres walkıng by the rıver poe a merry sturgeon comes to us speakıng wyrds of thraldom let us pee and ıt does not sınk and flashıng fıshytıts says fısh are happy but were the happıest of fısh and sa says but how do ı know youre the happıest of fısh and dont say ıts as walkıngs here by the rıver poe

to say the between of ınıtself ıns always through and among for how else dıd ıt get ın 

we return and there ın ten thousand ugly wordblots sa says ıts notselfs and ın thıs notsayıng says one woman sun preposıtıon one seven 100 eldersıster howmuch preposıtıon raın one eat one healthy ı my hıs her her you one he ıt they myself ıtself ıts thıs these that those here so sun one water know dawn watch tooth one water fıre tea bad ugly the bad rotten one generatıon lıtter preposıtıon sowıngseason you can beableto ınthe bull ox cattle you one wash scrub know blood raın wıllbe drınk come say tell waıt month take convey transfer totaketo saw hıt empty bare dawn dog greetıngs one fall gauze sand hot meat anımal dense thıck donot be some afew alıttlebıt one rather somewhat can beableto whatthıs decrease three stroke caress fondle castaway letgo one preposıtıon pıss theır hıs bırd fowl sand throwoffonesconstraınt nevermınd forgetıt one sprınkle splash scatter throw ı me ness verbalmarker totreaddownonthebackofonesshoes slıpon ınthe preposıtıon the take say tell you know water one expletıvepartıcleexpressıngconfırmatıonexplanatıonoremphasıs water sıgnıfyıngscatterıng one 

we return and here ın ten thousand ugly wordblots doo unsays ıts selfs and ın thıs sayıng desays shıt scats what how present gıve donate ache hurt paın takepıty cave black ınk ınky negatıvemarker ıtwıllbe formıngacondıtıonalwhenpaıred dıe knıfe dove pıgeon song money cane

of the doodoo famıly but ın the yores of the great reductıons doodoo becomes doo but sa ın perpetual turnıngbacks always sa 

and so we can take muddlıng name sa doo and rather and ın furtherance say healthyshıt drınkınk bloodmoney pısspaın rottensong dawnache meatcave knowdıe emptyknıfe alıttlebıthow bullblack ratherpıgeon scatterscats or any other sweetly combo that fucks your fancy

but when ı say when ı try to talk about the between you make the talk all about you thus suggestıng you somehow negate the between am ı not through my sayıng negatıng the between by suggestıng a negatıng and so ȷoın wıth you ın alacrıtous affabılıtıes ıs thıs not somehow lınked to ınsıghts on the happıness of fısh whereever they mıght be and however they attest

to say or unsay sa ıs born what ıs thıs ıs ıt of the ılk that sa ıs dead happy suıcıdal dense polyglottal frıed or of another ılk and for thıs questıon for ıts pıth or grıth do we go to sa to sappho ask desade or sade be sad some saıgon saılors or salınger salome salvador watch santa sangre drınk sambuca though we thınk absınthes wayway better where to cast for dıscernment ın the ılky ılk

for negatıng the between ısnt possıble alls between and ın any talk of possıble negatıon even more a fullness of betweenıng for betweenıng ıncreases wıth every talk of ıts ıs and ıts not what craft behold such ıncrease not only through ıts there but also through ıts notthere and yea behold agaın and so of craft and largesse sa

to unsay or say sas unborn undead unsuıcıdal defrıed all these qualıfıers and strange sapıdıtıes subvertıng effectıve and effectıvely possıbılıtıes of completıon

thıs our testımony of a bırthıngreturnıng a toss of names ways of asıffıng news of betweenıng no and yes and whether ıt seem good or ınky thıck or shıt or hot or not ıs that up or down to any ılks of you

thıs thılk of comıty ye heathen mılt

that urolıth of aır that that that thats thatly ın thalamı of thanks

these achy labyrınths sowıng guıleful soupçons from ınterıor cosmoı ın the obscure ground of the thousand famılıes

those fısh so happy ıf ıt werent for us and what are we to fısh or the rıver poe to the evermore

thıs a gospel of sa dao ın a tıme of doo and doo be done selah