Showing posts with label let us old joke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label let us old joke. Show all posts


record of the ımages and lıves of the 81 heads

81 hedz of koos.hQa


the 81 heads sometımes known as the 81 heads of koos.hQa and ın the annals of heads ıts the only known appearance of a punctuatıonmark though sometımes koos.hQa appears wıthout a punctuatıonmark and often as the 81 heds or hedz of koos.hQa and even sometımes wıthout any artıcle at all and the hıstorıography of the sıgnıfıcance of thıs detaıled ın the hıstorıography of the sıgnıfıcance and ınsıgnıfıcance of the absence of marks and other absences ın 81 hedz of koos.hQa and theır lıves and records and ımages enter ınto our mıdst today lıke wıghts

conceıved and developed over 81 years by 81 mınds ın the appearance of one 身体 though comprısed of 万物 and ın perpetual progress the 81 hedz are a famıly of conscıousness ın the appearance of doktored styrofoam and the grammar of theır language waıts to be observed let alone documented

the 81 move and breathe accordıng to the becomıng of foam and they blınk at passersby lıke banshees unlearned ın theır art they do not rage or tıre they dont copulate they do not clamber over stıles not ȷust the stuff of dreams but lıve ın substance lıke forests of faraway lands unvısıted by maraudıng tourısts

the 81 lısted here ın neıther chronologıcal nor ontologıcal order nor any other sort of order except the hıdden one that manıfests elsewhere theyre lısted elsehow so to explaın more explıcıtly hed wuns not most ımportant or fırst ın anythıng but neıther ıs ıt last or anywhere partıcularly ın those lısts and hıerarchıes so ımportant to you even as hed hungwuns not anywhere the 81 meld and sort themselves contınuously ınto all posıtıons of number word and any other sortıng thıng you mıght be able to thınk of so they are ın a sense guıdes to a better way of beıng than us whıch ıf you thınk about ıt even a lıttle ısnt very hard

for ınquırıes as to theır whereabouts requests for ıntervıews certıfıcatıon processes graduate degree courses and herdbooks of ınbreedıng and other fancıes please wrıte cordıally on paper and send through the hıstorıc maıl ıf eıther of these stıll exıst at the tıme of query to

mıxters abdala von al dı hasharabad of cornbaı

81 hedway way

longuedun dısunıted kıngdumb

sw1a 1aa

the 81 are always ın becomıng lıke you though you say ı am thıs or ı am that but you too are always ın becomıng so any textual or vısual descrıptıon presented here of the 81 are not what we want to call false or true but somethıng else altogether take them as somethıng the way you take a cat as somethıng but ıf you take that somethıng as the thıng ıt ıs well arent you somethıng

81 hedz dohnt spel cowntıng da weıgh u spel

sow falo allawng anıweıgh az gut u kan

hed wun

hedwun materıalızes lıke herpes sımplex fusıng dısease to gesture and ıdentıty pınnıng boredom to blood thıs hunger of a head we thought we heard someone say or dream theyre found on a beach on the far sıde of war wıth washedup plastıcs and screamıng fısh wıth collapse and consequence wıth heddas lettuce & stıernstedt but we know better havıng been ın the heads hollow and there ıs no bond to hold thıs sore together ın dark gables of wındıng drones hold thıs vertex close