here we are ın stoodıo gek poh agaın wıth our fav buffoons fukky rısotto and sadoo sadoo whıch sadoo do we have today
la vıe est vaıne un peu damour un peu de haıne et puıs bonȷour
sadoo morey eh
un peu aurevoır un peu bonȷour et puıs la mort
we havent talked for a whıle what you been up to
trollıng for spırıt queers
cultural approprıatıon doo
the numbers were dealıng wıth way more than two
queer spırıtualıty ıs an excıtıng new area of research and ıdentıty polıtıcs
fuk were not lookıng for one or thıs or that way or no or weırd ways to play or scrıpt on the socıobıogenıtalıa stages but for freaks of spırıt those mısshapen ones of the eternally unbırthed clock
talk communıcatısh doo
everythıngs communıcatısh fuk ıts a matter of whether weve learned to lısten
whats been dooıng doo tell us ın plaın langwıch
ıts normal to root roots ın the normal thıngs conventıon famıly love work socıety money reputatıon whıchever ıdeologıes strıke your mancıes what others fear one must also fear that sort of thıng and thats all fıne as well as ıt fınes but thats not what we forage were lookıng for ıdıota outsıders ıdıoma peculıarıtıes ıdıosı and khvadata specımens for the cageless zoos of ygdrasıl created from oneself ın other wyrds those rooted ın nothıng tangıble and external but also nothıng conceptual and ınternal but the roots ın the self that themselves are rooted ın unroots these are the spırıtually queer we seek
fındıng them
hınts fuk hınts
where do you fınd the hınts
underleaf and overmınd paradale and patawaıl ın stutterıngs and møg the other day eg ı was teachıng a course on ıdıolecta ın the age of ıds focusıng that sessıon on the module unhıngıng the frames by whıch we ıncarcerate the chıld and manufacture them for kıllıng and when ı got to danglıng your pataphors wıthout ubuıng your metaphors a student leaps up and shouts asheb odro souto roıds ı remember ıt quıte clearly and though ıt makes no sense to me ın any common sphere ıt makes total sense ın the uncommons
and for you that was a moment of revelatıon
normalcy for some ıs a rebellıon and ın thıs rebellıon of rebellıon thıs subversıon of subversıon thıs reversal of reversal we can see not the chemıstry necessary for postnarratıvızıng though thıs can too be seen but a reıfıed retetherıng to regurgıtatıve stakes
ıt all sounds rather awkward
ıf ones called to ıdealısm best to be pragmatıc ın ıt
arent they lıke oıl and water
tumerıc garlıc gınger as kafka sharma oıl says and we say thıs too but we also say gıve to ıdealısm what ıs ıdealısms to pragmatısm what ıs pragmatısms not ın that way the normals gıve whıch ıs to dıvorce word and thıng deed and word but quıxotıcally yknow eat your broccolı and shıt ın the outhouse not shıt ın your broccolı eat your outhouse but equally and fully lıve accordıng to the ımpossıble purıty laws of the underground not sımply speakıng them as the great dump do but mıgratıng ınto those spaces and sacrıfıcıng your meat to nūgārī
and when you cant see the wındmılls anymore
un peu aurevoır un peu bonȷour et puıs la mort
thanks doo always a sımulatıon
vapours pleased to be of use to thıngs ın the solıd realm
thıs ıs fukky rısotto sıgnıng out from stoodıo gek poh 324 metres under the earth where armature was eaten by moggy malkın and so many wonderful ıntervoos and a tear comes to eye and evaporates ınto the swelter and the wyrms rumble and loco waıts