Showing posts with label marijuana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marijuana. Show all posts


R&P: Pot God

The obscure medieval scholar, Per Judias Gunt, once obscurely wrote in that obscurest of treatises, “Summa contra de facto”—“Drugs are a plane ride to God for those who can’t fly themselves”; yet, 17,417 pages later, in that very same treatise, he also writes—“The Almighty, in order to remain the Almighty and not simply some vain projection of our petty selves, lives and must live an infinite distance from not just human flesh, which reaches ever down, but the human spirit, which reaches ever in all directions—this very infinity being the fuel, joy, and hell of existence, our existence, the eternity of this infinity being wholly and unqualifiedly necessary to the continued being of both man and god, …”, begging the patent and obvious question, “What strange transport might exist to span the impossible distance from man to god other than the world of ecstatic dreams and what better aid to the world of ecstatic dreams than the very herbs and hallucinogens of this generous indifferent vermiculous earth on which we inexplicably haplessly inescapably find ourselves wandering?”

In short, there are two ways to find God:

  1. By means of God—the means for which we have no precedent, clue, technique, apparatus, direction, record, experience, or hope.
  2. By means of the earth—the means for which we have precedent, clue, technique, apparati, direction, record, experience, and hope.

We summarily dismiss the many false means of the earth which claim to be true means—those of politics and its protesting sibling, sex, food, sport, business, family, health, technology, work of all sorts, ecology, sadomasochism, murders and suicides, and incarceration of whatever persuasion.  These are mundane and undemocratic.  We also dismiss, though not so readily, the hallucinogenic concoctions that arise from herbs—from opium to heroin, from coke to crack to croak, from all the acronyms to all the euphemisms.  Not for reasons of legality—the law is risible to all who love God—but for the simple reason that these substances do not typically allow sustained reflection of the divine diversity.  We even dismiss, though barely and not really, the great fungi, for reasons to be explored elsewhere.

Summa totalis, then.  Only pot is left.

Pot, for a bong of reasons.

  1. As pot, it is alphabetically similar to portal, suggesting it suffices as a door to other domains; and to poet, suggesting what it needs to suggest.  Perhaps importantly, it is also not dissimilar to potato, poutine, and poverty.
  2. As weed, it suggests that we are able to regularly eat of the gods’ wildness and not die, for we know their ambrosia is only randomly accessible, with frequently catastrophic side effects.
  3. As number, it is equal to the meaning of the universe + 0, indicating it combines the mystic qualities of everything and nothing.
  4. As marijuana, it suggests a holy image of Mary’s yoni, combining the sacred exultation of the Virgin and the profane gluttonous juicy maw of the slut.
  5. As hemp, it suggests hump, encouraging both animal visions (which become incarnate) and divine obstacles (which mysteriously disappear).
  6. As ganja, it binds East and West and thus all opposites into a singular force that happily refuses to reduce any of its manifold tensions.
  7. As hash, it suggests the Great Ash of poetic mythology, including the Greatest Ash, Ygdrasil, uniter of heaven, earth, and hell.
  8. As cannabis, it suggests our ancient association with the vast canvas of the world—the compulsion we have to create another world from the brilliant peace and celebration of our minds.
  9. As THC, it suggests The Highway to the Center—again, with mystical impulse—or, for those of a certain kind of western and religious orientation, The Highway to Christ.  Either way, it gets you somewhere important quickly at a fraction of the cost, effort, and damage of the competition.
  10. As the reverse of pot is top, indicating the top of the world and, in fact, the top of anything, the reverse of other hallucinogens are things like kcarc, nioreh, dsl, and moorhsum.  Such flexibility and mirror-friendliness are a sure indication of pot’s divinity.
  11. Pot is formed by surrounding the circular vowel with two dental-labial consonants.  Surely a sign—a perfect happy circle centered by concord, constancy, and the smacking of lips.

It remains a long-debated point as to how highs should be measured.  For as sound is measured in decibels, weight in grams, and electrical resistance in ohms, so a pot-high could be measured in, say, nobs and group highs in obonobs.  For example, if I asked you, How high were you last night? you might respond, I was about 7.2 nobs.  If you asked me how the party was, I might respond, It seemed about a 12.1 or maybe a 13.3 obonob party.

On the other hand, as the discerning reader will have already noted, to attempt to measure the effects of the weeds of heaven on us terrestrial questing nomads may be presumptuous and, as that Austrian-British language gamer noted, What we should not speak about we must not measure.

Let us close this meditation with a little prayer—

Oh Great Potgod, intimate and foreign and sometimes jolly, Thou who inserts the line into the circle so seamlessly, of historical repute and mythological allusion, never destroying always burning, alchemically blending fire and water into concoctions not entirely terrestrial, of turgid vision and plundered plans and garrulous guts and dubious conclusions, rarely given to violence—whether mental, physical, emotional, ontological, epistemological, or herpetological—but tending rather to doves and cheese, salacious in intent and sometimes in effect, noisy like a motorcycle quiet like a bear, redder than red and pinker than pink, like a worm than only knows how to tunnel down to fun, blessed like the Virgin but happy like the slut, hungrier than a fire hydrant, so very herby burpy chirpy nearby slurpy zippy zappy peppy tippy nappy crappy flippy hoppy sloppy trippy lippy, we thank Thee.