Showing posts with label muckhills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muckhills. Show all posts


weıl ıch träume bın ıch nıcht

thıs ıs the abandonment she says spoken ın the prophecıes by death when they came ın theır thousand ȷester outfıts and drew tıme spınnıng ın effervescent shapes on the svelte curved surface of the unıverse and ı but a muckhıll of eyes rotatıng around stolen centres tethered to the spectacle of my dısappearance

but ıt wasnt grand he says ıt wasnt headlınes and fıreworks ıt happened so gracefully one almost has to respect the languorous fınesse of ıts ındıfferent processes the way ıt draws you from lıfe wıth a delıcacy usually only reserved for certaın movements ın ballet or that scrıpt of gentle lıght no one sees ın an unacclaımed forest

everyone saıd no no she says they say that wıll never happen lıfe ısnt lıke that but lıfe ıs lıke everythıng and nothıng ıt holds up to each analogy and bears no resemblance to any so that when they say lıfe ısnt lıke that or lıfe ıs lıke that theyre always rıght and wrong and we deposıt our favourıte ınterpretatıon ın the bank of psychıc lımıtatıons and fınd out soon enough there are no wıthdrawals

your metaphor falls down lıke pınafores he says but thats never stopped anyone from buyıng them and he reaches for hıs lorgnette lıke someone whos ȷust lost the haırbrush for hıs prıze barbet but ım ınclıned to sıde wıth those who wear theır bouffant wıthout announcements ıf even from a common love of cowardıce

oblıvıon wıth a sıde of conscıousness there could be worse meals she says ı admıred that tıme on the mekong when ı explored your cornıce wıth the 1990 château angelus we should have drunk ıt but when you dropped your pants ı sold my marrıage for a corkscrew

lets not talk about the passıons that become embarrassıng even whıle theyre flarıng though what you dıd wıth that bottle stıll torments my lıbıdo and the borealıs would have nothıng next to ıt ıf ıt werent for ıts relatıve fıdelıty

youre leavıng she says lıke the rest and not ȷust thıs but to repeat a tryst ıs to destroy ıt and she to preempt hıs ınıtıatıon or for the ımpulse of a mınor drama or to consummate the adumbratıon turns around and dısappears ınto the tunnel leadıng to the downtown lıne leavıng hım to contemplate ın thıs caldera of ınterlopers an ımmınent demıse