Showing posts with label muckissimos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muckissimos. Show all posts


sex travaıls of a pıllıng doo

on t1 i dont think any more can get on but more get on a g and bfriend nuzzle against me smooching with a faith only the juguth can juggle when he turns away for a breathbreak all i have to dos slide my head slightly to the right and g and id instead be smooching a kind of meat mysticism occasionally gs and my eyes meet mm apart in any mutual gaze this proximate our clothes should be off

except perhaps in macadade the entire species stuck to their phones like oobleck old young poor rich intelligentsia artisans muckissimos i find a specimen on the tram phoneless utterly phoneless clutching its flowers a citizen of nothing i stare at him as if im seeing christ being reborn as a baby pretzel he seems to have fallen through a time sewer a ceroplastal replicant of the impossible

for a hermitdoo grimpillings necessary as an embodied admission of its insufficiency it needs the worlds polyabjectionalities as biospiritual fuel periodically to upset ballast and balance this may seem to go against the daodoo principle of knowing the world without moving and perhaps it does but that principle birthed in a geoconsciousness in which diameter between meat and meat had far less distance to travel than it does todao we add the prosthetic of abyssal travel to enable diameter sufficiency in evervasting esotatica

phone and covid fornicated to birthufacture a mutant child of mysticism and those of us born into mysticism long prior to this fornication gaze at our vivisectioned quartersıblıngs with deformed inarticulate wonder infusing horrors palpitating in the forever calloused cracks of time

the parks with nobody inside them

the parks with nobody inside them

threescore and ten years loom like a chronosaurus just over the doubt of a horizon i see its nostrilsteam a kinda patapunk laughing at me like clubbing juguths & here in many theres in yrups architected vamati where loomings spun a present so sticky with timing flies nothing moves in the entitled dysentery doo looms loomings like an indistinct inspection or shadowy embargo

*t ou r ists flock to where theyre told to flock by data that obediences what makes them *t ou r ists theyre datarists nodes of the datumarchy grimpills butre blown by windspirits elemental voices rasping and so *t ou r ists rich refusees are one for they all flock refusees in frustrated desire *t ou r ists in nominative mobs rich in glazed privilege while the grimpill stumbles stuttering many walks away from flock this wraith and eye of dedesire doos that de

if travelling in this patacized meat does anything it convinces of the sameness of the worlds pluralities not to reduce the fact that cheese in eritreas one thing and maseru another or this figures celebrated there and that one here we say ja they say si but that cheese is cheese celebration celebration affirmation affirmation i eye and the differences while transactionally important meld the more one grimpills into a schlurpy chronotemporal schlöpasbōrd revealing the chestbeating vomitrocious temporal blabbalo of border and nation as eternally otiose the only important variations seem to be temperature how naked can i get and drukQs can i buy and smoke weed eg without trouble or recrimination the first indicates meatal comfort the second spiritual generosity

the constantinople trams twice as crowded as five years ago in five more the whonyms willve burst the tram as a species into extinction and therell be just glommed people tracking endlessly around on the rails of nowhere the final community

soon doohaps

hanging with the globle dead