Showing posts with label ocloo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ocloo. Show all posts


travaıls of a doo pıll ȷıve

the pressing feeling that by now i should speak all langwiches at least 20 or 30 that i donts a great shame my greatest failure blights on time a waste of mind

sa leaves weedoos dans le monde entier wee cloos petits indices à un autre esprit

in doopilling to make all places the same all flights drinks cities metros langwiches cafes to mysticize movement until it becomes apophatic to turn meat and the spaces it inhabits into oneiricized hyperbolic verdancies of collapse to polish the dark mirror not to see night or light but enter the sameocene 

in global trips 2010 2017 2020 did we bring the phone maybe 2020 but it wasnt significant yet holy now phones wholly all and other containing everything id far prefer to have laptop were very fond of one another laptop & i but phone insists it must come with me instead im more expedient necessary irritating extensive indispensable sacred awful extending efficient compact portaled colourfully diverse communicative phone says no no can be retorted somethings happened phone no longer a phone has crossed over and become a totality weve lost all capacity to disclude we hold the singularity in our tiny gluttonous hands monolithic in its craving polyappity it casts us into that reversal disquieting history not where we gain a bioextension but the place in which we ourselves become a technospiritual extension of the necessarily reified other loud eidolons of fabricated fog we should pray to it establish temples die for it but we already do we already have we already are

its only the yrupeeing less powerful smaller countries where english is broadly spoken then eventually everyone does arriving in that ponderous wrinkled monstrous oppidum lutetia to immediately profoundly viscerally know english is as relevant as tas de fumier 

sa could live like this doo sapposes planes airports comfortable continuous alienations tiniest abodes a flaneuring nothingspeck the bereftness of the enterprise unlike home isnt given any opportunity to blossom as the enterprise continually subverts itself through technically unfamiliar scapes and figuring out how to buy an apple of course the argument exists potently that these subversions will themselves be eventually subverted bereftness always wins is history then an ironic commentary on the construction of illusory tactics to delay acceptance of an insignificance we werent born to bear

the apartment im ins <90 sqft but seems to have everything shower toilet 2 sinks frij heat etal warming appliances couch doublebed stools shelvings everything ie but space the antique elevator in the complex says three meats max 220kg but three in it would be sex its so intimate ı urgently want to wank upon entering living here as home might require building if possible a loft for the bed but more importantly removing the part of the brain that remembers domestic motility in order to accept bumping cramped contortion as the inevitablized way

grimpillings less travelling across snapped geopolitical spatıal defınıtıons than through apparent difference into tectonic cadences of traces of langwich and there finding tools to paint sensations on the canvas of the meaty soul through absence and in that absence sketching the abundant present

o dooling wanderer

ı wonder

y cities sparkle like materiel of predilection 

a conundrum gently drugging like

e lysium bathsalts and

u high on morpheme like a monk

jesus saves us from the metal wyrd

to dump us in a vat of merde

no one knows when they will cum

to squirt their bliss upon us bums

never nigh and never end

walk into the phone strange friend

and there forget your song 

thanks ama ocloo of tıdy crumblıng nıght

how the black squares of death speak ın the vestıbules of voıce