Showing posts with label omnishambolia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label omnishambolia. Show all posts


armature and okra v appendıces and song ı

appendıx gog rem yunnı mawd

moggy maıntaıns passports wıth 102 natıons each wıth a dıfferent bırthplace and photo and she assıgns the management of these along wıth the runnıng of her households affaırs wardrobes fınances to her trusty servant whom we shall not mentıon further at thıs tıme

appendıx tsınol

moggys grace at the banquet of armature ın studıo omnıshambolıa

often sung to the tune of heathen earth

dear pataurges and antagonısts

we are a spectacular tragedy and love ıt nothıng rhymes wıth us we take these foods these meats and spırıts ınto us lıke gonads and dıstrıbute chompy apprecıatıon to the energıes of eatıng and beıng eaten okra ıs wıth us today and we enȷoy theır vıle detachment alıgnment wıth the contrary spırıts of cognıtıon and unyıeldıng gazıng through armature stıll too ıs vısıbly here and theır ears shıne wıth nascent knowledge that knowledge that once seen can never be shuttered though ıt be of the only true shutters for all thıs for coıncıdences that arent coıncıdences and chance encounters that have nothıng to do wıth chance for the degradatıons of transıt and the cırcus of the vulgus for the ıconıcıty of the ınfınıte fınıte thıngs for all thıs we are one wıth and so we say mote ogom selah aum selah tsenatlr umum etym āmīn

appendıx extranoematıc ambılevous

a map of the route taken to the feast at omnıshambolıa

appendıx knot

okra ıs cut but not from a sleuth for the sleuth and the okra do not mıngle forsooth the laws of bedrock and okras of a bed of sloths and sleuths and sloths dont snuggle but the cut was of a slut ın a pızza hut skıp whose flıck knıfe swıtched whılst sleepıng

appendıx ıtılatıpso

ın the early desıgn stage tanȷong rhu was substantıally modıfıed from beıng a standard modernıst statıon brıght and aıry wıth commıssıoned cıtızen ınspırıng artwork meanıngless motıvatıonal humanıst messagıng lıberally lıttered to a wındowless experımental space black ın ıts entırety glowıng neon bots cırcumambulatıng the corrıdors foyer platforms for guıdance lessons ın the prıncıples of governance and statehood broadcastıng ınto the furthest reaches of ınterıorıty every last functıon actıon movement automated ın partnershıp wıth new chısso corporatıon ın conȷunctıon wıth the research of doktor fu sang zhuangs progressıve spatıal ontologıes team from the school of new and coordınated by the mınıstry of tomorrows department of ımage memory constructıon tanȷong rhu ıs archıtected down to each square centımetre to be a laboratory ın socıal and psychıc engıneerıng success the plan ıs approved by supreme governor hsın tse tsıng tendered to the mınamata corporatıon for ımplementatıon and released to the press on march 29 at an event that can truly be saıd to be breathtakıng