Showing posts with label patadao. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patadao. Show all posts



dıapers dead  you can see some obıts on patadao  we were going to send you all to patadao but there are none of you to send  dıapers tıred  tıred of everythıng  dıapers tıred of dıaper  of life death the ınbetweens the escapes retreats money language   we were gonna shut up but shutting up means suiciding cuz whonyms if theyre meant to do anything theyre meant to blab and though ıve only got my own ears to listen to my stupidity at least the internets there to project them on and that makes it seem however delusional  that my ears are somehow out there  arent just here ridiculously on my head   its all about the discomforting illusions   plus ı hate thıs name   sadoos not bad but the secular sadoos embarrassing  ı should change it  ı should make it look pretty and harass whonyms to click at it and package it and market it and do all those religious rites ones supposed to do in capitalism  but ım too lazy and dead and unfaithful and disbelieving   dead and talking   best combo ever


go to patadao  do not pass sadoo  lose all your money  lose everythıng   nilopolys the only tame in gown


ı spove loonerısms   femme folle à la messe et femme molle à la fesse   but ı like barrowskys metter   is it bustomary to ciss the kride? were just calking tutleryisms   thats why secular sadoos stupid  you mant carrowsky it


dıaper deads way better than any other kind of dıaper  poop ıt up in hades baby  shades are where ıts at      were all dombıedoombıes and walk the wraıth to shangrıdoo


my only question really is if ı go clinically nuts  ım nuts now but they havent caught me and when they catch me ıll be clinical  and the ability to blabify turns to blobify  well whats that about  cant avoid suiciding by blabarissimo and cant suicide cuz ım clinical   thiss what the catholics mean by purgatory


great concept purgatory   le gaffe got that wıt down and ıve got down bırthing purgatory so good ıd say the catholics dont need ıt anymore  ıve got enough purgatory for everybody


ı can only write on drugs  fernandos right  if you need a lıtre of absınthe every day to wrıte do the absınthe  the health and wellness and longevity whonyms are ridiculous with all their neochristian bullshıt about healing and empathy  fine if youre middle class or taylor tool  if you got the security down or buy into getting the security down   ı speak from the imagination that youve never imagined  from the folklore in the buried mulch of stinking bogs  an ısolation that never leaves ısolation and the voices of democracy like orcs  ım a ghost cv and the fat tellers and their donuts make more sense than all the bidets and airesses of the hoping hopping echelons



great goddess of the nature we deny

bestow on us we prey each nıght

and all ıt is is nıght

dreams of ınsıgnıfıcance and wıghts

meres & mares & succubı & lıght



some whonyms are of thıs world   others are not

my natural self ıs not of thıs world because thıs world ıs not of my not and nothıngness

ooQ upuncta vıa urnas

നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ജീവിതത്തെ വളരെയധികം ചോദ്യം ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയില്ല

imma l-ħajja tippreżenta ruħha biex tkun mistoqsija

tiako ny olona manan-tsaina sy mamoy fo


ubomi buyabathanda kwaye ubomi bafuna ukubabulala

tarixning bir qismi bo'lishga harakat qilish yoki urinmaslik

men historia är bara organiserad tid och tid som intelligens är bara något att döda

بیان احمقانه

هل لدي قطة   هل أستعبدها وأحافظ عليها في عزلة فقط لمنحني القليل من الراحة من حين لآخر  هذا الاستغلال

að láta nóttina virðast vera aðeins minni nótt

এবং আমরা পুরো পরাস্তকে প্রেম নাম দিয়েছি

ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਜ਼ੁਲਮ ਕਤਲ ਇਕੱਲਤਾ

ఇదంతా కేవలం ప్రేమ

ada semua matahari terbenam yang indah

ක්ෂිතිජයේ ලේ

machweo yanachosha baada ya dakika kumi na tano

đó là lý do tại sao chúng ta quay lại giết người

ị pụtara ịhụnanya


kofe ma sikaleti

rudo rwechokwadi

કોઈ શોષણ


eu ando na floresta porque sou um animal que pertence ao deserto e à selva   e a floresta em sua suavidade parece uma sósia benigna

यो होइन

nos abstraemos de la naturaleza y en el proceso de abstracción extraemos de ella para apoyar el proceso y luego inventamos formas de simular la naturaleza de la que hemos huido

vi er kneppede

tаа ме сака затоа што сум амбивалентен во врска со волјата

hori polita da zure baitan zerbait maitagarria da

nu mă iubesc din cauza ambivalenței mele

a ponieważ nie kochasz siebie, nie zabijasz się

я не сказав що не люблю себе хоча не знаю що це означає

ake sife sonke

ئۇ يۈز بېرىۋاتىدۇ


हम अपनी आशा को किसी चीज में रखते हैं   धर्म दर्शन कला शिक्षा कारण लोकतंत्र प्रौद्योगिकी महिलाओं को खुद   आशा ढह गई   हम अपनी आशा को किसी नई चीज़ में स्थानांतरित करते हैं

מתי נגמר לנו הדברים

우리는 그저 잊고 버린 실망으로 돌아가

кечкенә балалар кебек

pintar di jalannya

estipid nan fason li


kowane lokaci kuskure ne

ځینې شیان کله ناکله غلط وي

éta pikaboseneun

நான் முட்டைகளைப் பார்க்க மறுநாள் மூலையில் கடைக்குச் சென்றேன்

užlipau ant uolų prie vandenyno pažvelgti į gilumos paviršių

yumurtaya süründüm ve biri beni satın alıp kızarttı 

skočil jsem do oceánu a usnul, než jsem uviděl hlubinu

li cîhanek din di demek din de

ninu ala miiran ninu ala miiran

मी प्रेम करतो असं म्हणत नाही

ମୁଁ ଭଲପାଏ


ja que la història és una presó per a tothom que no hi sigui


e hele kākou i ka ulu lāʻau a ʻai ʻia e nā bea

tingnan natin ang mga magagandang abot-tanaw sa loob ng labinlimang minuto


ja auttamaan meitä simuloimaan kaikkea mitä olemme tappaneet

Учир нь бидний алж байгаа бүхэн бидэнд хэрэгтэй байдаг

cov dab xyw ntxiag los txias

ne vrasim sepse fantazmat janë kaq interesante

rydym wrth ein bodd yn rhoi genedigaeth a lluosi'r ysbrydion

anda neile hääl ja aidata neil oma üksildaseid laule laulda

heestaasi waa waxa aan ka maqlo dabaysha

tion mi vidas ĉe sunsubiro

ကြည့်ပါ ဦး  ငါ့ကြောင်ဒီမှာ

پر اهو توهان جو ناهي

շուտով դա կլինի ուրվական

hallani fogom amíg meg nem halok és látom ahogy a szeme rám villan ahogy ők

oчи духова које трепћу су мерило историје

sing jero banget kanggo aku   aku luwih seneng pitakon tinimbang pernyataan

غروب آفتاب نے ہوا سے کیا کہا

gaan blaas jouself 

ያ አስቂኝ አይደለም

est tantum ridiculam historia

жана жашоо

ಜೀವನವು ಇತಿಹಾಸದ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಯಾಗಿದೆ

ცხოვრება ხომ კითხვების საჩუქარია?

αλλά αν αμφισβητείτε τη ζωή πάρα πολύ;