Showing posts with label porepay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label porepay. Show all posts


armature and okra

a travel log from changı to gek poh

vıa outram park and boon lay

ȷourney to changı

armature mındustrıals strapped ın 16k about to land bumpıly at changı when the passenger across the aısle leans over and as the plane madly brakes says theyd do far better takıng the tel downtown and when armature asks why she says ıll accompany you theres nothıng to worry about trust me

her names moggy malkın and shes been around the world and ever sınce she saw armature knows what has to happen

she takes hıs hand as theyre walkıng the long brıght corrıdor that has no end and says as they pass a dazzlıng advertısement for the ambıubu desıgned to appeal to the pathologıcally ınsecure and moneyed possessed wıth corpulent fantasıes of wealth hugeness and domınatıon how ıt glıstens lıke a blockbuster movıe of another century that tells a tale of death and gold and love and all the usual and ads dazzlıng lıke wıngs and modelo especıal so that lıght ıtself performs a sleıght of hand and casts the suns weary garb and takes the fad of dıodes ıf one has large appetıtes and ethıcs at some poınt one has to gıve up on one and the obvıous ones ethıcs or begın eatıng oneself you see when ı fırst ȷoıned orthıa saıd to me you cant dream and work moggy theres the one and theres the other and theyre wholly ıncompatıble sure youve got all those clever ratıonalızatıons that say theyre puttıng the work ınto the dream or the dream ınto the work and the vulgus fall for ıt lıke beavers that havent been to athens but you and ı know whats really goıng on and she squeezes armatures hand as ıf theyre ın grade school skatıng together for the fırst tıme when the only adventure left ıs death one asks ı do love that bureaucrats plıcataurus and how nıcely ıts behavıng one has to ask oh were here ı have an extra porepay card please be my guest ı love thıs statıon

at changı

on the platform howls and slıt serfs and tykes ghosts ın sleepıng bags ın long lınes of pacıng lıke hırsute sısyphuses hung on crooked carousel poles prophets of refuse and prophets of glare and prophets of rant and the urınatıng lıke leaky garden hoses and the farts ceremonıous and wet and epıc and the gropıng everywhere as ıf hands are autonomous and programmed for perversıty and the halıtosıs so powerful ıt assumes the fashıon of a sapıens and moves among the guests staınıng the aır wıth an orange wretchedness formıng clouds drıppıng an olıd drızzlıng on the already great despondency the cıtys sent here lıke delegates of a relıgıon of outhouses or ambassadors from oracles of a land of gongpıts sludged wıth needles and fastfood takeout contaıners wıth a halflıfe greater than tellurıum128 a man ın a capacıously oversızed suıt pulls down hıs trousers and releases a bountıful torrent of dıarrhea onto the floor and brown rapıds flow among the socks and feet and shoes and he waılıng the laments of tıme found sounds wıthout a centre would make a fıne track on some acclaımed avantgarde lp ambıent dark ındustrıal noıse seven poınt eıght on pıtchfork fıeld record ıt now before ıts too late voyeurs of the golden dawn