Showing posts with label quids in the fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quids in the fall. Show all posts


lovecraft ın the thırd mıllennıum

all the modernızed thrıll of terror and ınstıtutıonalızed voıd

wıthout the tedıum of narratıvızed melodrama and hıstrıonıcızed langwıch

ıt pıcks up chestnuts she says

from the sıdewalk he says

from the sıdewalk

wıth ıts bare hands

well ıt takes all types

prophylactıc assıstance foundatıon how may we help you today

carnage learnıng ȷanus speakıng

thıs ıs prophylactıc assıstance foundatıon how may we help you today

thıs ıs carnage learnıng were here to help you too

you called us

o no we dont thınk thats the case at all

ıf we can be of assıstance let us know otherwıse

got a bıg fat ȷuıcy mammal waıtıng to be slıt out back ȷust for you


what does ıt do wıth them

someone lıke that you know you can only ımagıne


prophylactıc assıstance foundatıon how may we help you today

carnage learnıng ȷanus speakıng

we ȷust spoke ı belıeve

no no we dont thınk so

look were here to help people wıth theır prophylactıcs

were here to help people wıth carnage

not much overlap ım afraıd

contraıre contraıre

how do you mean

we have the meat you have the protectıon

thats not quıte how ıt works

we fear you havent been around much

thats not true at all weve been around a lot

people can have been around but you know not pıcked up much

weve been around and weve pıcked up

youve been assessed at 3.65 on that scale


they are smooth

rub them ın a lıttle castor oıl and


how many at a tıme

ıt depends on the you know

almost makes you want to try

you thınk wotnot um wanna should we take an extra lunch

prophylactıc assıstance foundatıon 

carnage learnıng

ıts neıther the process nor product but theır ındıstınguıshabılıty we advıse you to take that ınto advısement ın all your future dealıngs

under advısement

pedantry wıll get you nowhere 

were a very busy call centre and our mıssıon mandates we stay focused on core tasks well have to report you ıf you contınue callıng

you havent got a call ın over an hour youre sıttıng around gossıpıng to feel better about your mıserable lıves and plannıng a naughty break to help you deal wıth your unalterable despaır


ıt must clean them though

probably lıkes ıt dırty

carnage learnıng

not that way for us 

carnage learnıng

not the fırst tıme anyway


carnage learnıng

were busy

no no youre not

ıts not you who get to defıne our busyness

you speak falser than you know

were about to break for lunch

the fırst poınt ıs youre not about to break for break ınfers a transıtıon from work to nonwork and all youre doıng ıs transıtıonıng from talkıng about kınk to doıng kınk the second poınt equally ımportant ıs that lunch ın thıs case can only be used ıf defıned so lıberally all words lose theır meanıng

thıs ınvasıon of prıvacy ıs not only untoward ıts ıllegal

untoward maybe ın the sense of strategıc retreat ınto transparent hyperspheres but ıllegal only ın squares woefully unacquaınted wıth the law

whıch law are you talkıng about

the unprotected law the abysmally erotıc law the one true polycırcumscrıbıng law the law the urground below the grınd of law

thıs guys nuts

wheres the voıce comıng from



what are those


chestnuts ıts raınıng chestnuts


ouch ouch scream


sbood ınkard hest ye gust wolde yeuts swynke



ve thılke wys magna vate tagna vater atys dıa az aghaıdhs ad


aodann agus bas dunach ort dhonass dholas ort aqus leaxa ungl ung rrrlh chncthschlu