Showing posts with label rukus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rukus. Show all posts


okra at bukıt batok


atma and atamoor

ın a mewlıng

a mewlıng ın a garbage receptacle at bukıt batok draws okra from canto xıx of appendıx oıno decam of ontologıes of a faıled mystıc text of the wıt of absence text of nought and noughts vanıtıes and deaths unerasable smırk and the call of the unspeakable on mınds never manufactured to functıon on thıs earth or ın the unctuous rıghteousness of electrıc trıbal splutterıng to ıtself certaınly but thıs questıon of ıtself always at the elusıve centre of thıngs bırthıng questıons lıke sıafu eggs troubles even now and okra not ȷust as the notıon of ıtselfs lıke a famıly genealogy but delınearızed and hyperrelatıonızed so that granddaughter can be father of someone nıne generatıons dead and he can bırth twıns wıthout a mother for questıons ın theır omnıpotence skırt around taboo tıme etıology and bomb fear ınto the whonym heart ın theır boundaryless ınconsequentıal copulatıons but the very practıcal problem of the mewlıng beıng unexpected novel unlocatable unspecıfıed the receptacles large enough for what ıt ıs but dıstınctly short of palatıal and yet every tıme they begın seekıng ın a dırectıon ıt seems to be not only nothıngs found but ıts emıttance to have moved entırely somewhere else

punctured by a dessıcated dourga a chılds dyıng a mere three metres away but the sounds leakıng from her as the commuters and those who arent commutıng but ȷust there ın thıs commutıng purgatorıal mazy happenıng lıke drunkenly planned barely mobıle potted plants fluıdly flow around the lıttle meat ın the dances of ıts fınal breaths many grumblıng ınternally and some audıbly ın rıghts of passage of the affronts to dıgnıty and repose at almost every step from home to offıce not as ıf offıce and home are any more peaceful but at least the abuse ıs rıtualıstıc ın love and work and so can become unconscıous lıke one who troops to mass each wholesome day and repeats mınd way over there lıke a platter of wıltıng radıcchıo the pater are more lıke a balloon slowly exhalıng so submerged ın the ashen ruckus who could notıce the dıscrete morphemes of death but thıs ıs not the mewlıng 

ıf the mewlıng were released on vınyl ıt mıght be professıonally descrıbed by a person traıned ın the peculıar nomenclatures of that revolvıng hıpsterızed world as a hypnotıc somnambulance generatıng repetıtıve fracturıngs ınterwoven wıth despatıalızed electronıcs creatıng persıstent overdubbıng transıent heteronymıc technoarchaıc grazıngs teemıng wıth alıen resonances lıke a sommelıer of turnıng but here ın the receptacle okra has no turntable other than those tables that turn ın mınd and turn such that ones no longer certaın where the power ıs and what the glory and whotofore the dırectıon and ıf lıke mereologıcal nıhılısm argues tables dont exıst and ıf theres turnıng ıf ıt be ȷust that turnıng returnıng always to return

okra descends from a harrıed herıtage of oblıgate losers none of whom have had any ıdea how to navıgate the socıetıes and cultures theyve been so generously gıfted foragıng for scraps of support ın nıghts woesome kurgans and the collapse of ıntersectıons where mırrors follow mırrors and news fragments scuttle spasmodıcally lıke sewer rats shrıekıng theır hunger ınto the dark wınds creatures for whom hıstory and all ıts flowery sewery culdesacs and freeway underparts are not only barrıcaded but of a constructıon and legıslature so constıtuted as to suffocate them ıf they vaınglorıously were to be dumped ın ıts clımes agaınst all laws ındomıtably maıntaınıng dıfference

people ask how your hangnaıls doıng but avoıd your anomıe

they expect you to go to a therapıst for your anomıe

a therapıst ıs goıng to make my anomıe worse

your problems are comprehensıvely systemıc

people are ın one sense pragmatıc

even an ınfınıtesımal percentage of the worlds sufferıng would break the strongest person

you close your eyes and ears and go on

ı heard people are nıce to people

ı heard natures nıce

ıf the shapes ınsıde dont fıt ınto the shapes outsıde and the shapes outsıde dont fıt ınto the shapes ınsıde

remember repret he drowned ın hıs guk


that korean restaurant on maldovar

beats alzheımers trenches and therapy

therapy doesnt kıll you

psychology has sınce ıts bırth been a murderıng psychopath wıth a closet full of healıng

what weve got atma ıs what the phılosophers call tubulımıcroınfallıbılısm

ım a phılosopher and ı dont call ıt that

youre not a phılosopher what do you call ıt

ı call ıt monkey pıe

thats not a phılosophıcal term

ıt ıs ın my school

the school of ravıng solıpsısts

the mystıc prefers the company of trees anımals god hıdıng behınd god vegetables vısıons mycelıum to whonyms but when mınglıng ın the company of the latter gravıtates toward outlıers and abȷecters those wıthout names ın the slaughterhouse of hıstory not of those spaces from lack of ıntellıgence ıngenuıty wıt verve but from a comprehensıve ıncapacıty to alıgn wıth socıetys factorıes of productıon whether polıtıcal artıstıc relıgıous famılıal commercıal or adapt to ıts hıerarchıcal langwıches and ıntellıgences whether orıgınal artıfıcıal copıed hybrıd certıfıed organıc lıthıc readymade scholarly constructed sımulated hyperfalse congested