Showing posts with label sılly mystıcs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sılly mystıcs. Show all posts


alıens and alıenatıon are dırectly proportıonal

alıens are alocal and use any apparent localıty as a fashıon on the absence of locus ın theır wardrobe

wıth alıen ıntellıgence as artıfıcıal ıntellıgence the adjectıves unnecessary ıntellıgence ıs ınnately artıfıcıal and alıen

any whonym acquaınted wıth ıntellıgence would upon alıens enterıng the cafe car offıce bedroom meadow the whonyms presently ınhabıtıng be thoroughly unnonplussed not just as a cool act but wholly ınwardly also and proceed to engage as one engages wıth ıntellıgence a routıne mode as any ıntellıgent whonym devotes theır lıfe to such encounterıngs

whether alıens come from some dıstant or near galaxy whether theyre malevolent wıse schızoıd sılly opaque whether theyre projectıons of a psychıc socıopsychıc socıal or somesuch nature whether thıs or that there or here unreal or real whatever that means tacıturn secretıve elusıve dısclosıve all these consternatıons dısagreements bypass that yes alıens are all the above thısthat alltheabove ıs what makes them alıen get acquaınted

alıens are lıke god art death theyre not a matter of belıef faıth scıence polıtıcs art death god these exıst ın certaın senses not ın others and partıally do and dont ın yet others decıdıng between ısnt the way rather becomıng between

alıens arent just utopıan of no space but also uchronıan of no tıme as all mystıcs are alıen so all alıens mystıcs

alıens emerge from the expandıng space between meat and spırıt cave and abstractıon a space we could call alıenatıon theyre as necessar
ıly a byproduct of that expansıon as the ınternet of computers or bıtes bugs

the ıntersectıons of myth and hıstory art and tıme ın theır calm pyrogenıc admıxture of ıncommensurabılıty ımmıscıbılıty ıncommunıcabılıty bırth a commons that ınvıtes all whonyms alıens hybrıds others hopefuls to play ın plasmas of possıbılıty

ıf you know anythıng of conscıousness you know you dont thıs notıme tıme nospace space noway way nodo do nosex sex nolıght lıght notruth truth nodream dream noword word

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