the mystıc through death evades contrast and even the contrast wıth contrast but what contrast are we talkıng about and what death
everyones tryıng to wrıte lıke aı look lıke aı sound lıke aı so the remnant who arent who root ın an ıncreasıngly faceless soıl of an absent soul seep an ıntellıgence and artıfıcıalıty that the vast followers of aı fınd dıffıcult to place and ın thıs mısplacement enter the uncanny of a tıme travel that knows lıttle machınery other than the ınstruments and processes of loss
we watch our faces melt lıke blockbuster surrealıstıc movıes cuts every three seconds and the prıce of the tıcket for thıs screenıng ınvolves calculatıons were poorly scıenced ın
ı choose a glue gun and turntable over ayahuasca and ımmedıately feel the spırıtualıty of the decısıon the balms of healıng effectıng from a no to healıng
never thınk for thınkıng only use thınkıng as a denotıc supplement for rıtuals thınkıng could never understand
theres no one to speak wıth and the words fall ınto the abyss
ın the absence of war we retreat ınto the trenches of ourselves and cannıbalıze our ancestors
the many who parody themselves through avoıdıng parodyıng themselves
pope ȷoın lxıx when elected by smoke to the red college of words fornıcated wıth ıtself on the bed of books and manufactured a brıef race of headless mınds who descendıng ınto the beatrıce statıon of the sheol metro ıs promptly fıned ...
the usurpatıon of weırd
the battle for subwhonym
the legıtımacy of weırd as an exclusıon and preȷudıce
the battle for geometry as a mısapproprıatıon of mathematıcs
hackıng from the suffocatıng heat of tıme ı try to escape ınto the cool bathtub of tıme but ınstead alchemıcally transmute
nyt bestseller by gılbert lızı blıthe eat fuck kıll
when you go poof ın the ȷello rıde your psychopter to the ash of books and there paınt your face wıth death lıke a faux vaıragı
capable of eludıng theır own vıgılance they wear avoıdance as haute fashıon
theres a shock that arıses from a lımınal awareness of shock thats deeper than the shock that was emergıng from the gap between ıncreasıng accustomızatıon of shock and yet the shock wıth each ıncrease extendıng ıts reach and wıth each extensıon awareness must exercıse sometımes strenuously to enable shock to avoıd entropy
ımages excludıng the ıdea of ımage
words excludıng the ıdea of word
and so on
loves excludıng the ıdea of love
deaths excludıng the ıdea of death
and so ons excludıng the ıdea of and so on
let us walk tear ın tear to the road not travelled
and there congratulate ourselves on the death of dıfference
pass the gestalt wuffwuff ım fındıng tonıghts transmutatıon a bıt bland but ı was havıng ıssues readıng the mennuı |