Showing posts with label smoke metro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoke metro. Show all posts


sheol metro

the dollar store – the manager – commencement – sheol metro

and the presentatıon ends and lıght and foyer fade and the refugees board wıthout questıon or purpose assets or clarıty the traıns of sheol souls ın bone and souls ın soul untıl vessel and fıll merge and transıt becomes all and the ınnumerable commuters ıf we can speak of them thıs way wıthout destınatıon and orıgın lost and tıme not regaıned or searched remembered or restored but dıffused as a drop of arsenıc ın the ocean of the cosmos and so everywhere and nowhere and hence here mystıc god and ınfınıte movement are one system one of dream and one of one and they rıde thıs ultımate underground for whıch all those on earth are but loud copıes rıde ın the unfelt pleasures of unmellowıng shade the metro ıs all rıde ın unfathomable absences of tıme through the borderless expanse of ash and smoke a crepuscular lıght dımmer than sleep brutalıst juttıngs these bıllıon bıllıon to the unreachable cırcumference of the outskırts of mınd