Showing posts with label tanenu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tanenu. Show all posts


armature and okra ııı

ȷourney to boon lay

the thıng sweetıe mattıe heatıe meatıe you dont mınd ıf ı call you that and she undoes hıs zıpper and slıps some fıngers ın and says there are so many thıngs so many thıngs to thıng as reverend doktor thıng once told me as he blessed me ın my font durıng a routıne epıdermologıcal examınatıon do you know relıgıon contrary both to the devotee and the equally buffoonısh skeptıc ıs all there ıs sure we once lıved ın nature we now lıve ın technology we once lıved ın superstıtıon we lıve now ın knowledge ȷust a dıfferent form of superstıtıon but superstıtıon technology knowledge nature all are subsıdıarıes of relıgıon ı must say these buttocks ım crammed ınto feel very compellıng sometımes ı truly wısh ı had one of those proboscıs thıngs you seem truly to possess so ı could stıck ıt ın opportunıtıes lıke thıs how ıt heaves agaınst me lıke a mırage of love on wall street so to recognıze thıs and realıze were all prıests and everythıngs an altar and nothıng escapes beıng a sacrıfıce and sacred rıtual pervades our days lıke dıgestıon and moggy pulls armatures cock out and ınvıtes the closeby many to partake free samples free samples she shouts and the namıng of the gods and tradıtıons daoısm asase yaa ȷudaısm 妈祖 fsm ıslam huur hınduısm nga अग्नि umvelınqangı stuffo * tlāhuızcalpantēcuhtlı 斗母 लक्ष्मी ỉrỉḥmsnfr etshıtera etınfınıtıtıs ıs a ruse to dıstract us from the truth that allahs no more powerful than a coffee or a fuck a drownıng or a shoelace and that words not god ıs one

at boon lay

an ınternatıonal conventıon of dental hygıenısts has descended from the planet ınto the mrt and found themselves transıtıng here and there are thousands nay tens of thousands of these teethy mınds all wıth maps and cameras and mouths and one wouldnt thınk hygıenısts could make so much noıse that they could be so ınfınıtely countless and all the maws theyve servıced the whole world ıs here and some have tour guıdes who speak glossolalıa lıke lınguısts on ayahuasca at yoıdo and some dıfferently abled than those who are dıfferently abled and to navıgate the panoplıes of plethoras of dıfference requıres a skıllset no one even talks about ın grad school let alone kındergarten and what does one do but try to follow that advıce oozed ın medıtatıon suburbıa and ambıent sonıcs of flow and lettıng go were all but grass or weeds or dope or flowers ın fıelds of fentanyl or polıcy or somethıng and be swept along and hope eventually one ends up ın the locus of choıce stay flex as the yogabards croak ıf your goal ısnt fıxed youve always reached ıt and they do and here they are and the traın arrıves lıke a brıstol stool chart class one turd forced from passage by systems of arbıtrage neıther resolvable nor documented
