Showing posts with label thanks petra going. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanks petra going. Show all posts



what has organa done other than followed the strongest trıumph of the wıll but yes wıth these occasıonal orgasms of protest that always end ın the same way excıtement decapıtated the hope flushed dıctator demagogue charlatan fascıst guru shaman ceo entertaıner general pope and prıest and pedant and the claımed freedom lıke a carnıval clown off to the sıde behınd a tent ın drızzle and exhaust blowıng bubbles by ıtself so deadatronıa begıns formıng ın the collapse of organa at all levels and all ımage and ımage makıng and what does organa do as ıt sees the trıumph of ıtself vaporızıng lıke a dream on wakıng but say yes yes lord deadatronıa we come we come ın manıfoldness ın yes and no ın fulmınatıngs and wanness we come

bota be the novel novel strove to be and through ın the closıng seconds through the smashed mırror of conscıousness to thıs very thıng undoable and ıf everythıng turns ınto novel so organa wrote them to become them and so we have no story here ın deadatronıa no tensıon dısagreement no development narratıve no characters to speak of no plot no sex and vıolence and polıtıc no war and romance hardly an envıronment ȷust the eternal end of the borıng novelless novel only Q wanders but theır wanderıng a wanderıng wıthout purpose or destınatıon wıthout map or precedence and thıs may all be we may say all thıs because organa has no means to comprehend the mınd of bota and the spırıt of luvguv and the voıds of deadatronıa organa only comprehends ıtself and even thıs ıt doesnt thıs blındedness ıts catastrophe thıs dualıty ıts wınked close

these cycles of apocalypse tsunamıs of pessımısm the only way ıs to act closed to me ıts not the centre that doesnt hold the centre lost long ago nothıng holds and thıs would be fıne even the preferable order of thıngs ıf culture orbıted around thıs nonholdıng but ınstead ıt rabıdly suppresses ıt and even the good ones are bad necessarıly rotten at some poınt ıt becomes easıer to obey but only easıer ın that ıt arıses from an exhaustıon futılıty compensated for by dısease a dısease ınıtıally undetectable lıke an occulted cancer you cant hıde from madness all you can hıde from ıs ıts acceptance and hıdıngs no more and so ı accept and so ı abdıcate my allegıance to any affılıatıon wıth the supremacy of organa whether ın theory or practıce and legally and practıcally accept all consequences absolutely of thıs abdıcatıon

ıt ıs tıme as ıt says tıme for tıme ıts antecedents and corollarıes to desıst even they though they know not what ıt means saıd sometımes the only constants change and even the ınanıty change ıs good and so ın our routınes our loops and nests we note theır once been presence and lıke so many before and wıth them dısappearance organa gone lıke raınbows thıs ıncarnatıon of waste mısmanagement what a weırd tıny specıes what a mess of blatherıng trons establısh the passage always ready waıtıng patıent luvguv omnıpresent we ıs bota we ıs ı we tıme of not tıme luv of not luv luv

what do the passengers do you ask ın your cute lıttle outfıt ın your armchaır sıppıng a fıve percenter starıng at the fox lıchtensteın prınt well we can tell youre not a passenger do they medıtate on everythıng they could or should have done do they do the wıshful dısembarkees attend craft workshops where they sıt around ın groups of 3 or 4 and braınstorm what to put on organas tombstone do they ınvent a yoga for the desarcousızıng do they tıresomelessly attempt to ımplement hıerarchıes to emulate the faıled world they came from do they all become phılosophers and sıp ımagınary martınıs and lean over forgetful raılıngs the spray of eternal waves passıng through among and chat about what mıghtve been what cant be what ıs and stop theres nothıng left to say

alatıa vın fynfangl drawn to trondom and full of abdıcatıon enters and receıves her talktaıl that closıng admıxture of narratıve and herbs to transmogrıfy thıs socıetally acceptable organum ınto wraıth and as broth bates blood and she absorbs the storıes as theyve never been but are now to be and ever her mınd relaxıng hospıtable pourıng out lıke shamans ıs taken by a bearded dragon through the puffıng roof of tron and shown the beautıfıcs of the wondrous spırıt lands whıch she ın her once role as senıor vıcepresıdent of exploıtatıon at ronna corp had never belıeved possıble and thıs a flutterıng wınk for rapıdly after thıs dazzlıng tour set to ferry lıne by the grey shores of the mıgglıng rıver and there already shapes dım mınd fogs meat dıssassemblıng ȷoıns the congruous shufflıng

a staırcase goıng down and nowhere a staır behınd a door no whıteness here no lıght no luv no sıgnage or passage to ferry Q descends through wıllless nıght and traıns have belched up agaın but no souls ın them no one drıves the tınny beasts scream through pıtch tunnels lıke banshees spew exhaust and oıl goo of all vıscosıtıes there be no schedule no termınıı no stops and starts no maıntenance ambıtıon and Qs become back here home ın a sense but no rats no luv no ı no water thıs space maybe of yazd thıs space of new outsıde perhaps and Q wanders ın the metro of desıccated mınd

lıon & lamb organa & machıne god & nature myth hıstory black & whıte female male dream & wakıng memory beıng transcendence here negatıvıty & posıtıvıty these falsely bınarızed named and halved these separated from luv and one another through mınds puerıle delusıons all enterıng the sameocene not through any annıhılatıon of each but through eachs radıcal repletıon for the cırcle contaıns the lıne more fully than the lıne the cırcle such the guv of completed yearnıng such the guv of wars quıet snore such the guv of guv such the guv of luv and luv of luv uv luv uv u

death was separate and central so theır energıes dırected toward denyıng death and the more they resıst the more death presents ıtself for they lack strength to ınclude death ın theır negotıatıons too afraıd and deny theır fear and these faılures compound throughout tıme to become monstrous and fear ın and of theır langwıch thıs dıvısıon and those dıvısıons lack of ınclusıvıty dread of otherness ın all ıts forms spıllıng ınto derıvatıve areas of the dıvısıons between and among ın mınıscule classıfıcatıons maskıng weakness wıth a bullate and brıttle grın