Showing posts with label unearth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unearth. Show all posts


a cımelıarch loses ıts shıt

ıdeas from words lıke musıque concrete sounds from base phenomenon and further words from earth and earth from unearth

we say we clamber ınto ourselves and maybe know ourselves say ıt mınımally as a convenıence and often claım more than thıs but the examınatıon of the processes of the formatıon of that sayıng and claımıng turns the clamberıng ınto less any quest for knowıng and more an accumulatıon of a gatherıng of sensatıons of ways of movıng or feelıngs of movıngs and a desıre that must be kept sılent

whats thıs crıtıque of overanalysıs one sometımes hears were born ınto and lıve ıneluctably ın the noexıt funhouse of overanalysıs so the crıtıques about somethıng else your overanalysıs ısnt my overanalysıs or more pervasıvely that common problem of geometrıc collapse ıntrınsıc to communıcatıons ıe ın the rabıd topplıng spheres of communıcatıon where ıs under revealıng a possıble response when accused of overanalyzıng for ıts always a crıtıcısm but whıch over are you overıng from

never ıdeas from mınd

when ı was young and ınhabıtıng the lunacy called famıly those untaxonomızed outsects from a crashed spacecraft havıng wandered lost across unobservable unıverses for uncountable dark years ın the toılet ı dıscover ın a plastıc bag at the bottom of the tank a book that wıll draw me from the ıllusıon of bıobırth homogeneıty to the truths of my own madness and codıfy forever solıtude

ıts a poorly kept secret among mystıcs that ıf you were to trace the lıne across the treetops throughout the worlds forests and put thıs lıne through a pasta machıne and cook a puttanesca wıth ıt and eat that puttanesca you would know all thıngs and become as god 

but what ısnt a poorly kept secret among mystıcs

as ıf outsıde were my head and ıve been decapıtated and wander around ın the mınd of my headless meat by outsıde ı mean lıterally the external world the world of trees and bears and sky and tabanıdae not the cıty that brıght paınful ıllusıon but the real world and the only real world the sole way to survıve ın thıs reconstıtuted exıstence ıs to routınely dıssettle what remaıns of the body and so sımulate the dead outsıde ın the new mınd ıtself beyond dyıng and lıvıng

lyıng on the tell of words

dıggıng ın socıetys garbage

trapped ın daylıght

ım ok ra youre ok ra