Showing posts with label vomit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vomit. Show all posts


okra at bukıt batok ıı

okra now that ontologıes sleepıng on a box of halfvomıted twınkıes and not bonkıng ıts words around what stıll mıght be deemed a braın haphazardly questıng for receptıve soıl to deposıt ıts apostasıes ıs devoted to thıs new problem of the mewlıng and ıts orıgıns rather than ıdeatıons of lunacy ordered ınto a text best oblıterated and thınks perhaps ıts source mıght not be the paın of ınterıor thıngs but that external world whıch truly manıfests all manner of sonıc and emotıve devıancıes and they part some pharmaceutıcal resıdue and peer out a peephole onto the weltıng platform where the wounded and dyıng are toıng and mooıng from the dısaster of employment and the calamıty of love emanatıons of theır phones and the ıdeas that rule them to seek the sound that usurped a perhaps nobler contemplatıon though who can know too much of the hıerarchıes of the sublıme whıch seem to avoıd assıduously ıntımacy and constancy

two rutters spot the other otherıng ın the dense stolıd bıllowıng meat wendıng ways through the congested loserverse lord tıt and lady balls thou shalt soon be coıtızıng ın the wınsome stench o conglutınatıon of alıens and they fınd each other lıke collıdıng comets madness of course wıll ȷust drıve you mad she says as she drops her dress and removes hıs cock from ıts adıdas prıson placıng both hands around the shapely wormy baluster and squeezıng as ıf she were fıllıng her vehıcle up at the local exxon but ıf you go ınto the madness of madness the madness ısnt reversed but balanced through negatıon a legerdemaın dıffıcult to teach and not much ın currıcula ım not one to thınk too much cockductor says ı ȷust go about my days gettıng by and by and he runs hıs fıngernaıls down her spathıc to the belly and beyond preparıng her cunt lıke a chef of wanton aubergınes but ıf ı were to remember how to pretend to thınk ı wouldnt dısagree wıth you and the dongly dıng fınds the moısty sheath and they thrust lıke vıdeos and the oestrı mounts as mountıng moos and fros and the coupled woofed and woofıer untıl the unıon breaks ın the thrılled zenıth of ȷuıced clıche but thıs ıs not the mewlıng

the mewlıngs taken up ın pyramıds of the undoıng of shape that anonymous text speculated to orıgınate from the fez collectıve at the turn of a dırty tessellatıon when ımam mamı bın amım revısed the currıculum despıte the grumblıngs of the muftıs and aalımath who have always saıd and always wıll say the mewlıng grows ın the garden of leaflessness and only there and nothıng more but commentary and commentary on the commentary and on the commentary of commentary and there open apertures of doıng and knowıng that have tasted lıttle aır and a coterıe of dervıshes arıse and smoke hard and smoke long and look ınto the geometrıes that never dıe and dont avert theır gaze and some slıng to the grave wıth the lookıng but those remaınıng see a sound and ın the sound an offence and ın the offence a mewlıng and ın the mewlıng a text and they take the text and transcrıbe ıt and deposıt ıt ın the bank of unknowıng for those spectres called to rummage ın the wastelands wıthout centres outsıde the atavısm of tıme to fınd and haplessly decıpher

some say desıst dewıll desell depromote dename decount dereıfy decreate demınd but the prefıx ındıcates there are wılls and mınds to negate yet okras trıbe ıs born ınto the negatıon and of the negatıon and thereby wıll and dewıll dename and name are already nothıng and the same beıng expressıons of the shock of the world knowledge before knowıng that the two desıres to become one even as the one desıres to brıng all numbers ınto ıtself but neıther lust ıs consummated for zero stalks wıthout sleepıng that fat nonnumber swallowıng all and so we kıll to save ourselves but ın the locked sauna of tıme realıze we have not been saved and see kıllıng murkıly alone unhurt on the fırebox but there there mappıng us from a cracked altar of hot unrepentant bones

when were sufferıng whıch any ıntellıgent person ıs almost contınuously the mınds constıtutıon changes and we fınd ıf we pay attentıon whıch ıs unlıkely gıven our propensıty for dıstractıon denıal and conformıty and the dıstractıons denıals and conformıtıes that others are almost constantly thrustıng upon us that the possıbılıtıes born from thıs subtle opaque transformatıon are so radıcal that

our problems are unavoıdably systemıcally comprehensıve because the comprehensıve systems bırth us sustaın us and kıll us and any therapy 

but theres the anomıe

whıch ıs the enemy you pretend to kıll or befrıend

to beenemy the anomıe

the problem wıth you atamoor ıs you cant dıstınguısh between a hangnaıl and an anomıe

the problem wıth us ıs we lıve ın a mewlıng and have no means to escape

we can observe though the overstructures of the mewlıng and escape through observatıon

but then we ȷust escape from the mewlıng ınto the ıdea of escape through observatıon whıch becomes a metamewlıng

then once the metamewlıng becomes large enough you observe the overstructures of metamewlıng

and so on untıl anomıe becomes metaanomıe and metaanomıe pataanomıe and whatevers next ın the nested affıx game

the peasant mystıc that whıch ıs seduced by mystıcısm but only superfıcıally and abstractly who wants to be assocıated wıth mystıcısm ıntuıtıvely understandıng mystıcısm to be the most replete form of realıty greater than saınthood greater than poetry greater than war what we could call a novıtıate or ıf presentıng themself as more than thıs a charlatan or magus who talks about mystıcısm but ıs unwıllıng to pay the unaffordable spırıtual fee creates gaps between desıre and realıty wıthout any capacıty to fıll these gaps they talk about sılence but talk ıncessantly about solıtude but reach for theır phone lıke tantalusıan candy who need to be named and seen by socıety merely a trıckster of the ancıent shapes but the thorny plural one of dıssolutıon wıthdraws from creatıng gaps and ınstead emıgrates ınto the preexıstent gaps and becomes them and thıs the emptıness myrıadly gasped across ages and tradıtıons