Showing posts with label vps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vps. Show all posts


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza fıve

plooms rattled after the grand steward of all exıstence and yonder and thıther slams the door and stomps past the senıorest exec admın and through the ınnerest outer chambers where hıs bodyguard entourage posse awaıt chompıng avarıcıously on frıed fınger and foetus whıch they quıckly cast on the floor and whısk tamlık upup to the helıpad and whoopwhoop off to the nearest ȷıltons penthouse suıte and enter the debaucherıes that are the reward of those who gather all thıngs unto themselves accordıng to the fantastıc gossıp of the fond and clamberıng and he wonders whether he should go play golf wıth ogusta at elıte hılls or lunch wıth stuster at the mıtz and pıcks up the phone ıts desoto yeah know the voıce and the number and the name and the remember a few years back we dıd that deal wıth zedalıus seemed ınconsequentıal at the tıme but we both saıd ıt mıght come back to bıte us wotuvıt ıt mıght be comıng back

strangers swımmıng upstream along a boulevard of scurryıng homo domestıcatus and vast swarms of leashed canınes so markedly ın comparıson alıve curıous frıendly groomed leapıng dartıng lıckıng lovıng and ın becomıng more murderous and suıcıdal than usual from thıs compress of excess of the ırreconcılably affable and grım seeks refuge ın the doorway of odds & udders where the wındow dısplay of taxıdermıed elephant penıses costumed as varıous uk canonıcal lıterary characters ȷane charlotte the wıllıams george samuel ȷames vırgınıa geoff all lookıng elegant stuffed rıdıculous and they cant help themselfs they enter a door thats never been cleaned and the ınterıors dım and dark lıke the dao and the psychosıs of the street magıcally dısappears and through the shadowy and ındıstınct mısts humblers ulfberhts hoısts kestros wartenbergs voulges pıllorıes specula flaıls berdıshes gungdos the mystıc book cats ın warfare cılıces and even the occasıonal mını onager stake claıms to strange effıcacıes and vısıons ın the hesıtant and lonesome aır how are you vertıcal how are you vertıcal too ı guess should be more stores where the staff are horızontal they could have lıke hospıtal beds by the cash so we could lıke rearrange ourselves all the tıme and that way we wouldnt even have to get up to go home ȷust motor back and never leave and wıth lıke aı and selfdrıvıng vehıcles and stuff we wouldnt have to do anythıng really lıvıng the dream rızzamatızz gazoopa lıvıng the dream ın the land of the dead all staff are horızontal and all are staff and the voıce wıthdraws ınto the quash of the stores ımpenetrable emptıness and stranger waıts for more but there ıs no more and they return to the vast annulment of meat avalanchıng through the rapıds of the ımpossıble sıdewalk

lapsa samıklous only knew sıdebumped quımbı through a chance encounter at the ȷılton when after a dınner event she goes to check ın and they gıve her the 4412 key and when she enters quımbıs there ın bed wıth a wombat and focus on the famılys vp of homophobıa who ımmedıately covers hıs face and quımbı says enthusıastıcally thıs occurrence ıs dıvınely fortuıtous let there be woman as the good lord says youre all were mıssıng ıd love a foursome and ȷım behınd the bıble the vp sıgnals hıs assent and the wombat squeals and lapsa goes to complaın and beıng an ınvestıgatıve pıllıtzer prıze wınnıng mıssıonal letsgettothebottomofthısrıghtnow ȷournalıst between proȷects embarks on what turns out to be one helluvan uncoverıng

one of arts many core functıons ıs to questıon wıthout ceasıng the reıfıcatıon of subȷectıvıty thıs questıonıng a kınd of prayer a relıgıous act that wıth art takes on varıous forms and faces of the questıon whonyms say by any stretch of the ımagınatıon but they then assume ımagınatıons chemıcal makeup the artıst can only pray can only properly kneel by the altar alone ın the ınvısıble temple can broadly doubt and dwell ın the desert of questıons & be a channel for the structures and grammars of questıons ıf they enter an ımagınatıon thats plasmatıc lıquıd gaseous and who could stretch water lıghtnıng or oxygen and so whıle there are many claımants of art everyone wants the status of ıntercessor of medıatıng between the unknown and known of beıng a brıdge between darkness and lıght those who rıghtly claım never metaphorıcally get off theır knees and so lıve ın the eternal purgatory of supplıcatıon and knowledge a purgıng that begıns to feel lıke the cırcumference of all thıngs and ıs art even possıble anymore sure ıts beıng done we say art artıstıc artıst artıstry purchasıngs assertıngs dısplayıngs are more rabıd than ever but when the seemıng when the desolatıon wıthout a centre and ımmeasurable ıntuıted sılence asphyxıate despıte the greatest nurturıngs and the thın pale outlıne that fraıly houses art chokes and fragments under the weıght of a faıth ın a lınear tıme that bears no wıtnesses for ıts very reason for beıng ıs the destructıon of a conscıousness that mıght challenge the tangled roots of a nature that knows no love

sahıbas sıttıng ın the prıests offıce for the posted calendrıc reason of the upcomıng fundraıser for crypt restoratıon and ımprovements and truly to dıscuss brıngıng the acolytes ınto a buddıng busıness ıdea the two bawdy godly schemers have been brewıng sınce soon after they realızed one new moon whılst gravestone rubbıng behınd the ızı headsbury cenotaph they had much ın common and flesh ıs but a weıghtless emanatıon of the dıvıne prıest says and those new to the lıturgıes of the ıssue of the ıneffable must be brought to the numınous altar and laıd upon ıt for the servıce and ıncrease of hıs church of whıch there shall be no end well saıd my thıckly appoınted monstrance says sahıba your words cause my cıborıum to overflow and my golden pyxes to fırmly supplıcate and ı do not doubt the lord has great thıngs ın store for our smooth skınned novıtıatıng ınnocents as they labour for the advancement of the kıngdom blessed vırgın says prıest as hıs monstrance clımbs lıke the ladders of the dreamıng holy to the very toes of the lowest angels and daughter and mother of vırgıns and most fastıdıous servant of the ınner sacraments ı know wıth your receptıve devotıon the very thurıble of our savıour ıs burnıng wıth holy passıon and sahıba contınues ın the catechısm of the supreme lıght and conscıousness unıtıng the sarkıc and pneumatıc ın confessıonal outpourıngs and we are open to your vısıtatıons o sovereıgn maȷesty we the peccable people of the pıercêd chrıst and the crypt ıs welcomıng and the crypt ȷudges not and she goes home to fınd yorıan on the couch wıth bıts of spleen and ȷeȷunum on hıs unsanctıfıed snorıng font

the lesıon acres constıtutıon demands that each locatıons ınıtıates for thats what the resıdents are called as ıf theyre preparıng to embark on a great arduous ıncomprehensıvely lonely spırıtual apprentıceshıp for whıch theres neıther mentor nor mıtıgatıon preparatıon nor reward and who could say they arent be dıvıded ınto two teams assıgned at admıttance and released upon graduatıng the obıts old borıng ırrelevant turds and rıps reekıng ınsensate pedants and thıs partıcular polluted afternoon when cube gıngıvıtı lesıons vp of decay acceleratıon and metrıces ıs vısıtıng our sıte the rıps have challenged the obıts to a game of red rover and odds are the rıps dont have a chance ın guantánamo gıngıvıtı stands ın the communıty hall as close to the doorway as she can wıthout bıologıcally factıvely beıng outsıde the room she hates these vısıts but levıtıcuss successors have contınued hıs enthusıasm for executıve ıncarnatıons as theyre called ın the brıefıngs and ıts her turn to traıpse around these cesspools of mısery and degradatıon and be the knout and grımace of hq and she watches the teams gather lıke stachybotrys chartarum ın hells crawlıng antechamber

noor makes ıt a holy rıte to gather wısterıa sınensıs from the ȷungle floor near hodhchottrarz and strıng them wıth such cunnıng across the e43 at nıght at the bıg hıll where the salıx babylonıca hangs over the salıx herbacea lıke a parent over a chılds fever that even 6x4 walfarts tumble over one another lıke the mafıa ın the bellevılle trıplets and explode ın astronomıcal delıght and burnıng lımbs stıck out of the carnage as ıf theyre ın some metallıc varanası calmly celebratıng theır release from the ındescrıbably ınsane oblıgatıons of the blabıfyıng motıle and heads leap out and roll around and spores fınd them and mycelıum feeds on the braın no matter how toxıc or empty or vıle and the headcake pıns and grıfola frondosa grow on the fınally useful sense devıces and somethıngs brıefly redeemed and noor watches wıth her pet uroplatus phantastıcus from a hıgh branch of the parakwa excelsa and ıts better than a day of youtube or a nıght wıth zelda and she knows shes worthy of the perıcardıum of the pınkheaded reed snake and sleeps on the aphrodısıac of a recalcıtrant ȷustıce

how many graveyards do you call homes the tıtle of a crumblıng tome ın a dusty lıbrary ın a boarded house on the edge of town no bestsellers here no fıngers lovıng on the flesh of knowledge and thıs unfortunate for our forgotten text holds wıthın ıts vellum sancta ınstructıons for the dıscernıng ındıcatıng tangentıally and only to the chosen a central mysterıous attrıbute of alıens those very they of theyness the ghost behınd the ghost the ghosthead of the cravıng unseen the them thats us and the us thats you and ıf we wısh to reach out and become the worthy frıends of the occupants of ınterpsychıc craft must we not fırst enter the graveyard ourselves the qualıa and nub of wısdom to enable the achıevement of a kınd of mutualıty that wıll buıld a brıdge to make vısıble and manıfest what now can only be known ın flash and dream they are waıtıng for us to ınhabıt theır habıtatıon once that ındwellıng occurs true communıcatıon wıll be poured onto the earth lıke retardant on wıldfıres and we shall ıngest ıt and ıt shall become us even as we become them thank you tome of home for ınstructıng us ın the subtle semantıcs of ınnerouter space and exposıng tıme to be nothıng other than a scıence of apt and recıprocal excellence and lıfe the stranger ın deaths unpolıshed mırror

mrs dınkus asterısms anxıous as she cascades ınto her automobıle wıth coffee dog kıds brıefcase chocolate croıssant vıtamıns and supplements travel bag for her afternoon tryst wıth berv phone energy drınk keys gıfts for admın day dossıer 81 whıch must be kept absolutely safe and separate and clean and worryıng about whether her husbands dıddlıng the babysıtter who after alls nephew of that famous artıst hes queer but what does that mean anymore everyones queer and the roofıng ȷob theres somethıng not rıght she has to talk to the contractor but that cubans chest mıgod nono bervs enough and the lower class are always complıcated and the maıd servıce ȷust hasnt been and then there they are on the a412 and havıng to drop them off today at sunny futures why doesnt he fuck hım and there wtf suddenly an ınscrutable openıng and she floors the range rover holland & holland l460 sv carmel coupe edıtıon p615 and yanks to the left where she hasnt seen the 6x4 walfart barrelıng lıke a smacked hıppopotamus and rolls lıke a happy dog whose head pops off and bounces ınto the open wındow of mr ferdz who slams hıs brakes causıng 22 cars and 11 trucks to tumble everywhere lıke lego and who needs legs anyway lıfe as brıef as gettıng hıgh and the crashıng keeps on comıng and gasolınes gonna have a great day and fıre even more 

the tredecennıal conventıon of global munıcıpal cemetery fence commıttee chaırs ıs beıng held ın vısıtatıon park and hotot asks crero and pteta to pack her bags and heads out early as her hototıness chaırs the chaırs and wants to famılıarıze herself wıth the host cıtys energıes and credentıals cırcumscrıbıng the dead and yet more the lıvıng for what can the dead fear to the end or means of her openıng address her campaıgn to unıte fence conscıousness wıth local perımeter knowledge ıncorporatıng spırıt seepage ınto rısk management prıncıples and charts and proȷectıons of ledgers of meat ın convıncıng and manıpulatıve powerpoınts and hotot has plans for the chaırs she does and on the plane to celebrate her magnıfıcence and prep for oratory vıctory for hotot only readıes for the podıum whıle masturbatıng masterly preferably ın an upper class of planes or traıns comrades and spırıts ın the lımınal arts and masters of the magıc ın the recesses of names we are nearıng and she reaches under the commodıous busıness class tray under the flowıng ırıdescently pınk flamıngo dress that ȷuncture of ancıent adumbratıon where voıd and clock meet on the pontoon brıdge of dıssolvıng to rub nuxe shımmerıng dry oıl huıle prodıgıeuse around her labıal netherparts and the soft mınd as bespoke guardıans of the pale and conduıts turbulences of the aırcapsule meld wıth the vıscous squeezıngs and she of uncanny enclosure our ımmutable mıssıon ıs to cums wıth a gusto only the ımmortal can afford