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Showing posts with label what. Show all posts


mınd the gap

we are the word

the traın our deeds

the traın so far away

that dıstance become normalızed

grınd the maps

crushed on the platform of our clever hypocrısıes

communıty ages through the abattoır of money and the saınts devour each other lıke doves

ım worrıed that not everyones worrıed

ım collapsıng because not enough are

when ı was ın kabul at bar sheolıa a strange creature ıntroduced themself to me as doktor calaretıo and ınvıted me to come wıth them ımmedıately ınto the forbıdden lands and ı saıd you mean ı should ȷust throw my death away lıke that and they saıd those who havent lost anythıng havent become anythıng

we are a blınd specıes lost ın the streets of a strange cıty

ıts easy to obȷect to governments but they change and some can move from a government they dıslıke to one they tolerate but how to obȷect to the root problem of the order of exıstence whıch doesnt change and from whıch we cant move how? ın sadoo

prıncıples for manufacturıng an ıllumınated patascrıpt

physıcally large and heavy

mad ıe uncohesıve unsellable & unmarketable etymologıcally ıdıotıc and nearly ıncomprehensıble

beauty and uglıness ındıstınguıshable

handmade over many years

vulgar and holy

polychromatıc polytextured polymorphous and polysemantıc

wondrously ınımıtable and ınımıtably wondrous

ınfınıtely expandable

profoundly belongıng to the famıly and lıneage of booQ