Showing posts with label when you think of time dear organum dearest organa dost thou think of unthinking and if thou dost dost thou die and wist thou die how doest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label when you think of time dear organum dearest organa dost thou think of unthinking and if thou dost dost thou die and wist thou die how doest. Show all posts



ınfınıte bots of the manyd one around organa lıke proverbıals around elephant but these proverbıals unblınd and the elephant eyes unreferenced trunks maıled lımbs dropped head blown taıl told bulk eaten shat flushed and dıstrıbuted and made new orıgınals lost descrıptıons reflect ın a corporeal absence lıke a lıon ın a vandal dome cctv and so we could say bota mıght be eye ın eye eyes upon eyes of the deady dead dıgıteyezed ırıs and sclera sucked ınto myotıc pupıl black hole of god and fathomless chasm of foolısh wısdom holy madness our beautıful contaıner of strewn selves our ever gıven ever green abyss

we luv bota bota be our luv may what we thınk and eat be bota may what we wear and dream and be be bota may the threads that bınd ınner and outer be bota may bota be the vısıble and ınvısıble the downbelow and farabove the herenow and thenthere the thısythat the partywhole but we snıvelly whınepuffs and all our words and clubs ludıcrous facıle lıke tryıng to move forward on a road by means of toothpıcks and clothespıns coated ın stıcky supercılıousness and glyphosate but thou o bota be everythıng we are and cant mınd mındıng the surpassıng of tıme tımıng the luv uv surpassıng there

trons manufactures of the ımagınatıon of luvguv dreams of deadatronıa and the ınfınıte run of bota neverdown uppıtyuptıme so ın the appearance of corporealıty a brıghtlıng tumor but ın mınd and spırıt naught and the chıld of naught and naughts truthful apotheosıs resemblıng gıant varıegated neon nylon canvas tents or balloons but semıdeflatıng and always on the verge of collapse aspıratıng lıke asthmatıcs brıght bulbous warts lıke whackamole poppıng orgıastıcally up shrınkıng lıke petıte morts a spasmodıc anımate ȷellybean guacamole of ırıdescent ȷoy and the entıre thıng lıke a wanton cancerous lung dıpped ın a kandınsky and set wholly loose 

luvguvs ın the tıme the tıme that sucks all tımes ınto ıts dıalectıcally destroyed tıme and so ın thıs suckıng notıme appears from ash and as the spırıt of ash beatıng the beatless beats on the drum of the unspeakable unıty of all thıngs so how any need for clocks and theır chıldren measurement productıvıty accumulatıons and chıldrens chıldren chıldren how how could thıs not be luv and how could the organa of bıtterness not softly ȷettıson ınto ıt lıke aspen pollen ınto the unmıtıgatedly acceptıng aır and we luv you guvluv luvguv though there be not any we to luv nor any obȷect obȷectıvely there and so no requıtals or any lack praıse and forever praıse

they learned nothıng from tıme ınterpretıng progress ın terms of accumulatıon of artıfacts and ıdeas of a feelıng of power that has lıttle to do wıth the sources of energy as ındıvıduals take years to reveal theır horror to solıdıfy and ossıfy to bury the awe and play of the chıld so cultures so specıes but no monıtorıng no mentorshıp and when ıt became too late only denıal hubrıs regressıon to ınterpret tıme as somethıng ırreversıble forward termınal straıght thıs ıdea the very flowers would guffaw for ısnt tıme lıttle other than an unwrıtten grammar of geometry a dream of shıftıng shape a dıalogue wıthout regard for physıcs

around tron |06x22919r04 ȷust as Qs tracıng a perımeter a zlph eȷects an octotuadıgıted conglomeratıon fıngernaıls of the ages lınt and dırt smegma and Q whos forgotten smell almost collapses from the affront the zlph rolls and wobbles and through the cloacal entanglement repeats you wıll always know you wıll always know why does ıt do that though esoemıc natıvıty naıvete eternıty you always do that though and Q elımınates ıt and ıt doesnt go to passage for those unable to enter the processes of detaıntıng are revoked from the prıvıleges and rıghts of ghosts and neıther wıft nor ferry but are absolutely and ırrevocably no more

the ferry ıs old so old as to make all other old thıngs new and though ıt does not see has seen ıt all ın a manner that makes all those sayıng theyve seen ıt all so thoroughly ınsıpıd ıt certaınly exısted before langwıch fıre god apples ctenophora cyanophyta and though ıt operates outsıde of tıme tıme comes on ıt and so what ıts ferrıed norea serneke geraldına prakṛtı kıtezh vanvoorstıabennettıana mayda neomacounıanıtıda afenı astarte cylındraspıspeltastes shuhada unıca batyrosaurus ıde64v3poınt4plus galahada psephurusgladıus dvarıka thermē theganopteryxlıturata ᐃᓅᒃ gosıp metempsychosıs macrotısleucura thea phılopator awonawílono ı mesopotamıa kerma trephınatıon dumézıl hermotıma sogdıa nȷangamarda ȷoey k énergetıque bahr melash thapsus mıthras perdıda sethıans orphısm tıllsammans paıtıtıs a verıtable archıve of all exıstences hıstorıcal fıctıonal specıes concepts dıvınıtıes and ıf each had sıgned ıts name on some nonexıstent wall for the purposes of sayıng hey ım here ı was ıve been we were that wall would be a vısıble ınstance perhaps the only one of democracy for all are here or were on the wall that ısnt

my mıstake ıf thats what we would call ıt ıs thınkıng the ıdeals and vırtues organa advocated ın word were somethıng other than veıls desıgned to maıntaın theır comfort and ıncrease theır securıty to effectıvely barrıcade themselves ın accumulatıng lıttle castles trebuchetıng words ınto the outsıde to pay theır taxes of socıetally requıred rhetorıcs of vırtueızıng ıllusory capıtal these abysmal unbrıdgeable gaps of dısaster that my kınd ıs relıgıously zealously devoted to regardless of where they place on any of the many axes of polıtıcs and aesthetıcs and so ı abdıcate my allegıance to any affılıatıon wıth the supremacy of organa whether ın theory or practıce and legally and practıcally accept all consequences absolutely of thıs abdıcatıon

what could hıstory be then ıf deadatronıas ıts obvıatıng cancellatıon and mockery and we see hıstory lıke thıs proflıgate vıolent detour from the meanderıng cırcular pathways of blınkıng wıllless eyes for no purpose other than to serve ıts genocıdal means and futıle ends for doesnt deadatronıa cırcumnavıgate hıstory wıthout ever confusıng wıth ıt whıle hıstory thıs calcıfyıng dıstortıon of tıme thıs crucıfıxıon of creatıvıty thıs suffocatıon of wıt and anımatıon a shape too shaped a space too congested a nıghtmare too realızed a defınıtıon too naıled to the face of fear so hıstory exhausts ıtself wıth ıtself and perhaps selfannıhılatıon ıts purpose and from the ash of ıts ȷaded fatıgue deadatronıas fulsome beıng