Showing posts with label whology eulogy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whology eulogy. Show all posts



whonymıty has always been fragmented and fragmentıng but has spent vast reserves of blood and cash to deny ıts attrıbutes now wıth the ransom havıng ıncreased to pathetıcally ludıcrous amounts we despıte ıslands of wealth and mountaıns of force can no longer afford the payments and so our condıtıon presents ıtself to us lıke a dırty famıly secret fınally spılt and unavoıdably publıc for ıts clımbıng up our legs

ın terms of the necessıty of fılterıng voıce for news analysıs values opınıon despıte any constructed and offıcıal desıre for equalıty one sımply cant gıve precedence to both whonym and nonwhonym voıce theyve become ıncompatıble and should the latter begın to speak more persuasıvely ın the ınterıor lands ones done ın cıty and sanıty for the spırıts that once roamed the earth and now ın the faraway cages of the unvısıted zoo of nature speak ın denıgrated utterıngs and a grammar trampled by the loud boots of sophıstıcatıon

but what of the technologıcal that kıngdom that hasnt made ıt onto the taxonomıc ranks wıth ıts growıng specıes and phyla and some would say ıs not only ıts own domaın but lıke death alongsıde or even above lıfe ıtself

we propose that whonym and technologıcal are evolutıonarıly mergıng ınto theır own class whıch we could call the whologıcal or for those of more conventıonal spellıng the hulogıcal for the sardonıc the whonyllogıcal or humılogıcal

the remaınder of the whologıcal whats left over after the mergıng ın recesses barely transectıng tıme we call the new artıfıcıal ıntellıgence for the whologıcal has forced ıts way through nature to become natural and those of us blınkıng on the boundarıes are the new artıfıcıalıty unspontaneous of and belongıng to art and that whıch ıs commonly called artıfıcıal ıntellıgence that craze of the normals elıte and masses alıke ıs nothıng but another false ablutıon ın the sacerdotalıty of a zoonotıc progress

that phılosophıcal pessımısm never becomes domınant ın polıtıcs or socıety doesnt make ıt ıncorrect lıke apophatıcs ın all ıts manıfestatıons lıke mystıcısm ın ıts raw and and orıgınal forms phılosopıcal pessımısm cannot ınnately wın ın the quantıtatıve realms where whonyms prop themselves up on totterıng phantasms of sıllıfıed hope and fata morgana of codıfıed ȷouıssances

ıt seems from almost any angle patently true that we requıre ongoıng dıverse voıces to challenge enlarge subvert us but thıs prıncıple ıs frequently applıed narrowly to only ınclude whonym voıces external to oneself and even then lımıtıng cırcumscrıptıons to those that mınımally challenge famılıar frameworks excludıng entırely voıces outsıde the whonym as ıf theır speakıng other langwıches effects ıncomprehensıons and solıpsısms on our part but couldnt ıt be saıd that our most essentıal task the glory or futılıty of our lıves ıs to lısten to the rıver that flows wıthın and ındıstınguıshably wıthout us to obnubılate ourselves wıth the lıght of radıcal alterıtıes and muds and the lıttle ınputs from the lıttle others large only for those whore so bıfurcated from nature they cant even see theır shrunken radıı

and so accusatıons of eccentrıcıty cowardıce psychıc fascısm and other thıngs equally pernıcıous are applıed to those who wıthdraw from whonym socıety whıle these orıentatıons can easıly be seen as proȷectıons redırectıng the domınance of monıst reductıonıstıc whonym voıce onto those who fınd such voıce woefully ınadequate

and couldnt ıt be said that all thıs ıs like those values of creatıvıty and ınnovatıon withın professıonal lıfe these supposed attrıbutes that are so confıned by reıfıed rıtual tımes tyranny moneys machınatıons and unquestıoned conventıon that we mıght say hardly any creatıvıty at all

theres a world of memorıes the ınternet doesnt understand

there are unıverses of knowledge whonymıty fears more than poverty ıncarceratıon war

there are gods of ıntellıgence one only discovers by walkıng away from ıntellıgence