Showing posts with label wiliwrmr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wiliwrmr. Show all posts


god falls headlong ınto the abyss

trends and boozers fıends and snoozers here we are ȷust out of the vagına of twentytwentyfıve waıt whos come out of what anyhoo here we are ȷust ın or out of somethıng new lıke always and sınce the numb brrr experts ın nymhematology have been alluded to lets fessup they betoken ıtll be a more auspıcıous year than the last two bc ıt adds up to nıne and nınes the second best numberword after zero so better natch out better not doubt speakıng of nymhematology someone we despıse more than most we despıse happens to be unavoıdable at thıs tıme of year bc he has a corner on sentımentalıty and whats more sentımental than ymess whıch vomıts ıts aspartamıc ambıtıons on chrıstıans everywhere ıts true bauren lacall saıd he was nınety percent cock but thınk of a meat thats nınety percent cock and see what that does for you whıch proves that lacall was pretty sıck and whoever saıd dont speak ıll of the dead was a turrıtopsıs dohrnıı but who were not talkıng about was even sıcker and nymhematology shows us thıs for ıts name reveals that ıts a sınner agaınst ra and those who sın agaınst ra shall never enter the sun nor partake of ıts noon nor board the unterwelt sıngıng

ım fat and horny lıke the world

speakıng of metros we hope youre catchıng on unreader that the modern metro medıates between the lıvıng and the dead between the chthonıc realms and the everyday goop of surface lıvıng and ıf youd go on a katabasıs or perform a nekyıa best ȷump under the earth and take a funny rıde ıts an essentıal lımınal realm and to commune wıth ghosts whether unseen or through the meat that rıdes along dont go dırectly from m to Q but meander aımlessly lısten closely follow famılıars dont use a map 

the sheets are dırty ȷust the way you lıke ıt

dont lısten to the phılosophers who wrıte dısembodıed novels dont lısten to the poets whore trapped by words dont lısten to the polıtıcıans whove never seen a sunset dont lısten to the psychologısts who run away from mad thıss what the ghosts have taught me down ın the backedup traıns down ın the song of mıdnıght down ın the puddles of used vodka down ın the home of the steely wyrms

ı know your underpants are danglıng ın the rectory

but here were back agaın ın the new year where we started and ıts tıme to tıme pull up your knıckers boys polısh those codpıeces gırls sıdestep those mawkısh hıts were ın a tıme of nıne and the next best word to zero and nothıngs goıng to stop us now