but theirs is just a different humiliation and
necessity and so one doesn’t save anything from anything
saving nothing from nothing is our task
we all work productively together to convince
us of our irrelevance
we’ve done nothing of the sort – all we’ve done
is live and if life so convinces you it is you who are constructed to be so
we are all savages
we are painted faces of the monstrous chimera
of the popular
here we, in absent temples of temples
delightful, as always
we are hack and pulp and the annihilation of
hither come we the sapiens, polyhaired crazedeyed
gonadsinhands thieves reavers slayers with gigantic melancholies and morbidly
obese mirths to tread the scatological thrones of the earth under our clopped feet
the yellow leaf not loud but deep dares not their
poor troops of friends
you found that in a mccajita feliz
i have spoken to the constructors of
construction, the engineers of engineers
they haven’t responded
the way it works she says is
it must be thoroughly and ubiquitously humiliating to have parents for everyone
has parents but not everyone has children so if it’s thoroughly and
ubiquitously humiliating to have children some are exempt
why is exemption unacceptable?
exemption is an illusion
but illusion is the one acceptability
acceptability is happiness
and one's the illusion that's true
we are the cold and timid souls
i am sums of absences
i am that and the thising of that
i dis dat but i don't dis dis but i may dis what follows dis
what follows dis's data
wit's an absence of sums of absences
i am sums of absences
i am that and the thising of that
i dis dat but i don't dis dis but i may dis what follows dis
what follows dis's data
wit's an absence of sums of absences
we build sanctuaries of savagery to our daised
delightful as always
let us rejoice in the holographic carousel of
let us seek mystic asylum in language, that machinery
of the coloured up and round and down
benedicto lxxxi
may flirty firefiles
contume your gnats gotts nahts
by a holohollow rerobahting
a graphy quaffic gaff
of gazed & grazing substates
amun ra aum yoni