PATA2020 Devanced Seminar on the No
Poofessor Jejunum Q Diaper
Kämūtėrdøtti̊r U
Renal Examination
referring to the text words are round on sadoo 18.07.20 respond to the following questions. use only the text words are round and your genius. in other turds – dont record your answers anywhere other than in your memory or what could be called a memory or what might have been once a memory and is now little other than a present. be prepared to discuss orally when you are called by an inquisitor. times and certainties of inquisition are unknown. you have from now until the inquisitor calls. inquisitors may call more than once and at any time and in any mode or manner
1. poke the roundness of words and poke their sphericality. how do they feel? sound? respond? how do roundness and sphericality differ apart from dimensionality, apart from words and not apart from words? is there an apart from words? define dimensionality with respect to language
2. discuss the use of diacritics in the text. are they strategic or tactical? how do readings shift if all diacritics were absent?
3. fartin die-higgër writes, alluding to sädoolin, in rounding and sphere – while the essence of essence can by no means be anything essential, the true essence who through projective slayings provokes does not say there is there is but is is there there and in this withdrawing which we call a drawing and this sending we call a timing-giving understands of itself in the itselfing of understanding an itstanding that un-its its own notselfing. object
4. scholars and lay alike have achieved nothing like consensus on the role of gender in this text or for that matter anywhere else. posit a minimum of nine possible consensuses and a maximum of eleven impossible ones
5. trace qtyx (sic) in stanza five along all its trajectories and name its interstitial hidings
6. the presence, use, and abuse of NEWs (non english words) in the text has spawned extensive speculation. subject this speculation to the levels of abuse the NEWs subject us to. how is qtyx placed in relation to the NEWs? if qtyx were a hunted critically endangered marsupial, how would it place? in a technoglobal catastrophic antiecosystem, are NEWs even possible or has the NEWs been abolished by a hyperproliferation of the NEWs?
7. the diaries of the death of the author suggest it was considering using t’ssab rather than qtyx. discuss how loop of henle changes with t’ssab. discuss the lineaments of t’ssab as they pertain to doktor henles miasmic marriage
8. the relations of galidictis fasciata and lutembi are said to be analogous to those of porete and weil. construct unreasonable wearable architectures of each party and be prepared to, in costume and on many drugs, discourse among them
9. the stüttspiff school traditionally defends a movement from – excuse the terms – nature to technology in the texts progression. cogently and professionally obliterate its defense through the available scholarly means of ridicule and defamation
10. make a langwich from the final stanza that you can anywhere carry in your underwear
11. eye m fat wah woo way
and eye c u like a vasserolo
nonething here comes or goeso
fat wah woo woo way
according to forensic literatology the above quatrain was sadoos first draft. reconstruct the intermediate steps. follow them in time, space, being, nonbeing, dip your donut in a jelly
12. falter men’bam-gin in its alcibiades abject writes of geometry entering the dream of the city and there unable now to leave confused over its shape lays itself on the bumpy mattress of human construction and confounded by too many dreams falters
13. manufacture an installation of hairy clitorides and in this hirsute happiness create post-messianic figurines that subvert one another to no ends
14. hack into the hobo superscalar alu and use your access to poemify the pentagon
15. nein and nine go way back. explicate their wayings and backings
16. clouds have never been clouds to anything not clouds and even then. entering the genius of a child speak of clouds
17. we are here like dental or candy floss and in our vacillating ironies incapable of replicating reality dive in the nothingness of your eye
18. iams, iamnots, ims and notims. write notiming and pronoun
19. among others hack whorsey tweets were diagnosing. apply