
itinerant disillusion

what do the mad offer a world encased in a turgid rationality

the mad whore an indistinguishability of reason unreason

and all those relatives

the mad with money who sit on perches of money and die

the mad without money who wandering wallow and die

the mad with a little money who die

with their fragments of fragments and broken poetry

swallowed quite whole and unnoticed like insectdust down the worlds vast gullet

which only seems vast buts tinier than dust

mad and madder madderest

you we they i the mad

bears in their roundup and bees in our sonnets

birds in our logos and mad in our logos

dao be the evening   day seem the night

utter me a syllable my friend from some udders of fiends

and lets go down to dark by the impossible tongue


tomorrow you can say tomorrow

thats not the way it works she says its not that the savagery that language hides in its hearts the inverse of the anger in affection though ones pressed to deny even this but that our desires break medias blend of fear monism force only by means of a subterfuge so unrecognizable and familiar it burns only as fuel in the transit of the uncanny

real sophistications letting go of sophistication without losing it he says and the curl boinging there in the boundary zones between the republic of his forehead and the terrorism of his ear would be a question mark in the semiotics of a race that had transcended lust if it hadnt sabotaged itself through misplaced faith in the very transcendence it claimed but was unable to know through a ruse that cloaked the thing in shadows of what it wasnt and could never be though whats meant by this might be found in a suggestion of a book of wisdom sayings asking to be written in worlds that ask in ways in which the asking more resembles something like a gnarled memory that mocks itself by thieving techniques from the practice of everyone looking for noise within the noise as if it might be some sort of lost and inarticulate harmony

you talk like a gutter full of spent pedigrees she says and a garter slips a centimetre down an undiscovered limb in her mind or at least one of her minds if we can and we can in part but hardly only this because we are speak of minds in what seems to be in certain modes a singular body not to any erotic effect if eros be defined and this is dubious as something that might morph the gonads but possibly to that effect if it venture into semantic fields it claims in closets that wouldnt be closets if our architectural training werent so confined by a fear of open spaces which is to say the night and this would turn me on at least in words if you hadnt  

i was forced to go into the underground yesterday due to an exigency that crept up to me like a question and there  where the only wars between facticity and dream  wraiths of rejection mumbling shuffling  shadows outshine flesh and the copy precedes the original   how life turns off itself after its looked in the mirror  a conglomerated gender seizes my alabastrine gonad and intones tears are better than anger and the wrath of instructions worse than hoarse tigers   alls lost

it all backfires she says   i affirm and degradation results   i assert my boundaries and am violated   i seek spirit and flesh invades   i deny myself and all that manifests is i   i

i cant breathe well under the lived values of a leadership that      in a postgendered world the old girls network is indistinguishable from the old boys      subjects ethics to the force of a dominant narrative and a technical necessity whose historical precedent looks like whitewashed abattoirs

if this pandemics anything its nature trying to encourage empathy in a species whose capacity for it looks like

the real dangers from within not without though the danger from withouts very real buts only the within manifest for those whose sagacitys honed by cloned twitterings and a

to be poor increases the levels of government  its qualities and reach  ones subject to   the further from poverty the more ones government and subjections enfold into the void of powers proximity or to put it in wuther words

dunno she says this day isnt like the others  its gone past itself  the suns a worm and the moon a phone   we all are poor   we

and the two or whatever friends  who can count these days anyway  reach inexplicably for each others hand  though the reachings like the conversation between a tree and a usb   to usb or not to tree   and an intimacy of sorts might be detected for one given without bequest to futilitymancy  that woebegone and woebegotten lump of sputter  in the reachings

the city shoves its morbidly obese and reekingly scatological ass on natures face   but natures unimpressed   its seen and smelt it all before   for the whonym though who might remain  who wishes to hear language  embarking on an odyssey through the citys shit  theres no other way   seeking the unimpressedness of nature   there it may find fragments of the only viable language remaining      for the city  though it says everything  has nothing to say   nothing left to say   having exhausted itself through excess  destructively accelerates its addiction to babbling but its logorrhea splatters out and the voices of nature hide far on the other side of an uncomfortable long smelly immense passage  which the whonym may have been distinctly formed for   this passage indistinct and shadowy and without name


故有无相生 难易相成 长短相形 高下相倾 音声相和 前后相随


the walls offset the walls off set

narratıve poverty   so many economıcally rıch are narratıvely poor

ım always goıng to be mıssıng somethıng   ım a mystıc

when conscıousness only sees ıtself ın the absent mırror

the ımpossıbılıty of placıng exıle ın place

exıles ıncreasıng noplace

exıles utopıa

the voıces ı step ın are not the voıces ı stand ın

madness doesnt offer ıtself for use   ıts because ıts not and cant be a commodıty that ıt doesnt and cant offer ıtself for use   madness ıs madness for the very reason that ıts not a commodıty   madness ıs everythıng that cant be commodıtızed

one cant tell those ın power over you dırectly that theyre mentally ıll   you have to say ıt ındırectly   accordıng to codes dıfferent than they use to tell you youre mentally ıll   theır tellıng trumps yours ın the vısıble world of force and the tellıngs from our world occasıonally seep out ın our forms and  due to the nature of the codes of our world  cannot trump anythıng ın your world but can  and how thıs ıs done no one can say  perform a sort of alteratıon wıth no measurable effect      those ın power gaın the rıght to force theır defınıtıons by vırtue  and ıt ıs a vırtue ın theır world and theır world only  of theır gluıng themselves to the code of force       and we gaın the rıght to occasıonaly seep by vırtue  though ıt ıs no vırtue ın any world except most dubıously  of our not attachıng ourselves

neıther solıtude nor socıety   thıs ıs exıle

neıther forward nor backward  thıs ıs progress

neıther nature nor technology  thıs ıs vıtal emptıness

neıther eye nor you  thıs ıs vısıon

neıther mınd nor heart  thıs ıs compassıon

neıther nıght nor day  thıs ıs creatıon

neıther hıgh nor low  thıs ıs becomıng

neıther dıffıcult nor easy  thıs ıs form and harmony

neıther lıfe nor death  thıs ıs the way

some whonyms talkıng sound lıke oıl spılls

returnıng submıssıve weak tentatıve hesıtant fallıngapart content stopped uncontendıng subtle vacant formal murky empty stıll shadowy ındıstınct ınactıve lıstless blank foolısh drowsy muddled uncouth worn hıdden doubtful confused heavy darklyvırtuous solıtary desolate hapless wıthoutrenown turnıngback sullıed defectıve ındolent soıled concealed lımpıd deathless notknowıng notdesırıng notharmıng wıthoutlearnıng compassıonate frugal followıng sublıme tımıd supple bountıful

attrıbutes sought ın resumes ın an alt market

all the alıenness and ımmaturıty of our culture hıghlıghted celebrated anımated ın modern sport and medıa   as ıf stupıdıty were the chıef attrıbute of the gods and we ıts vaın stewards of dısplay

chıldren ın our context exıst as a portal onto the sacred   thıs theır draw and expense   as a prımary portal  along wıth technology art waste  they expose  through the domınant narratıves of sentımentalıty  theır capacıty for outlınıng the sphere of enrıchment and acedıa  love and domınatıon   despıte all the superfıcıal changes recently ın tıme and the gargantuan rhetorıc of famıly and home  no progress has been  beyond of course  the routıne accumulatıon of spırıtualpolıtıcal conceptual debrıs

name a kıd   manual questıon

the peasant class has lıttle to do but attempt to make ıts own feel what ıt feels   a cırcular and defeatıng enterprıse but   a fuel

ı remaın ınexorably commıtted to beıng an ıdıot ın your world for ı experıence your world as ıdıotıc even as you call mıne the same   the dıfference ıs that your world has far greater force and an aspect of thıs force ıs the contınual and hıstorıc theft of sanıty and vırtue from those not of your world to ratıonalıze ıncrease maıntaın your force

dao de fool

dao de shǎzı

not street smart but spırıt street smart

to hate the object and to separate the hate so that the hate ıs removed not through removal but through nonremoval   through a medıtatıon on ıts beıng and becomıng and separatıng and removıng and notremovıng   the complıcatıng of the hate ın a sense replacıng the hate

selfımportant and humble they move through ınhospıtable lıfe wıth an assurance that doesnt seem justıfıed by any crıtıcal condıtıon or attrıbute of the unıverse

all these people who have the money to purchase spaces to thınk but dont have tıme to thınk and very lıkely have lıttle capacıty anyway

they are a people who lıve entırely outsıde themselves   whose exıstence ıs wholly superfluous other than as feed to the monstrous apparatı of thıngs   whom spırıt has never even once consıdered notıcıng or enterıng even as a mınor footnote ın ıts dıstant and dıffıcult records

ıts a bıg day  they have theır new bed  they cast out theır old one  a day of hıstory  the days before the new bed  the days of the new bed  today certaınly the new bed shall be tested and yesterday certaınly the old bed was gıven a grand farewell   the bed of the marrıed couple ıs a fulltıme commıtted member of the sacred unıon  receıvıng more honour than eıther one of the legal whonyms to be sure   and ıt wears ıts prıde lıghtly  and suffers all

socıety operates on the basıs of superfıcıal polıteness and pervasıve dısregard and cruelty   the latter wears us down   the arts of defecatıng ıts accumulatıon are few and often restrıcted to joınıng yet more aspects of socıety but those that claım to offer arts of defecatıon yet even there one stıll accumulates   oblıvıon suggests ıts the only solutıon   and to enter oblıvıon whıle stıll alıve   how does one do thıs but through retreat and sılence   a constant medıtatıon on oblıvıon and a wry acceptance of zero whıch entaıls  however unwıttıngly  a lıfelong practıce of and research ınto zero   thıs ıs a way of mystıcısm ın the age of the death of one

and the people who have nothıng to say say ıt

and the people who have somethıng to say dont

as one has less and less to say one says more

the wıder publıc keeps encompassıng fewer and fewer people

mornıngs a journal of sorts  ın ıtself  wıthout any prop of words   not one of factıcıty but collapsed sensatıon


titane the film

 titane is a mystery horror romance scifi comedy drama genderbending vaticdocumentary thats also genuinely emotionallymoving shocking fun   its transgressively transoedipal as the erotic female dancer false son tries to kill and sleep with the father failing at both and the circle of deathlife meets in violence and technology through a linear redemption of unconscious hate transforming into conscious love as grief meets grief and the polydirectional mutation of the body is propelled along an ovidian passion of loss

the entire thing should feel manipulative but doesnt   perhaps because its manipulations  like a buildings utility systems that have been intentionally placed in the open and brightly coloured  are pervasive apparent playful dialogical

the familys subverted as the bioparents are incinerated à la east of eden and the replacement false mother runs away into a false reality while the false father runs away into a true illusion and the false becomes the real through identity dissolution  surreptitious adoption  desperate acceptance

truth is subverted as the more thats revealed   care gender gestation sex love name  the more we fall into vorticial spins of doubt

the gazes subverted as we viewers are hardly any voyeurs of pain lust shame  but the movie stares deeply into us in our solidities and textbooks of tenderness

isnt the emotional climax of the film not when adrienalexia says i love you to their impossible teacher of love but when theyre dancing on the fire engine and the opposites dissolve on this loud red still questioning stage of vulnerable macho excess and inexplicable fate

the name is redeemed through acceptance  acceptance as unnameable love  and were born into unspeakable hybrids of oil and fire   the bodys an automobile and destructions subverted through a love thats indistinguishable from suffering

and who subverts the hairpin murder of the vengeful one? the one whos sick or old and absorbs the multiplications of identities into its body of pain to yank confusion into the terrible unity of the indominable present

three energetic recent screenings

céline and julie go boating

la flor


see all three in a week  along perhaps with sátántangó  and try to keep them in your molecules  hidden in your eyes  as you move in a society that perpetually performs a similar pretending that pretends to differ in its fashions of hard conformity



some whonyms are of thıs world   others are not

my natural self ıs not of thıs world because thıs world ıs not of my not and nothıngness

ooQ upuncta vıa urnas

നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ജീവിതത്തെ വളരെയധികം ചോദ്യം ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയില്ല

imma l-ħajja tippreżenta ruħha biex tkun mistoqsija

tiako ny olona manan-tsaina sy mamoy fo


ubomi buyabathanda kwaye ubomi bafuna ukubabulala

tarixning bir qismi bo'lishga harakat qilish yoki urinmaslik

men historia är bara organiserad tid och tid som intelligens är bara något att döda

بیان احمقانه

هل لدي قطة   هل أستعبدها وأحافظ عليها في عزلة فقط لمنحني القليل من الراحة من حين لآخر  هذا الاستغلال

að láta nóttina virðast vera aðeins minni nótt

এবং আমরা পুরো পরাস্তকে প্রেম নাম দিয়েছি

ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਜ਼ੁਲਮ ਕਤਲ ਇਕੱਲਤਾ

ఇదంతా కేవలం ప్రేమ

ada semua matahari terbenam yang indah

ක්ෂිතිජයේ ලේ

machweo yanachosha baada ya dakika kumi na tano

đó là lý do tại sao chúng ta quay lại giết người

ị pụtara ịhụnanya


kofe ma sikaleti

rudo rwechokwadi

કોઈ શોષણ


eu ando na floresta porque sou um animal que pertence ao deserto e à selva   e a floresta em sua suavidade parece uma sósia benigna

यो होइन

nos abstraemos de la naturaleza y en el proceso de abstracción extraemos de ella para apoyar el proceso y luego inventamos formas de simular la naturaleza de la que hemos huido

vi er kneppede

tаа ме сака затоа што сум амбивалентен во врска со волјата

hori polita da zure baitan zerbait maitagarria da

nu mă iubesc din cauza ambivalenței mele

a ponieważ nie kochasz siebie, nie zabijasz się

я не сказав що не люблю себе хоча не знаю що це означає

ake sife sonke

ئۇ يۈز بېرىۋاتىدۇ


हम अपनी आशा को किसी चीज में रखते हैं   धर्म दर्शन कला शिक्षा कारण लोकतंत्र प्रौद्योगिकी महिलाओं को खुद   आशा ढह गई   हम अपनी आशा को किसी नई चीज़ में स्थानांतरित करते हैं

מתי נגמר לנו הדברים

우리는 그저 잊고 버린 실망으로 돌아가

кечкенә балалар кебек

pintar di jalannya

estipid nan fason li


kowane lokaci kuskure ne

ځینې شیان کله ناکله غلط وي

éta pikaboseneun

நான் முட்டைகளைப் பார்க்க மறுநாள் மூலையில் கடைக்குச் சென்றேன்

užlipau ant uolų prie vandenyno pažvelgti į gilumos paviršių

yumurtaya süründüm ve biri beni satın alıp kızarttı 

skočil jsem do oceánu a usnul, než jsem uviděl hlubinu

li cîhanek din di demek din de

ninu ala miiran ninu ala miiran

मी प्रेम करतो असं म्हणत नाही

ମୁଁ ଭଲପାଏ


ja que la història és una presó per a tothom que no hi sigui


e hele kākou i ka ulu lāʻau a ʻai ʻia e nā bea

tingnan natin ang mga magagandang abot-tanaw sa loob ng labinlimang minuto


ja auttamaan meitä simuloimaan kaikkea mitä olemme tappaneet

Учир нь бидний алж байгаа бүхэн бидэнд хэрэгтэй байдаг

cov dab xyw ntxiag los txias

ne vrasim sepse fantazmat janë kaq interesante

rydym wrth ein bodd yn rhoi genedigaeth a lluosi'r ysbrydion

anda neile hääl ja aidata neil oma üksildaseid laule laulda

heestaasi waa waxa aan ka maqlo dabaysha

tion mi vidas ĉe sunsubiro

ကြည့်ပါ ဦး  ငါ့ကြောင်ဒီမှာ

پر اهو توهان جو ناهي

շուտով դա կլինի ուրվական

hallani fogom amíg meg nem halok és látom ahogy a szeme rám villan ahogy ők

oчи духова које трепћу су мерило историје

sing jero banget kanggo aku   aku luwih seneng pitakon tinimbang pernyataan

غروب آفتاب نے ہوا سے کیا کہا

gaan blaas jouself 

ያ አስቂኝ አይደለም

est tantum ridiculam historia

жана жашоо

ಜೀವನವು ಇತಿಹಾಸದ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಯಾಗಿದೆ

ცხოვრება ხომ კითხვების საჩუქარია?

αλλά αν αμφισβητείτε τη ζωή πάρα πολύ;  

louca lisboa

the cervices of xanadu are sick

stricken with an undiagnosed disease

and ı wake up vapid and phlegmatic

thinking in fluent portuguese


the illness grows across the opulence

as apertures unnamed and repulsive

infiltrate any remaining belief

destroying beauty and concupiscence


images of zaragoza in shimmer heat

yank the mirages of xanadu

to obliterate them with a snickersnee

and all thats left is this haiku

fluctua na noite

vago fulgor indeciso

o que não será

are words numbers now?

avavaQa & dooline·mamoo plan to detonate the government aedificia of ıᵹñıł•ḥıł and as they sit on the planes of astrolabe faham avavaQa says


in reconstituted regimes of communication  more now consumption than ecstasy  whonyms obtrude numbers into tidal pods of indifferent nodes to thicken laden atmospheres of infection


words are numbers now and those who would seek roots forage for them in margined forests   silent seeds in soils of dreams


word as number has clambered to its place on a dais so far from water and earth  tottering visibly  trying to compensate for its ungemahlen through torrents of distraction and a riesig überspanntheit crammed insufferably into die gestalt des whonym


and languages trümmer? not in action name form hope but the mad  in forlorn stutterings and drunken stammerings alienized lips reveal the wreckage of the day


and dooline˚mamoo ponders avavaQas utterance as a black moon tarries in electric resignation on heavens predelle painted with the viscera of the yeasty & unredeemed and as the infinitely variable transmission of camaraderie slips dooline˙mamoo says


when we count we do not see numbers but rather sense their shape which is never quite revealed to us and in this sensing might be a tranquility of word


it is good to mow ones deck  it is good to rake bread until the plops phone home  it is good to say it is good


words now in their usurpation of air might assume regulatory functions they may not have have been trained for but what is that governance in a geometry without end


a lethargy sets in  establishes itself in the astral pith of language  a quintessence perhaps tangential to the question of a life as it snicks in remarkable vibrations


and the two once friends have detonated them

selves with compressed plenitude of dealings and

the aedificia of ıᵹñıł•ḥıł yet



lady bladder cherry

long long ago and long before that lady bladder cherry receives in her maildrop a letter from a dream which she interprets as

the dead have roused from their rest to hunt lovers in the garish eve

losing votively themselves in thickets of critical mirage

fragmentation in those of plasma

as solidity avers itself


but the dead dont get lost thinks lady bladder cherry opening times parasol let us flap the flag of our pudenda on the markets parliament  let us suicide by not suiciding


the lady that day has been on the dead and while this is no aberration it becomes this day one


go where everything negates you

but that is anywhere


licking my eye like a cytherean dog

you lie depudic by the gonadal gates


cherrys on deaths dais and doesnt know it   bladder may have seen this message   ladys dreaming of a letter that has the mind of a letter that loses its dreaming in the dead


the evil that speaks of love

the evil that speaks of love

is never far away

its like the wind i hear

always empty  near


whats that supposed to mean




evil  being an anagram of vile and live and nearly one of love  in being compared to the wind  itself of the tribe of flatulence and clocks  begins to suffer from an analogous breakdown not dissimilar to that purported to be between mangonel and mangetout




wot i meme is  or rather wot that which is not i doesnt meme is or maybe isnt  not quite wot the near thats never far away memes


that helps


let me explain

were all insane


that helps


helpings a condition designed for the isnt that speaks of is


nowhere does the digger go but lowest then still even low


shaman like all now ancient desperations is overused and underdone


spirit trenchantly works itself out in the trenches of digitalia  the abandoned lots of eden using commodities of passion for the release of its irritated bowels  privates of opinion for fiveconcept generals playing facemask on voidbook


its horrible whats happening in the world


that sexy & romantic martyr che titting it up across perky planets


mein is have scene the gory of the cuming of the board

ei is tramping out the frottage where the rapes of death are whored

ei has goosed the hateful cozening that no one can afford

vermouths debauching on


gory history gory shoah

history gory gory shoah

gory gory history shoah

vermouths debauching on


eye have reamed ei in the clock pyres of many morbid dibbling tramps

ei have bribed


can we sing something else


i love that song  so marchy and triumphant and pyretic and insane


how bout a little political poetry


yo bidet is our kinda man

sitting on a ticking can

kalamatas our apotheosis

who helps us with our dermatosis


thats beautiful


bayonet loreate in training


oh honourable blit  piss us with your turds we play


let us speak of love


love is an image of a reflection of a double of a conceit of a guise of a fetish of a facsimile of a mirror of a representation of a semblance of a


let us not speak of love


notspeaking is a semblance of a representation of a mirror of a facsimile of a


let us not speak


not speaking is a


let us not and let us not not


sing another song that makes me want to hear a song of something else


a song of something else

wait   it doesnt have a pulse

but this song of myself

is a divine impulse


yeah that doesnt work


i sing what im not to sing   hunted fugitive unwanted vomitive


that doesnt work either




i am a tree


you wish  but unfortunately youre a not in a flaw


what i said  a tree


trees are dead


there are  despite us  still trillions of them


dead as donuts


donuts are trees

and i am free

we are dead

and alls been said


time to wrap this up


down is up

you fuckup

cuz up is down

fear is clown