the lower house of
galadap wakes on the twentysixth of haha to thirteen outhouses on the eastnortheast lawn of the house of mama its not my deathday or saintday or birthday she thinks mamas not under her trixter sign cranishs in akpatok the luminositys been repaired a coven of jakes she chortles and spends breakfast wondering how to approach them ill just eavesdrop for a while and see if i find out anything
on the fourth of décervelage she overhears some turds gossiping in the ninth privy ı shall name them now says galadap though shes unsure which name belongs to which crapper
ooboo clıtamen sylıphıs
alıs occultatıon 螺旋
oupÿpuo شٹ ınutılıous bromıde
sadoo khazı wc vulg
some muffets later round about the sixth or seventh or eleventh of pédale galadap relocates to the eastnortheast lawn pitches a marquee and situates herself before the erstwhile commodes and primarily though discreetly before the ninth and says
ı apologize in advance if ım wrong but while ı address all of you ı address the nınth in a particular way and the nınth ı believe is 螺旋 and
gurgles and fomentations heard from dispersed depths
and ıd like to thank you all for being here and honouring us with your presences galadap has fortunately taken the module on necessaria communication tactics & strategies during her certificate on merdre and everythingness and knows how to address her guests on this occasion ıd most specially like to thank jejunumıa and duodenumus as well as my many personal guardıan bacterıal spırıts and the uncountable very tıny thıngs that keep the garderobes and reredorters and all their diverse & active family members full and satisfied
螺旋 rises from its steaming transformations and a crown of turds wobbles on the mind of excrement
there are streams of consciousness and constipations of consciousness we 13 poo along the spectrum from extreme blockage to extreme stream dotter of mama order us from the one extreme to the other correctly and you shall inherit
ooboo bromıde khazı
螺旋 occultatıon alıs
sadoo clıtamen ınutılıous شٹ
oupÿuo wc vulg sylıphıs
guesses galadap what do ı inherit?
als hätten wir das alles schon mal gesehen
oh youre deutsche danskers
the more become members of gonad capitalism the more spiritmass has to retreat into the lavatories of night to compensate and balance the books of meat since all this pooing and going is encapsulated in the defecatory arts we are the council that collects the data from our populated family and weighs the outputs of whonymity analyzing them for nutritional dishealth and distribution and health and the conditions of war between cataphatia and apophatia
ım so extra delighted to have this oppootunity
we have a smelly song wed like to sing you if youll toilet us
oh please
among many other callings its called potty party
the 13 councillors of scat assemble their brains in guggling pattern round galadap and break into sonic forms never before dumped in whonym ears and the guest this specimen of the house of mama for whom its not saintday nor birthday nor deathday enters kaleidoscopic reveries of boundless dimension and passages later when she awakens on the floor of the preservatory she records
tercet latrine
if you drink some mydaleine
and turn a little green
dont turn to the sentine but the ______
tercet loo
look! in the delftwares a heap of doo
i dont have a clue
who wouldnt use the ______
tristich shitter
being the houseofmamas dotter
you never go atwitter
that langwichgutter you just go a______
tristich littlemysticsroom
when youre abloom with spoom
but tranced before godheads holy tomb
its a choice doom or zoom to the other ______
quatrain closet
nothing in lifes so dulcet
from the outset or the offset
as the lower faucet
we turn on in the va cua train ______
and the days the cusp twixt merdre and gidouille edging toward the origins of the slow dump of light and galadap rises and the suns a luminous turd and she turns toward the eastnortheast lawn and the councils gone and there are only as usual some ornamental hermits frolicking in the city of sizzling folly