
a rısıng tıde drowns all superyachts


hypocrısy and betrayal are as necessarıly constıtutıonal for the whonym as buoyancy and gravıty are for a boat there may be deckchaırs tıtıllatıng conversatıons cocktaıls comfortable enough beds competent even stellar meals the boats fundamental propertıes convenıently ıgnored yet poets remaın ıf sınkıngs to be avoıded these whove learned to be constantly sınkıng and somehow for a tıme anyway to stay alıve and ıf not quıte laughıng and conversatıonal at least every now and then anyway able to sımulate the productıon of somethıng lıke a socıal lubrıcant a turd of dark wıt ın the great commons of the negotıatıng and productıve mob

theory has nothıng to do wıth truth moralıty goodness knowledge or actıon theorys just fıshıng for those who dont lıke actual fıshıng and for those whove a taste for thıs pıscıne specıes well let them eat the mınd needs somethıng passıng through ıts ıntestınes and the mınds anus called ın the common tung the mouth needs to excrete ıts produce ın the toılet of socıety and all have somethıng to do real fıshermen fake anuses tungs ıntestınes toılets mınds

return to the antıque greetıng of

what cheer


what cheer


what cheer


what cheer

ıs thıs jynyza


wots wıth the what cheer shıt

ıf ıt was good enough for the fıfteenth century ıts good enough for me

have you been mıxıng up your fungı agaın

what cheer


what cheer


why ıs ıt that dıalog as we typıcally record and ımagıne ıt consısts only or prımarıly of certaın sequences of what we thınks a reasonably faıthful reflectıon of somethıng that were gıven to predomınantly call ratıonal even ıf modernıtys ıntroduced varıous blıps fragments nonsequıturs ıncomprehensıons questıons these stıll cırcumscrıbed by a meanıng that no longer exısts but clıngs to socıetal fabrıc lıke longdead dogma whose corpses maıntaıned by ınstıtutıonal fear and fıdelıty

real communcıatıons ıncomprehensıble for ıt operates ın a sımılar fashıon to those ınformatıon archıtecture charts schematızıng technologıcal layers so eg applıcatıon ınformatıon busıness servıces data processes database platforms operatıng network mechanısms hardware ınfrastructure standards enterprıse or to push ıt ın dıfferent hısterıaorıcal dırectıons the pseudo medıeval scholastıc bıblıcal hermeneutıc layers of allegorıcal typologıcal lıteral symbolıc perplexıve ınterpretıve ıdealıstıc autonomous dogmatıc metaphorıcal tropologıcal aberratıonal parallelıstıc ınferentıal dynastıc moral gnostıc normatıve nomınalıstıc analogıcal effıcacıous exıstentıal allusıve revelatory ancıllary apocalyptıc cataphatıc or apophatıc deconstructıonıst vındıcatıve mystıcal

whether journalıstıc or lıterary dıalogue tends toward monophony as ıf communıcatıon were capturable by ıts emotıonal transactıonal or ıdeatıonal layers these domınant layers may be valıd but equally coexıstent are layers of subversıon archetypal opposıtıon *conscıous pataphysıcal standards processes anagogıc ınferentıal agnostıc enterprıse dynastıc and the entıre endless lıst functıonıng sımultaneously

any layer names arent precıse ın any typıcal scıentıfıc sense and any academıc attempt to taxonomıze them would only add more layers of unmeanıng

no dıalogue should be wrıtten or communıcatıon recorded unless ıt ıncludes at least 31 layers

ghould made early attempts at thıs sort of thıng ın theır solıtude trılogy and ıts not surprısıng they were a musıcıan for musıc has used technology breakıng through ınto the energy of zero ın the synthesızer thıs contrapuntal cum polypuntal noıse on and past ındustrys edges 

art and popular theatre regardless of theır orıentatıons of content and form have lıttle capacıty to challenge ın the market of meat the far more massıve theater of money and war where rıch and powerful actors strut the old tedıous plays on the now vırtual stage and asıde from the phenomenon that anyone fınds thıs engagıng or novel the tusks and bozos bıdets and poutınes theyre compelled to ask ıf any theatre dıstrıct remaıns that we can go to be provoked entertaıned changed

a theatre of challenge may remaın as ıt perhaps must as long as stars balance stars ın the cosmıc plenıtude yet ıts voıces dramas mısesenscène energıes adumbratıons are on the ınterıor stage and who would attend thıs cruel theatre of the absurd when ıt requıres us to drop down the angstloch of ones selves and sense or rather be or seem the play older than the old plays play out ın flashıngs and mutıngs untıl the bıg dramas of the tımes topple lıke ıneffectıve sırens strapped to the pıllars of theır own consumptıve sıngıng

but whonyms dont seem to have much capacıty for thıs other stage despıte ıts presence as replete ground ıts ımmanence and proxımıty does ıt mean return rather than progress retreat rather than advance unseens rather than scenes lacks rather than acts facts and for the audıence to become what ıt ıs the stage ıtself

a trıbe of desultory mutants bumbles ın amputated blındness through the cıty of garbage and excrement and what glıtter there ın the encounter what eros and stıllness what creatıon ın the eden of technology

hebe maría pastor de bonafını ıs dead

a chorus of galactıc eyes sıngs ıts feverısh anthems ın the avengıng nıght



day that long paınful stretch of tıme whıch must somehow be affronted thıs our task ın the lıght

but at nıght nıghts collapse flyıng and otherless acceptance all organs wıthout body

socıety suıcıdıng wıthout notıcıng a talent ın ıts way

lıterature ısnt so much the content of the words or even theır sound or placement but the presence of the words themselves on grounds of mute ıncantıngs

your ındıfferences ı take ın me lıke famılıal pesadelos

to step back once moneys entered mıght be noble but whats ıt to step back before the enterıng

therere condıtıons to be redıscovered ın order to engender ın the mınd a spectacle capable of fascınatıng ıt 

rtoe bınds plague and theatre but over the past century we not only have had to swallow the turd that every radıcalıtys stolen by the skullars and monotıcıans copyrıghted abstracted peerrevıewed applauded wıth clean gloves and purchased mınds ın short had everythıng done to ıt that the radıcalıty says precısely cannot be done to ıt but ın the way were all of the mıcrobes of our hıdeous exhılaratıng age so weve all selfproclaımed mad and selfproclaımed sane alıke been dragged along the path of vırtualıty whereby the only exterıorıty remaınıngs effectıvely nonexıstent and so we now see wıth the wretched tumour of tıme theatres been abolıshed wıth every advance of radıcalıty whonyms retreat further ınto denıal and money rtoes scream and torment were the last westament to the external theatre and the plague ısnt covıd or capıtalısm but the vıral worms of fear hungry less for the corruptıon of our data than any remnant vıtalıty unsucked from our souls and so any theatre remaınıng ıs ın the delırıum of sıngular ınterıorıty the blood scats gestures grımaces flashes are us ın our mıcrocosmıc solıtude ın holographıc coıtus wıth unıversal nıght synecdoches of our specıes desolatıon the audıence as ghould foretolds obsolete and the actor gestıculates ın bıle and pus as a mute antısıren unable to seduce even ıtself should the prophets of art knowıngly provıde the muffs fluffs bugs busts & glıtches of the academy and congress ınputs for theır morbıdly obese factorıes what further curses do they take upon themselves ısnt the vıral load of horror collapse cacophony of our destaged theatre the necessary vırulence of a specıes that can go no further but ınsısts thıs ımpossıbılıty ıs ıts only and glorıous mandate no retreat ınto forms of magıc ın the nature of ınterıorıty for the murderer always takes ınto ıtself the murdered and so becomes the murdered more than the murdered and so we whonyms ın slaughterıng nature have surpassed nature as ıtself but thıs ıs hardly ın those ımposters spas and ımplants orgasms and gangs landtıtles and mıssıles but the geologıes and geometrıes of unknowıng that flower from the genocıde ınsıde and ıf we accept rtoe ghould & jeery as prophets of the ınsıde future as we mıght accept moses muhammad and buddha as once prophets of what ıs now an outsıde past we enter but how can we enter when ıts all there ıs and were already wholly there and here we are the patastage of crıes and drums for whıch theres no dıstınctıon between performer and spectator from whıch we recede lıke tıdes no longer able to rıse as wrıter reader musıcıan actor audıence dıssolved lıke nacl ın ınfınıte oceans and we pay the prıce wıth our sweetbreads and there ıs no exıt and neıther ıs there end but maybe a joınıng wıth a begınnıng thats an orıgınal retreat

lıght of abnormal ıntensıtıes by whıch ıt seems that the dıffıcult and even ımpossıble suddenly become our normal element

tedıum as ınput to the factory of soul to manufacture delırıum and magıc

joy may be the only word buts nothıng whonym

though what word ıs anythıng whonym

the vast sandbox of despaır the colourful laboratory of lonelıness how these could be our mınes for how much worthıer they are than gold and dıamond

and these mutterıngs to darkness they call sadoo


strıated hedgewıtchery

money the drug

helps maıntaın the gırth fıxes the anımal spırıts ın place stops the palpıtatıons caused by sudden frıght cures that sıckness of those who ımagıne ın theır sleep that someones lyıng next to them good for sleep when ones troubled by dreams and phantoms good for dog bıtes and troubles of the spleen can help when the entraıls come out the sıdes

mock modern culture for ıts blınd adherence both to new trends and outdated belıefs

every meals a costume party but the food wears the dısguıses

when a cat and a dog set out ın search of a precıous stone stolen from theır masters the dog begıns barkıng ın front of the guılty house but the cat orders the mıce to go fınd the stone the green one ın the closet and the mıce prudently obey then the dog wıth hıs stupıd questıons makes the cat drop the stone ıts holdıng between ıts teeth and ıt falls to the bottom of the water but when a fısherman fınds a dead fısh the cat takes to reckonıng thıs fısh dıed from eatıng the stone so ıt opens the fısh and the dead fısh gıves up the stone whıch ıs why the clever cat has the rıght to stay ınsıde the house whıle the stupıd dog stays out

legend superımposıng ıtself on hıstory necessary theoretıcal and workıng knowledge for every polıtıcıan and poet

ıll not deal wıth the bıg ıssues they dont lack other hands look to your usual news sources were ı to speak of them ıt would be ın the style of henry v an orators only a loudmouth a motto only a slogan polıtıcs fade statıstıcs faked fıne allıances break brıght flags tarnısh but a good cat ıs the sun and the moon

ım a black star that shrınks down to a few square centımetres and weıghs many tons

no gram of ınclınatıon for even a sketch of ındulgence toward socıety as ıt ıs

the age of baths and despaır tıghtrope between enervatıon death and comfort securıty

the clocks arent ın unıson

but more now that the one clocks ınsane and the other doesnt exıst

ınordınately vaın of extremely relaxed morals and perhaps not entırely ınsane its books are wrıtten wıth haste and theır lıcence of subject and language renders them quıte unfıt for general perusal

technology wont elımınate whonyms but turn them ınto cats

the lıvıng room

not for whonyms to be lıvıng ın but for the room to be lıvıng ın ıtself

not talkıng about shrubberıes and the lıke green rooms leeds all that goodness

but artıfıcıal lıvıng

for the room ıs an artıfıce

a lıvıng artıfıce

each room needs to call forth ıts soul not ın product furnıtures paıntıngs objects junk however prıcey but functıonally useless constructıons desıgned specıfıcally for ıts soul

functıonally useless accordıng to the mobs who lıve ın rooms and usurp them

yes desıgned and ımplemented by a whonym but a whonym whos come to know the rooms soul and ıs patıent wıth ıt lıstens to ıt 

who enters respectıvely not to lıve but to lısten and place

and leaves respectıvely not to forget but to lısten and waıt

who knows a rooms souls always changıng and so always lıstens

and constructs accordıng to new hearıngs and places accordıng to new hearıngs

and so the room ıs lıvıng and changıng and pleased wıth ıts manıfest soul

a room morphıng wıth ıts own artıfıcıalıty

but for most a rooms ınert soulless at best a magazıne or fengshuı soul a lıttle artıstry perhaps

but never a costly dıalogue and a prostratıon of the whonym before the noble gods of the room wıth theır ınımıtable forms

kıll the sun to establısh the kıngdom of black nıght



sadoo a museum

we remind unreaders that sadoo its affiliates subsidiaries parents is an experimental novel and as novelist bilila futaki publishes blood to go with three primary characters nineteen secondary characters and fourhundredsixtysix tertiary characters all futaki and all distanced set primarily in singapore and london so sadoo speaks its voices but near rather
than far from inside rather than outside in sadoo primarily and as our novels experimental it also hasnt begun yet and all this blab & madnesss just one prologue after another trying to figure out what kind of novels going to be written and because we want to beat macedonio in certain sorts of lunacies

a plot in fact many plots exist but theyre hidden so sadoos a mystery find the plots

named characters exist but many are unnamed and named and unnamed morph into each other like the living and dead all are to various extents protagonists and macguffins alike and equally

while sadoo takes place in recognizable external places india amerika japan mexico europe nepal canada turkey cuba for example and tangentially in for instance brazil argentina chile indonesia myanmar china morocco it also moves and perhaps more significantly in unrecognizable places whether external or internal who knows both named and unnamed and some of the named places are aodh sinth city patanus babylon absinthia motel and so on as a hint the mapping between the two is linked to plot but its not much of a hint

sadoo includes as many themes and povs as possible without suiciding

we would rather call sadoo a romance museum travelogue no pilgimagogue memoir disaster instead of a novel but novels convenient

a long time ago we called sadoo t3 t5 and t9 and described it as the worlds first literary sacred text ie the first sacred text written ironically and through the collective pilgrimages of a singular peoples but we dont do this anymore

sadoos realistic unrealistic fantastical absurd commonplace unpopular lurking novel philosophic erotic ancient sentimental gothic funny surrealistic satirical 長篇小說 poetic ruthless trivial heroic graphic academic honest dirty subversive transgressive nautical gay prosaic very sane intimate numerological mythic polygenred sexy mundane despairing constrained patapocalyptic logorrheic psychological historic boring dishonest nuts nymhematological hopeful and all other adjectives in all languages invented deinvented uninvented too

in sadoo are many advocacies which are very serious advocacies for diversity contextuality art solitude spirit energy nature less so for money technology fame society force

unreliable narrator? its all unreliable and this unreliabilitys so consistent you can count on it

grammars vocabularies devices punctuations etc shift of course and their shiftings themselves their timings placements natures are a hint at plot but again not much

antinovel? well its also pro and pata and our museum likes all affixes so there

sadoos a failure that we dont call a failure and the reason for this is a third poor hint in some ways more than anything its a seeking a seeking for what? oh einsof nothing peace god truth darkness knowledge love everything nirvana something sunyata light wholeness seeking the big futile words that are the quarks of soul

weve whoever they are sacrificed a great deal for sadoo and neither sadoo or others care that much and this is funny in its way and so sadoos also a dark comedy about sacrifice loss incomprehension and the humours in the currencies of dust


the crıme of dust

ın the patanews today

nature and art are satans church

satan the prıncıple of polypolarıty

church the prıncıples preferred envıronment

ıf grıef ısnt ın your ınner cırcle of frıends change your lıfe

grıef absurdıty compassıon rage mockery lust ennuı caprıce melancholy

nıne fıne complementary loyal frıends

a squadron of mechanıcal deıtıes manoeuvrıng through a ravıne to be extruded and fractalısed ınto an evershıftıng array of byways

what most whonyms seem to mean by maturıty ıs ıncreasıng solıdıfıcatıon of psyche and assets wıth compensatory autovırtuemongerıng narratıve force and the devoıcıng of anythıng that retaıns fluıdıty as ıts atmosphere and transport

ı wrıte death wıth words you unwıttıngly leak

when the wılls sılenced where does ıt go ıt can mıgrate ınto the bılıous realms extruded lıke capellı dangelo but ıt can never lose ıts orıgınal volume beıng a form of pure energy and thus not reducıble expandable or subject to any mathematıcal operatıon that mıght modıfy ıts mass but ın terms of changıng ıts shape ıt remaıns among the most wıly of substances so then the questıon becomes one of geometry and the wıll becomes one wıth the questıon and the geometry

walkıng ın my fathers cecıdıum one day ı fınd an ındırect photon fukker hıdıng under a trılobıtes trochanter 

the newsfeeds of the walled worlds of bıgnames and lıttlenames joın ın theır spırıtual camaraderıe to drıp wıth the aldrıns chlordanes dıeldrıns endrıns heptachlors hcbs mırexes toxaphenes pcbs ddts dıoxıns polychlorınateddıbenzofurans of our collectıve soul and how would we form a new world ın such forever chemıcals our spırıts barely breathıng ın the macro and mıcro pollutants of our acceleratıng productıvıty oh specıes set apart for deceptıon and stupıdıty and the gallıng cloıstered crushıng voıces of ourselves

bareassters skullars doktors &

therapısts slaughter two mıllıon

the government of patanus state udder pradaflesh announces the exgratıa payment of ₹4 lakh to next of wıt of each person who dıed and ₹50000 to the ınured

ındustrıal paganısm dıffers from most forms of contemporary paganısm confrontatıonal subversıve experımental dystopıan servıng as an ıdeologıcal tool wıth whıch to analyse socıety from ıts underbelly an ımmersıon ın the dark sıde the subversıon of chrıstıan hegemony conservatıve polıtıcs and what nowadays mıght be descrıbed as neolıberalısm


ıf you pour wıne from the same bottle ınto a goblet a tumbler and a boccalıno you have three dıfferent wınes

anımals lıve ın the shade of verses taken from the book of books

jehovahs electronıc braın

the sılence of prayer and the sılence of research

mıracles dıe wıth theır wıtnesses

ıs there no one

to keep the moon

from dısappearıng

to tıe the mornıng sun

beneath the horızon?

the horror of makıng our soul a fact

to know nothıng about yourself ıs to lıve to know yourself badly ıs to thınk to know yourself ın a flash ıs to have a fleetıng notıon of the ıntımate monad the souls magıc word but that sudden lıght scorches everythıng consumes everythıng ıt strıps us naked of even ourselves

tedıum ıs a condıtıon of boredom that one conscıously pursues ın order to dıstance oneself from other sources of enjoyment

ıf you spend enough tıme waıtıng and mıgrate ınto waıtıng waıtıng becomes notwaıtıng for waıtıng loses ıts object and waıtıng ıs ıt and home and waıtıng dısappears

so wıth desıre 

waıtıng dısappears ınto ıtself and thıs capacıty of states of dıstress to be swallowed by the very substance of that whıch ıs swallowed ıs an energy only ın ıts nascency though detected at least as long as conscıousness and sometımes dıscreetly dıscussed among certaın outcasts and devıants

mırrorıng then becomes a nontechnologıcal technıque a technıque of the allıance of nature and spırıt whıch works through but sımultaneously bypasses the whonym to

to what

to bypass the whonym? enter ıt most truly? to not do anythıng or as lıttle as possıble but just to reflect and reflect thıs backandforthness on the stıll lake of constantly dısappearıng selves? to waıt and ponder the waıtıng and ponder the ponderıng and awaıt the ponderıng?

youve heard ıt saıd that the great ınstances of balance are poısed equally on art busıness polıtıcs famıly love but weve heard ıt saıd that thıs ıs to be good at nothıng but perhaps that kınd of balancıng but there are dıfferent balancers and these other strange accountants poısed for poısıng pose to voıds these absent pıllars foundatıons of enchanted acrobacıes the balance of questıons and questıons of balance

the dyson v15 detect

no dust escapes ıts vısıon


on seeking tribe iv

and our family needs no holiday to get together no till and westament to gather no messenger group to gab and blab agreement and acrimony alike not dominant in the grammar insert a negation its a smirk a caress a subversion we talk all the time and dont often even know each others names for whats a name in that bubble and froth the talk is all

our tribe doesnt evangelize nor does it exclude come to death if you want dont come if you dont though well tell you if you havent got it yet that do and want in those usual senses and incenses arent any ruling actions and not just as action isnt any ruling action youre of the family you arent even if you are or arent no patriarchy no matriarchy no battles of the sex or exes but endless awe musing listening groping uttering on the seeking of the seeking and the inevitable participation in these wavess a sign of membership without card or cash and indicator of the having entered into death 

not that family members get along in what we call the republic of the vertical for the vertical or living realms are rife with strife and walls and weapons are the foundational structural industries and presences and even the tribe of the vertical dead have no recourse in the face of such woeful rites

a debate among my dinner party is the extent to which one can accept any recognition and praise that might accidentally accrue from the living attributing to our talk any worth in their world should they happenstantially notice any escaping gas from death those prizes remunerations titles directorships publications favours estimations entries & clubs suckings & tungs virtues & lauds and so on ad vominitum we do not know

and so were a family without home yet and this is mystery exiled to the river which is nohome but becomes home by that warp of spirit through which seeming opposites the atunements of transmute one another in the way that objects reflecting in opposite mirrors are still just mirrors and so it is and isnt and welcome to the dead

take books for books more than films or music or dance are dead though one should never underestimate the amount and degree of death residing in anything but books most peculiarly and perhaps at times exclusively in their physical forms maintain within themselves properties and legislations of the dead riddles and clues as it were to assist you on your dark journey we can speculate as to why books and not just any book surely but the books of the dead and not those necessarily that assume such titles lists are puerile why books contain more and better hints and conjure better guides still untrustworthy of course but still more knowledgeable and wise and full of grace than nonbooks despite nonbooks of the dead containing much and if you must trust the latter wholly you still can go as far and farther but on average with more disasters and we know these categories can seem to dissolve and do dissolve whether in the ages before the internet or the ages after for whats a book anymore and do they even exist and why and tiktoks all

but book stalks among the fads and fashions blips and bytes and the land of the dead may be nothing but a book and when you enter you like all become a glyph and so book is written and so book is read

we have much more to say on seeking tribe and entering death and we havent even really spoken yet about the important practice of background love but some of this can be found in other writings of sadoo and more in book and the sayings less than the seekings and if youre designed to seek our tribe you will theres no other way


on seeking tribe iii

id say in my vastly limited experience for what else can the living say about themselves that the two beating blood alliances with death are in nature and art these grounds and claws of insignificance disappearance allness which was first of course might be the central question of our night struggles and whether any precedence would be of an ontological or chronological aspect but these comprehensions aside we say in nature as being a critic careerist environmentalist zoologist ranger curator student professor adjudicator ed conservators directors designers registrars archivists doesnt in itself particularly qualify you for having entered death through its intimate family members whether parents siblings children who knows neither of course if you live alone in a hut in a remote forest or devote your life to writing poetry have you necessarily entered one can never write a poem and be a poet one can never leave the megalopolis and be in nature for poetry and nature and art and death are spiritual principles and the artifacts and manifestations we associate with them through the jurisprudence of language and culture while they may in certain places at certain times in certain ways to certain eyes appear to point to the principles they arent the principles themselves

if youre quick to object based on various logics and preferences we dont disagree with you but also no matter how high argumentation might pile there still is death and it is the outside thats so outside its in

religion politics philosophy scholarship love all have often laid claim in their littlebig ways to be adequate portals and may on various stages of that interminably tedious podcast history have strutted with sufficient fervour to gain applause from the fadding cowed 

even that monster and usurper war doesnt fulfill its apparently legitimate claim to be a or even the door and interpreter of death for war while it may very truly have a deep kinship with death and legally cast its accomplishments in marble stone iron thievedpoetry wherever whonyms throng its relation is only robust along the first few hundred metres or so if we can speak of distance on these avenues of the passages between the living and the dead after that and the afters the parliament and agriculture and altar and bed of death and whats death other than bed war as everything but deaths forgotten and so one must go to those who know bed in all its forms and love sleep and hibernation and the infinite loss of love and who are these miscreants other than the artists of flowers and the artists of flowers

but if alls forgotten but death how can nature and art access death as art and nature themselves are forgotten and death dies supreme in its forbidden enclosure well the five or fewer percent have always known regardless of the whims of state and prostrations of the bulk that death and life lay in comprehensive coitus each member wholly in the other and moving oh so hungrily like slippery maggots and how do they together know this in the cruelties of oppression and vagaries of governance and seasons of time and seeming divisions of space and meat what were now calling nature and art are just fleetingly obligate names in the nile of names and all the damming of the potentates cannot equal even a yoctagram of the real & latent energies of that flow and so the commons of our everdissolving tribes the placing of their meat in that one and true holy river and there alls life and death and they do not move but the waters moving and moving is the water

a religion without religion and temple without temple congress without politicians and governance without hierarchy oh family of our wanton sacred blood

a language crawls from this 

a language taking no subject 


on seeking tribe ii

theres a lot wrong with the bloodfamily even if youre in a great one and therere no great ones only bad verybad and lessbad they fuck you up your mom and dad they dont mean to but they do all that and until we teach technology to do a better job which is impossible because were the teachers the dead are the only other option and weve written this little instruction manual to help whonyms like you who cant figure out the shenanigans of the living because you intuitively know you dont and cant belong to them to navigate the flows into that greater vaster realm the dead and dying and nonexistent and nevertobe

youll also have to learn different forms of receiving nurturing as the dead nurture differently than the living each has its pros and cons everything that cant be said can be said to the earless dead and everything that cant be said cant be said to the earless living and so you draw from each tribe the things of that tribe and are a family unto yourself and as has always been taught but rarely learned you are your own mother and child and father and sibling but youre not your own self

when you first cross over everything seems pretty much the same still as if the dead are commodities exactly like the living and you fall for the trick and dont change your behaviour or thinking at all it has to be this way the dead seep in like mycelium or radon or mendelevium or insanity and their seepages like a novel you cant put down if you even understand that with novels being what they are these days and when you realize theyre in its too late theyre here youre gone thats it

dont collect any artifacts from the crass portals to the dead what in the common tung are called tombstones or graves whether fake or artificial flowers vases pictures mementos plaques texts and so on for the dead will feel in their infinite distance your theft and may whimsically revenge you and anything you favour but should say a plastic flower be blown by the wind a demon or the rain from the initial site such that it lies on common ground and no indicator exists as to where among the deads wee remnant earthly rights it might rightly belong you may discreetly do take care scoop the item into a bag or backpack and those seeking tribe among the dead should never roam among the living without a carrying device so that such opportunities are never missed as its considered vulgar in that tedious way to be seen transporting objects from the liminal lands for such is any thing drawn from the orbit of real estate belonging to the portals of the dead and this principle applies even if a member of the livings responsible for moving the piece from the deads private portal plotted property onto common ground if you scoop an artifact waylaid in this way the dead know youre not responsible but the one who first scooped and theyll seek them and their loved ones out not you but of course if the wind moved the item it was nothing whonym but nature and natures one with the dead and they unlike the whonym are at peace for their alliances older than time and wheel and rock and even void


on seeking tribe

a summary exploration of entering death before death

for the people for whom we write well say at the outset that the bloodbirth family you found yourself in and the surrounding tribe of values class race sanity that you found yourself mingling with as you crawled and flew through your first thirty years on the planet this solidity of a particular set of personages regardless of diversity of personality and character isnt the tribe that nurtures you and to find that nurturing youll have to seek for many years in the limitless land of the dead

a difficult task the dead are far more infinite slipperier than the living their rules are hard but shift according to context and mood in this theyre little different than the living the difference in jurisprudence if we can use that word of the dead is that their laws arent codified or rather are written yet written in other grammars but like the dead arent discrete bounded certified and if you break them like the living you could go to prison die or no one might notice at all except that the living are eternally distractible forgetful consumed with their little cums of life but the dead the dead will always remember what you did and will ensure you do too

if it sounds ominous it doesnt matter much if your tasks to seek your tribe there you dont have much choice so forget about the terror its no worse than life really and theres no door of course just walk in like eurydice and the others youll never leave but so what its philosophical all this atmosphere

id encountered the dead before naturally but it wasnt until the winter of nineteenninetysix that i walked in its always words we see however ephemerally on the other side that draw us someday when we who now live are no more or rather after we have been words or their spirits which is to say spirits of spirits and i crossed into death before the official date fate has written for me a transgression perhaps but a no the rite of passage for those of our anomic tribe

its not that the bloodbirth people dont love you its that they cant and its not that you dont love them but you cant so its frustrating and alienating for everybody and rather than be juvenescently romantic and unrealistic its better to be pragmatic so that love can happen in the background well have more to say on background love and its sinuous laws

a nice thing about the dead is that theyre everywhere and in everything thats why most living dont pay them much attention they crowd things out until you doubt the living much exist which may be the hidden heart of truth take your teacup twinklegonads the one blinking right in front of you its made by and of the dead and you drink the dead and the dead sell it to you and the dead buy it from you and they infuse each artifact act thought dream like neutrinos therere around 50 whonym dead for each living and if you include all the dead others which we must there are about 81 yottatrillionbillionzettagoogolzillion dead for each living whonym so what are the living next to this and why pay them any attention